Hi Everyone!
Just thought I'd share a small but positive update on my previous posts.
I had some tests ran earlier in the year due to family history of heart problems, My ECG, Echo and CT Angiogram/ Calcium score was all good, my only negative was some follow up bloods I got done around the same time. It showed for the first time ever my cholesterol was out of the normal ranges.
However however after 3 months, and some extensive lifestyle changes, I decided to have another round of bloods to see if there was improvement.... I was hoping only for even a small decrease but was shocked to see everything way down, in fact better than at my annual physical with work last year!
Total Cholesterol was 5.1 it's now 3.42
LDL Cholesterol was 3.6 it's now 2.11
Non HDL Cholesterol was 3.9 it's now 2.43 (was in range but 1 point below high)
These were the metrics that was out of normal so needed improvement, everything else was in range and has improved even better!
If you saw my previous post I also got another test called a PLAC Test, measuring an enzyme known as LP-PLA2, that was also out of range back in May, However a cardiologist whom I had the tests done with advised not to re-check that due to it's diffculty interprating the results, and the anxiety it had caused me last them when it was rasied, stating its better to work on what you can control and what we know more about. I like to think giving the improvments elsewhere, that should of improved too, giving its a marker of inflammation, and even my HS-CRP has dropped from 1.2 to 0.5, I'd say that should of gone down.
If anyone is wondering about the exact changes I made, I will write them below;
- Cut out sugary drinks completley (I had become extremley addicted to these since around August of 2022)
- Left my job in sales for something more relaxed (more for mental health than anything)
-Adopted a more Mediterranean style diet, no more skipping breakfast, and now not having the late nights I had with sales - prepping meals so I always have something healthy prepped and ready to grab. (I wont write everything I eat, but I will if anyone is interested)
-Got back into exercising - once I was on sales, I wasn't moving like I was in the warehouse, and with so many late nights I could never find the motivation to do purposful excercise, however I've now gotten back into working out, a mix of rowing, yoga, and some light weightlifitng. Also with my new job being closer, I walk to and from work everyday.
Overall, I know these numbers, are nowhere near the heights some people struggle with or even as severe as some of the health problems some people on this forum have/are experiencing, but I wanted to do an update on my previous posts, and hopefully give someone else in the same position a little bit of hope that they can get control back over there health too!
I think looking back, even though it definetley caused me some huge anxiety, seeing cholesterol out of normal and always having a fear of heart problems since my Grandma passed away, I think it's been something thats helped me make much more meaningful and positive changes to my life. I eat cleaner, make sure I make time for self care and ultimatley left my job in sales for something less stressful and demanding. Good health is a continuing journey not just one test, but hopefully this is the beginning of better things!
Apologies for the lengthy post, If you've read it to the end, thank you! I don't know when I'll next be posting on here or anything, but I'd like to wish everyone the very best of luck with there health journey and any goals you may have!
Take Care, Scott