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heart palpitations

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
73 Replies

hi guys I’m new to this page I am just looking for others who have had similar experiences and how you over came the anxiety of ectopic beats.

I’ll give you all a run down of what has happened I’m 37 years old I was very active I was a student I worked and I also have kids who all had after school activities. Throughout my life I have suffered with health anxiety. Last year I lost two people very close to me one was a young friend after the second person lassies I started ti panic a lot thinking there was something wrong with my heart I was so anxious I couldn’t leave the house constantly taking my blood pressure oxygen pulse everything. I made an appointment and was seen by an ANP who recommended bloods and listened into my heart his recommendation was to deal with the anxiety as that’s what he believes was wrong. I then isolated myself stopped working stopped going to university at Christmas time I went into see my GP who also listened into my heart advised that everything seemed fine bloods where also fine and it was more than likely anxiety. I started seeing a counsellor who helped me overcome a lot of my anxiety although I was still worried about my heart. In July I experienced multiple ectopic beats at once and I have an app on my phone when the app showed mild arrhythmias I panicked and presented at the emergency room where I was given an ECG blood pressure check pulse and the consultant listened into my heart all was clear. I came home and still worried I then asked the Gp to refer me for a monitor as the ectopics scare me and I think there’s something wrong as it happens daily some days worse than others. The Gp advised that she would refer me not because she thought there was an issue but because I have health anxiety she hopes that by getting the monitor and showing I have ectopics that are ok that I will stop obsessing and worrying. The appointment is going to take months as it’s not an emergency and I experience these ectopics every single day and it terrifies me os there anyone who has advice on how to help stop them on my own ? (Sorry for such a long post)

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Anxiousgirl85 profile image
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73 Replies
Yumz199725 profile image

Hi and welcome to the group.Many of us here have alot of experience with ectopic beats! They are scary when you don't know why there happening. I had a big episode of palpitations bout 2 years ago. I had literally just been shopping and I got home and I had chest pain and palpitations which I thought was just brought on by over exerting myself but few hours later and no change so I did 111 online and was advised to go to A&E which I did and I had chest Xray, bloods and ecg and was all normal. But they continued for a whole week literally felt like my heart was bouncing up and down in my chest while I was trying to sleep and that was keeping me awake which I knew wasn't right! So I contacted my specialist and they organised holter monitors and stress test and ecgs and December 2021 I had one that finally picked them up on the holter monitor and I was started on verapamil 40mg x2 usually ventricular Tachycardia that i was having wasn't a big deal but because I was lightheaded aswell that's why I was started on medication. I really hope the monitor can pick up what's causing them! for ages I was convinced that it was all in my head and to finally have it confirmed on a holter monitor really helped me. I find that stress is a major trigger for mine so maybe try and find what's triggering your ectopic beats hun x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toYumz199725

Thank you so much for your reply. I’m so glad you finally found the issue. I am not sure what my issue is I know they become more frequent if I am stressed or worried about them it’s like if I think of them they appear and I know that sounds crazy. They happen sporadically like I’ll feel it and the next beats are all fine my doctor said that that is normal it’s ok for that she said if I where to experience them more frequently then that may be an issue and when I explained it happens daily I could get them every 20 mins or every ten mins she said no she meant frequent like a run back to back for at least 20 mins I would honestly be terrified if that happened to me. I’m hoping it’s all to do with anxiety and stress and nothing structural with the heart.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Doesn't sound crazy! Sounds exactly how I felt before I found out what was causing them. I had them back to back for about an hour and then I got them for a whole week! Really sucked the slightest turn and my heart felt like I was dancing around in my chest and was majorly affecting me i would sit and just try and relax and they would happen, even after I had my medication for palpitations I got a headache that lasted 2 days and I had palpitations the whole time I told my consultant and they said I had to go to A&E next time that happens 😮😳. Have you had an echo or any other tests??

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toYumz199725

No I’ve only had blood tests and an ecg they did monitor my heart and watch for it dipping but all was clear so it’s just the monitor that I am waiting on and if it wasn’t for my health anxiety she wouldn’t have sent the referal 🫣 suppose it’s like swings and wound abouts anxiety when you feel the skipped beat then the panic causes more skipped beats it’s horrible then it sometimes throw a curve ball while your all nice and relaxed here have an ectopic beat and see how that goes. Is your medication helping you ?

