Does anybody take sertraline and clopidogrel.Together I been worried about taking sertraline because when taken with. Clopidogrel could make stomach bleed but sertraline is the recommended anxiety tablet for cardiac problems
Medication : Does anybody take... - British Heart Fou...

personally I think this is for you to discuss with a pharmacist. If you live in the UK then your doctor’s group of surgeries probably employs one or two. Ask the receptionist. Otherwise, ask your doc.
I noted you’ve posted three times and might not have got an answer.
All I can suggest is that you as a minimum and quickest option is speak to a pharmacist and discuss your concerns about interactions between the meds if there are any.
If they can’t help then GP.
BNF NICE site says “both can increase the risk of bleeding” but as with all meds there are various risks but doesn’t mean it’s definitely going to happen but I appreciate your concerned.
Pharmacist should be able to help.
Good luck
This is an interesting post as I have taken antidepressants for many years before my heart problems. My current one being Endronax an SNRI, which coukd be cause of some of my other symptoms that wed assumed were heart related I've tried Sertraline before but it didn't agree with me I had awful nausea everyday until mid afternoon and couldn't bear to eat and it affected my memory. But that's just me I've heard it's a recommended one.I've seen a heart Consultant privately for 1 session and he's recommended I change my current anti depressant which is an SNRI to to Citalopram which is again a SSRI.
Worth a try for a month I'd say then you can judge if they work for you. Good luck 😉
Oh wow I wasn't aware that sertraline was a good anxiety medication for heart patients I have been on it for a few months now and it's great. I don't take the other medication with it hopefully somone does and can advise on whats the best thing to do? X
I’ve been taking sertraline and Clopidogrel for about 10 weeks now with no issues
Hi. I take both, and have done for the last 4 years, along with a shed-load of other meds. I have regular medication reviews with my cardiac consultant and my GP's practice pharmacist. Never experienced any issues.
I am on both, sertraline 150mg I do have gastritis and gastric polyps but I'm on alot of heart medication, I don't know what tablet is causing my stomach issues. Only thing you can do is try them and see how you get on
When I had my stent fitted I was on clopidogrel for 6 months and was already on sertraline. Never had any stomach problems. I now take a daily aspirin with lansoprazole and still no problems.
I do. Only recently increased to 100mg of sertraline. I take omaprozole for my stomach twice a day.