Hi to all, new on here after being told that i have to have a triple by pass, i am beside myself with worry, never been in hospital before and this has come out of the blue.
new member: Hi to all, new on here... - British Heart Fou...
new member

Hi and welcome to the forum there is so many members who have been where you are or about to have the same operation, so they can sympathise and support you. Is this routine op or is it urgent have you recently been diagnosed with heart disease? I was born with congenital heart disease so I've had along time to process my condition. It's alot to take in for you I'm sure! Hope your operation goes well and your recovery x
I had 3 heart attacks and was beside myself and then when I had a angiogram I was even more beside myself as well as in shock I thought at the most they might have said a stent
It takes quite a while for it all to sink in and get your head around it
The unknown makes us feel full of fear and please do not start looking on Google as that does not help but here you will get lots of support from members that have been where you are now
I am an anxious person by nature but I did it and I always say if I can do it anyone can and you will to
You will be in safe hands and in a way you are lucky they have picked up this needs to be done and they do this everyday and know exactly what they are doing
To be honest I would worry myself so much I made myself really ill but after the operation I could not believe it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be
Any questions we can answer or any fears just ask and we will do our best ti answer
Let us know how you get on x
Thank you all so much for taking the time to answer me and for making me feel a little more at ease. I can’t lie, It fills me with dreed but seeing your support has lifted me to another level. Thank you
I was in the same position just under two years ago. Having the operation was the best thing that could have happened.
I am now as fit as a flea, the recovery was far easier and better than expected.
Try and avoid reading all of the bumpf or stuff on the internet as these things scare you when the case is you need it regardless so don't bother scaring yourself in to more worry. Same for your family.
Look forward to having had it and getting back to normal life 😊
Hi there,
The waiting is the worst part, have you been given a date ? I also had never been in hospital when I had to have a 4XCABG, no symptoms either. My advice would be , get as fit as you can, build up your strength and eat well beforehand. This will help with your recovery. Make sure you are signed up for cardio rehab after the operation. It is a slow healing process but if you embrace it and stay positive you’ll be fine. I I had mine at 59, coming up to 62 in December, I go to the gym 3 days pw, golf 3 days pw and walk a lot. I don’t eat fry ups or takeaway food. Still have a few pints . Also, take all the medications given to you after the operation ( the painkillers are the best 😉). They will have you out of the bed after the operation within 2 days. That’s when your healing begins ! Enjoy the journey, I have.
I had a quad bypass in May 2022 and generally we don't associate with people only having three, we have to think of our status! All joking aside when I realised I had a problem and went into the Hospital for an assessment I thought it likely I might have a stent or angioplasty, so amazed when they kept me in as out patient and said I needed a triple. They decided on the quad nearer the operation.
If you are able, its best to be an inpatient then you are not out of sight out of mind. That you are not an inpatient suggests they don't consider your condition critical
The worst thing about the hospital was the food. There are a barrage of tests and other patients to chat to so that in itself was not too bad. I was in for 12 days in total mainly waiting for a bed in the hospital that would be doing the operation in. That was delayed because our tourists often decide to have heart attacks when on holiday here, pushing less urgent locals out of the way. Grrr....
i think that the thing you need to do is to prepare for your homecoming which no one had really prepared me for.
Fortunately I had a very supportive wife but its 1 step forward and 2 back in the early days as you try to do too much. its also essential to have suitable places to sit when home-what is comfortable on getting up is the wrong place a few hours later. Your sleep patterns will be awry and i found it much better to sleep by myself. Make sure you have pain relief-taking the max dose of paracetamol for 6 weeks kept it at bay then all of a sudden I didnt need it. You will likely also be emotional and won't want too many visitors.
Its worth it in the end and the operation itself was no problem nor the 4 days in hospital afterwards before being discharged
You're amongst friends here who understand exactly what you're feeling as most have been there already. Like you, I am new to this (3 weeks since diagnosis and needing a valve replacement). Everyone says the worst bit is the bit we're going through now, prior to the op. Take comfort from that if you can and just take each day as it comes finding something, anything to be positive about.
Bob Mortimer had a triple bypass in 2015 and he is still making us laugh. My kid brother had a bypass and he is fine now. You'll be glad once it's over.