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Sorry you have to wait so long for answers, I think it is helping but I still feel light headed alot with the occasional palpitation had a few today I think it increases on my time of thr month 🙃. I do think I need it increased maybe, I have an appointment in November so I will ask then? X

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toYumz199725

That’s so strange you should mention that I have seen a few posts about more during time of the month I’m wondering if this is the reason why today seems to be alot more than usual

Tos92 profile image

I have been experiencing ectopic beats from my knowledge since 2020. Ectopic beats are mostly harmless if there is not an underlying condition. I do have a heart condition however, which can cause my pulse rate to increase but, you can easily make ectopics and heart palpitations worse if you are naturally quite an anxious person which I have also experienced before. I had a holter monitor which demonstrated that my ectopics were not happening frequently enough for me to be treated with medication. An echocardiogram can also be useful to rule out abnormal arrhythmias as it shows the structure of your heart.

Have you tried anything else apart from seeing a counsellor for your health anxiety at all? I find walking really helps calm my anxiety, and recently yoga too. I can see that you have stopped working and perhaps doing some of the things you enjoy. It’s important to remember that ectopic beats do not put you at immediate risk of anything so it might be good to consider exposing yourself slowly back to the things you once did.

I hope the tests for the holter monitor come back positive. Let us know how you get on.

All the best.


Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toTos92

Aww thank you for your reply that’s reassurance to know ectopic don’t put you at immediate danger I always think the worst when I feel them. I have stopped doing a lot of the stuff I enjoy I am trying to get back out and do more outdoors stuff I have given up alcohol completely aswell even social drinks with friends I cannot face just incase it makes the ectopic worse.

I have not had the echocardiogram and I’m not sure if they would even refer me for that as my gp was reluctant to refer me for the monitor as she believes there isn’t anything wrong. I have a referal in and cardiology said it would be roughly 16 weeks for a phone appt so I think I have another 10 weeks to wait which is making it worse.

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

It’s easy to think the worst when we have them and when we recognise that they are there, we are constantly looking out for when the next one is going to happen. It’s like we become hyper-aware of them. I like to do vagal manoeuvres when I get ectopics, heart palpitations, or an arrhythmia. This helps reset the hearts electrical rhythm and is a temporary way of getting out of an episode.

16 weeks on the NHS is not too bad. People are waiting up to a year for appointments. I presume you will only be referred for an echo if your holter shows anything worrying. But by the sounds of things, it does sound like it could just be the health anxiety making you feel this way.

Good luck for the appointment and I hope you can get back to doing the things that you enjoy really soon ❤️

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

Reading your post I really felt for you as I have health anxiety to and when I start obsessing over something then it because so real and no matter how many tests I have it might settle me down a while but then the fears come back again and unless I do deal with the anxiety then all the tests reassurances I am given just never works

Therefore if you can get some more help with your anxiety then I really would look into that while you are waiting because from what you have said even when you do get an appointment and they reassure you again the anxiety might settle a while but then come back and you will keep coming back to where you are now and how you feel

My Husband has no heart issues but he gets these beats and he takes beta blockers not that he has to it is his choice the Consultant as he did go to see one said if you do not mind living with them that is fine but if you want to settle them down then beta blockers will help

They also told him after he had all the tests that even spots people can suffer with these they are not life threatening but unpleasant

Try distracting yourself as much as you can when you get them try saying out loud I know what you are and I am not going to let you bother me with health anxiety we have to do all we can to take control back as it has started to control us if that makes sense and it is not easy to get control back but the more you learn to ignore it the more you will :-)

Keep remembering you have had tests all have come back nothing to worry about your Doctor is not worried and I am sure if they were they would be doing more quicker than they are now as they said they will refer you in the hope it will help your health anxiety but "not" because they think anything is wrong , try and keep focused on what they have said :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toBeKind28-

Thank you for your reply. I have beta blockers that I am prescribed for anxiety but due to the health anxiety I am terrified to take tablets the beta blockers I was taking there for a long time to combat the social anxiety I was experiencing. Your right the tests could all come back normal and I would obsess over something else I absolutely hate health anxiety it takes a hold of your life and doesn’t let go as when you try the well what will be will be you’ll worry thinking omg dod I kiss something maybe I need to get that checked it’s horrible I am

Seeing a chiropractor at the moment and we are going to introduce acupuncture to see if that can help with the anxiety side of things. I am also going to consider reflexology I really don’t like medication and would rather find a natural remedy to combat the anxiety when the weather is nicer I will try getting back out to walking.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Hello :-)

I also have a med fear and panic the moment I am given them I even have the side effects before I take one !

