Hi All
Had a pacemaker inserted 4 weeks ago but today have a very small piece of thread or wire just poking out the end of my incision. Dont know if it is a stich or wire so rang pacemaker line and left a message.
Has anyone else had this please ?
Hi All
Had a pacemaker inserted 4 weeks ago but today have a very small piece of thread or wire just poking out the end of my incision. Dont know if it is a stich or wire so rang pacemaker line and left a message.
Has anyone else had this please ?
Hi Gladys
It's probably a stitch rather than a wire, my husband has this with his first ICD. You could ask one of your surgery nurses to have a look at it, I can't remember if the the nurse just pulled on it or if she just snipped but it was a easy fix
Good luck
Hi Lezzers
Many thanks for your very quick reply and good information. I will ring gp try get an appointment
Just a thought but, you normally have a first check up to make sure the device is working properly & that the scar is healing well.Definitely get the surgery to check it out but maybe still a good idea to contact the pacing clinic to find out if/when you're likely to get the follow up appt.
it’s probably a stitch mine stuck out for ages and it finally disintegrated. X
most likely a bit of stitching, but you’re right to ask and the will come back to you if they have an concerns.
I've had this happen, but not with a pacemaker - some other scar. I think it's common and I eventually pulled it out.
My PM incision was sewn up with dissolving stiches, all of which stuck out of the skin. I had to have them trimmed off by the nurse and was told that the bits that stick out do not dissolve.
Don't worry, it should disappear in its own time.
Hi EMBoy
Yes the Doctor who did it said he had glued it and put dissolving stitches in when it was done but I rang pacing line and they returned my call. She said it would be a stitch which gave me a sigh of relief as I am bit worried as l put my left arm up above my head a few times accidently ahh
Thanks take care
I’m interested to know how the battery is replaced after 10 years. Do they have to open up the patient again?
They usually make another incision above or around the site of existing battery, remove the old battery and reinsert the new one. My husband's 2nd scar goes across the first one making an X shaped scar. X certainly marks the spot where his treasure is!
Not all battery's need changing after 10 years, some need changing sooner, some later, it depends on how much usage the device gets. Though the newer devices do have longer life spans.
Hope that makes sense
Hi Gladys, I had a triple bypass and the same situation with 2 stitches, one in the leg and one in the chest. They both went eventually but took longer than I expected. As others say, mention to the nurse on your next check up.
Not being rude here honestly, but first thing you should do is ring your GP, and not ask for adice here, people can only guess, and in the end you have to speak to someone medical, just saying thats all. hope all is well, and i would guess like others its a stitch.
Hi Nightmare2
Thanks its always good to get advice here as nothing like been there done it. But I have also rang pacing and done an online form to get a appointment from nurse at GP surgery. The replies I get here are always a lot quicker.
But thanks for your kind concern
I just had my 1st battery change this past November and had the same thing on both sides of my incision, it was internal stitches that eventually fell off after nearly 2 months.
hello there, I did have a pace maker fitted in jan. I had dissolvable stitches but had a thread sticking out of the smaller incision which removed my heart loop recorder. This stubborn stitch had to be removed by the nurse at the gp surgery. It does sound you have a stubborn stitch. I hope all goes well at the doctors for you.