18 days ago I posted that id had an unexpected rise in my cholesterol level, despite no change to diet etc. However I did change to taking my atorvastatin in the morning rather than night time, due to concern it was causing insomnia. Well I started taking it at night again, and now my cholesterol is back down to 3.4. I know it is advised that you can take Atorvastatin at any time and it shouldn't make a difference, however in my experience it clearly did by a whole point increase. So now I have been prescribed Rosuvastatin as alternative to atorvastatin to counter side effects.
Update on unexpected cholesterol rise. - British Heart Fou...
Update on unexpected cholesterol rise.

Sometimes these medications say you can take when you want but it goes to show that maybe with certain people they do the job better taken at a certain time like evenings
I am on Atorvastatin and from the moment I was put on them it always said take in an evening which I do even though I know they have not suited you at that time of day
I do hope the Rosuvastatin as an alternative to atorvastatin will counter any side effects
Let us know how you get on x
I like beKind was advised by my GP to take them at night. I have only been taking them for 1 month and at the moment, apart from a few niggles here and there I seem to be OK, but what I am unsure about is side effects, if any, how long before you notice them, is a month too early?

This is a little tricky I think to answer as we all can be different
Some may get no side effects at all , some may get them as early as the first week and so on
At first I was put on 80mg which I could not tolerate I did get very bad aching joints they dropped the dose down to 40mg which seemed to be better for me even though I can have some days when I ache it is nothing I cannot tolerate
I think if we look for the side effects or I know this is me I will think I can start to feel them but if you get any you do know but fingers crossed you have gone a month and feel ok so hopefully it will stay that way but of course if you did talking to your Doctor they will soon sort it out
You will have to let us know how long term with them x
I was also advised to take them late evening. They are I think one of those drugs that do work best at a specific time.
Hi, APC65,
When I had my HA in March 2022, I was not really told much about the HA itself—nor about the new medications added to my daily regimen—nor about what to expect going forward—or even what type of dietary changes to make, etc. BUT, what I did get was the hospital staff making a chart for me of which medicines to take each morning and which to take in the evening. That was very helpful as I sometimes forgot to take medications, or I took them as I remembered them or wanted to.
The doctors were very explicit that I should take my statin each evening. I didn’t know why, but I follow that chart now like a medicinal bible. I try to take my Atorvastatin each evening at 6 pm. At that point, I have already had dinner and I’m watching the evening news. It’s a habit now that I connect with 6pm.
Now, thanks to you, I see why taking this medication at night may be the best idea! I’m glad that you got this sorted, and that your cholesterol has lowered again. ❤️
from memory the taking at night advice dates back to earlier, less effective Statins. I was also advised to take in The evening, but after discussing with the Practice Pharmacist I was advised Atorvastin could be taken at any time and if I wanted to try it in the morning that would be ok. Which I did and still do. My Cholesterol was up very slightly at last test but I’d put that down to a slight relaxation in diet. Might revisit this again at my next review. No specific side effects but after drinking plenty of water I was trying to see if I could avoid getting up for a pee in the night. And at 62 the answer is I can’t!
Hi, There are statins you absolutely should take at night, but Atorvastatin is one you are advised you can take anytime. My point is that in my case taking it in the morning ( as advised) it does make a difference to cholesterol level and had I not explored this more I would have accepted an unnecessary increase in dose and probably more side effects.
In terms of side effects it was insomnia that prompted me to change to taking in the morning and that started about 9 months after starting taking it. I now have joint pain in my thumbs also so am changing Rosuvastatin.
I’ve always been advised to take my atoravastatin in the evening .
Apparently the menopause can cause a sudden rise in cholesterol. Women are protected by oestrogen until then. Might be worth considering if you are a lady of a certain age.
I’ve been on Rosuvastatin for 8 years now, I take it in the morning with other heart meds and I’ve not had a problem with them at all. They are worth a try so good luck.
I was put on atorvastatin 20mg back in August 23 because my cholestrol was 6.7 . I am 68 with absolutely no health problems & my reading has always been 5+ since my 40's (as another lady said ,could be menopause related). By October cholestrolwas down to 4.7 but starting to get severe muscle pain in right hand thumb & bicep, struggled on & am now 6 mths in,suddenly my knees r starting to scream when climbing the stairs ! I do a lot of yoga & dog walking am reasonably fit. My gut feeling has always been to resist but would be scared of a stroke . Because I don't take any other medication its usually when I'm getting into bed that I remember to take it ! Should I change brand or stop completely ?...would appreciate your thoughts.