It sounds like you have got some good things in place to help this anxiety and I really hope they will start working as I know this is so real to you and if like me takes over your every thought

I am not a Doctor but I have a feeling this is more anxiety related and tests will be fine even though I know that will not help you while you are fixated on this

Be kind to yourself you have had a lot happening around you that has helped triggered this of so do the best you can everyday you will get through this :-) x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toBeKind28-

Thank you I know how you feel with health anxiety it’s like OCD about a particular illness and you can’t let go no matter how hard you try every waking moment is about that illness and you fixate on it which makes it stronger x I’m sorry i actually laughed when you said about getting the side effects before you take the tablet because that is me I can’t even read the side effects or I get them same if someone is unwell and tell me their symptoms I think I mimic them 🤣 sounds crazy writing it out but it happens to me all the time x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Hello :-)

I have ocd to and yes it works very similar and it destroys you it steals so much from you and the power it has can feel stronger than we feel and so it wins but we do have to keep trying as much as we can I have to every single day and it is not easy I know that

I am that bad when they are about to give you the flu J*bs you will have to imagine the letter missing as we are not allowed to say the word I make them give it my Husband first then I make them wait and if he is ok then I will have it :-)

I spent most of my life worrying about my health I missed out on so much and then now I am older I do have health issues so I really do hope you will manage to get control over this and enjoy life as you have so much to look forward to :-) x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toBeKind28-

I am trying to get hold of it I want to be able to do things without worrying about the what if I take unwell what if that causes this or that I just want to live x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toAnxiousgirl85

You well get there :-) x

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toAnxiousgirl85

I hate the anxiety ectopics generate too.!! I’m presently going through a ectopics phase that’s lasted 2 weeks so far and showing little signs of easing.!!!😡

If you’re worrying that they’re going to kill you etc then I can tell you that you will be worrying for a long time? Iv had them for over 30 years and I’m still here working full time, running around after grandkids etc etc.👍

I get afib now and again too but the ectopic beats affects my mind a lot more than the afib which may sound strange.? I know exactly what you’re feeling Agirl85 and the heath anxiety which I have definitely doesn’t help me but I can’t stop myself worrying sometimes unfortunately, it’s just who I am and Iv been like this since being a child 😡

They’re a total head messer sometimes and a pain in the butt unfortunately. But they won’t kill you. It’s only taken me 25 years to realise they not going to kill me and that’s simply because of the health anxiety goblin that still sits on my shoulder sometimes.??😡

The ectopics part of it You’ll be fine Agirl85. The goblin on the shoulder part is a little more challenging but in time it will loosen its grip believe me.

Take it easy, things get easier and better in time. there’s plenty of things you can try too like meditation, deep breathing plus lots lots more, give them all a go and see what’s helping others on this site.? You’re in the rite place here remember.👍

Best wishes Agirl85👍


Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toJetcat

thank you so much for your reply it’s always good to meet a fellow health anxiety stress head. I find that your right the health anxiety goblin is harder to get rid of than any other illness it’s absolutely amazing how the brain can give you actual physical symptoms that are so terrifying you believe your dying.

I really wish I could get rid of the health anxiety as I find it shadows a lot of my life always scared to do anything scared to fly incase it brings on a random illness. I don’t go out and drink with my friends as I experience on night about 8 months ago after a few wines with a friend I woke up during the right heart racing I was terrified had to take a beta blocker to calm me down and since then I haven’t taken any alcohol incase it makes the ectopic beats worse or that happens again being Scottish a lot of socialising requires alcohol 🤣🤣

I have been to therapy and it really helped overcome the social side of anxiety helped me get back out to leaving the house and even going to the shop but it’s had little effect on the health anxiety.

Let’s hope one day there is an instant cure for health anxiety x

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply toAnxiousgirl85

It gets better in time.! I’m 56 now but have spent 50 years worrying about health issues unfortunately.!! I still worry but it’s not as powerful and overwhelming as it was years ago if that makes sense.? When I was younger I ran for cover if a Vulcan bomber flew over because I was worried a bomb was going to fall off and kill me.!! They did their training around our area so I was constantly running for cover and hiding.😡

One minute I was playing out making dens, then the next thing I was running for cover petrified.!!!!

