I was hoping the good people here could shed some light on low blood oxygen. I am in danger of scaring myself and so has anyone any knowledge, experience of this and it’s implications from heart disease perspective?
My blood oxygen levels have been between 84% to 99% while asleep, daily average 92-95.6% but this is I guess reduced by sleep readings which distort this range - damned statistics!!! this was over the last week. Similar over last month. over 6 months dropped under 80% a few times. But I range 95 to 100% when awake a lot of the time.
This is from my Apple Watch - my GP accepted these readings and referred me to a sleep clinic / department, 10 to 15 weeks wait for appointment. So I’m going to assume fairly accurate.
I recognise I have several factors at play including being overweight, having a congenital heart defect that affects blood flow and I’m asthmatic too.
Bit confused BHF nurse said not an issue, Asthma and Lung UK nurse said to contact GP and GP was quick to refer. I think I fit the profile of someone with sleep apnea but interested to understand the impact on heart / connection with heart disease.
I hope someone can help for understanding and from experience. Have posted on Sleep Matters, couple of members agreed I fit the profile. 😔 but until diagnosed keeping open mind and not trying to panic.