is there any body on here put on ivbradine to control heart rate found it pushing up there bp,I’m on colchicine also for peri at the moment,been on ivbradine since October and seeing bp going up
Ivabradine : is there any body on here... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Golf1985
I take Ivabradine, been on it for just over a year, and my blood pressure has always sat on the low side.
However, now that you’ve mentioned it, my BP has consistently been at the bottom of “normal” for well over 6 months.
In short, yes I have but it has also had the desired effect of reducing my heart rate.
Is yours continually increasing or has it reached a plateau?
Best wishes
Soap 🧼
Yeah been on it 4 months it’s controlling it ok at rest but on standing it’s jumping again,yeah bp is up abit mostly lying down getting high 130s but is spiking sometimes and going high 140s or a bit higher but does come down abit on second and 3rd time but can feel the force of heart beat from it,but it’s systolic that’s pushing up,but read med reports and it’s systolic it does raise.may have to go back to beta blocker but feel that makes pain worse,but doesn’t do good job on resting he,I’m really stuck
My heart rate jumps up when I stand or start walking around but nothing like it used to when I was first diagnosed.
It used to climb to 160 and sometimes higher, now it tends to jump to 120/130s with occasional 150s reading but that’s usually when I’m a bit under the weather.
Perhaps it would be worth consulting your GP for a review if you’re concerned to explore whether this is your new normal?
Are you symptomatic with the jumps or does your body tolerate it quite well?
I would be interested to hear what your GP says if you would be willing to share your experience?
Best wishes
Soap 🧼
Yeah I’m the same with the jumps I’ve always been like that it’s like pots but my bp doesn’t drop,it’s could be the peri also causing the spikes as before that it wasn’t jumping on the ivbradine it’s just the bp I’m abit worried as vision has been abit off but it’s all over 150s then can be 130s and all 3 readings each time drop,yeah I feel the jumps in hr tho out of breath ect,it had stopped it and was walking then peri and Covid struck
I'm on Ivabradine, but I found the other problem my blood pressure would go too low . It slowed my circulation to my hands and toes and triggered my Raynaud's when I was on a higher dose , it also meant my heart rate would occasionally try to bounce back up to compensate for the low BP.I eventually went onto another drug called Midodrine in combination with Ivabradine for my particular cardiac issue, but my condition is not common so it is unlikely that this combination would suit many people.
Together the medications now lower my heart rate enough for me to be more mobile without the side effect of low blood pressure.
I had open heart in October but the beta blocker stopped working weather that was the blood clot and stuff that was lower bp then,always had abit high bp when not on bb but since been on this it’s gone up to levels never had before 150s some times the first reading,I have pericarditis at the moment also and caught Covid at the same time was in hospital being treated so maybe that’s not helping,and hr is breaking through when standing and it was really good before,but was getting higher bp before the peri and not till I read it can raise systolic it made sense
if you are stuck - have you talked to a pharmacist?
No I may ring but I think it’s quiet a unique med and they don’t know a lot,maybe it’s reacting with the colchicine
Colchicine was checked for it's interactions with Cardiovascular drugs in a Meta analysis because Colchicine is being considered as an off label low dose treatment in cardiovascular disease after a heart attack because if promising effects.Colchicine, is a drug heart patients need to be careful with because it does actually interact with many drugs including statins , some angiotensin inhibitors , some ACEs and ARBs, some beta blockers and some anti platelets and anticoagulants.
Ivabradine , however , was one of the cardiovascular medications that appears to be safe with Colchicine in the research.
Some adjustments need to be made in types of drugs used with it if a patient already requires Colchicine for another illness and there are no other treatment alternatives for them to swap to.
So a few of the more common heart drugs can't be used with Colchicine which may be why you were given Ivabradine in the first place.
Or, if the cardiovascular issue is of greater risk patients may need to swap from Colchicine in order to take the most appropriate drugs for their heart condition.
I occasionally need to take Colchicine for short term treatment of an ulcer condition. As yet I've not experienced any side effects between the two and I did double check before taking them together. I usually try and take my anti-inflammatory medications two hours before or two hours after a dose of Ivabradine , just in case.
I usually have to stop my statin while I take Colchicine but I'm also on Ezetimibe so it's not caused me an issue.
Are you also on statins or any other drugs that may be interacting with your Colchicine?
You need to report the increasing BP anyway in your case to the GP just in case they do require trying you on another drug option to stop that side effect.
Let us know what you find out, take care , Bee
Yeah I tried taking the colchicine an hour after the Ivabradine to see if it makes a difference but hasn’t,I was in the Ivabradine first before the peri and seemed to be working,was going to ask to go back on the beta blocker maybe as that was better with my bp but felt increased the pains abit but may have to for this reason or may out a bp med with it,but I’m waiting for appointment as don’t think gp will do much with my situation after surgery ect 😞
If you don't think the GP can do much I'd suggest you contact the Cardiac Unit and ask for some advice about the medications. The nurse may help , but you can also ask for the message to be passed on to your named Cardiologist and ask them to call you back or pass on their advice via a phone back from the nurse , as well as asking them to contact your GP surgery to let them know what changes they want to make.I get quite a lot done by phone and email in between my six month appointments.
The GP can also often be quite useful when it comes to heart medications as it is a group of medications they are more used to prescribing , or they can contact Cardiology and get advice back quite quickly.
Colchicine isn't right for everyone.
This is the problem they won’t put me under a cardio at my local hospital and can’t book me appointment as I was seeing a cardio at another ,I went to him yesterday and he has sent me now back to them and said your care should be under them not me,so now have to wait for his letter sending me back to see the cardio who put me on the med,it’s been a nitemare honestly,
hi Golf 1985, I have been on ivabradine twice a day for about 7 years now with no evidence of increasing BP. Maybe it is one of your other meds causing the problem?
Yeah I can remember seeing you on another post regarding ivbradine,hope your well,do you take other meds to help bp,yeah I think it is the colchicine as once take it in a morning it starts to spike then comes down as does wears off.but also did read a medical report on a study were ivbradine did increase systolic bp in people it’s weird how that’s what I’m getting,and had to be careful in people,il try find it