My hay fever headaches weren’t headaches caused by sneezing all day, it was the start of a brain tumour and I was going to die.!! I couldn’t concentrate on anything apart from my brain tumour that I’d got.?😡

I lost an eye through a school accident and that just sent my already health anxiety through the roof. from then on I had one eye left and if anything happened to that then I was blind.!!😳 i darnt even play out anymore. I was wary of doing anything that could injure my remaining eye.! I started stealing my grandfathers work glasses and wearing them all time just to save my sight because in my head I was going to end up blind, I just knew it.? All this on top my brain tumours and anything else that I could worry about or diagnose myself with and all the time walking about looking like a deep sea diver.?😡

I’m just glad that in time Iv noticed the fear and worry and dread fades in strength and severity and life is calmer and more normal .👍

I did eventually manage to ditch the goggles.!! Then my health goblin moved onto another self diagnosed terminal illness. and so it all repeated again ? Iv had everything under the sun. and the goblin put it there😡

We are a strange animal us humans. you’ll get there in time Agirl85 I know you will.👍

Don’t start wearing goggles though will you.😳


Petercat1 profile image
Petercat1 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Hi. Have you tried Cognitive behaviour therapy to help stop your anxiety, it does help. I'm sure your attacks are because of your anxiety not through any medical cause.

I had palpitation attacks since my teens but nothing showed up on any tests, my gp always said they are harmless, however after I had an attack whilst in hospital 6 years ago, the consultant put me on bisoprolol and (touch wood) I haven't had a palpitation attack since.

But I think your problem is psychological and may be worth giving therapy a try.

Hope this helps.


Manderson27 profile image

I can only tell you my experience. I have had palpitations for years. I have never really given it much thought it seemed normal for me, but a couple of years ago I had an ECG as part of a health check. I had never had one before. It picked up an anomaly. I am not an anxious person but I admit this did worry me.

Long story short: Referred to cardiology, had 7 day holter, echo, MRI. All over a period of months. Turned out to be Left bundle branch block, so an electrical fault. However there was NO underlying cause, everything else with my heart was fine and it wasn't causing any issues although when it goes a bit wild I do feel a little light headed, but I am not panicking because I know what it is. I hope you find it is nothing to worry about and can then find a way to live with it without it making you worry so much.

For me Coffee is my nemesis more than one cup a day and it makes it way worse. Breathing slowly through them also helps and not focusing on them but my breathing because once you notice it is hard to un-notice them again for a while if that makes sense.

Hope you get a diagnosis soon.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toManderson27

Thank you for sharing your experience I will try and take the slow breaths to calm me it’s hard when it starts but I will try

wischo profile image
wischo in reply toManderson27

She had an ECG which would have picked up a heart block. So she can rule that out.

Manderson27 profile image
Manderson27 in reply towischo

I I never said she did. I was saying that I had an LBBB without any underlying cause. The point I was making was that palpitations can have a lot of different causes and not all of them are as bad as we sometimes worry that they are.

Brht profile image

I had high blood pressure and a constant high pulse rate. I was referred to a mindfulness clinic and doing breathing exercises etc brought them down. Might be worth trying that 🤔

Anne498 profile image

Hiya, I have a heart condition already and do suffer from palpitations. A few years back I thought things had progressed in a negative way as I was getting constant ectopic beats. My docs checked everything, I had the 24 hour monitor and they told me that it was anxiety. It did turn out to be anxiety for me, it took me a year to realise it and a few heart monitors later but I’ve become more aware of my triggers now and I’m less scared when I feel the ectopic beats

Blondie12345 profile image

Welcome ! I have been experiencing this too for about 2/3 years now. All the appointments and tests ECG, Echocardiogram have taken this long due to NHS waits. So far no diagnosis the last i heard it could be clusters of ectopics like you mention above. I am also fit healthy and similar age to you. Hope this reassures you 😊

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toBlondie12345

Thank you it’s just so worrying when you feel them you think Oww no is it going to stop is it going to beat normally I just wish the NHS wasn’t such a long wait time x

KimG21 profile image


I’m so sorry to hear u are suffering from these ectopic pests! They are horrible! I have just turned forty and I had a hysterectomy last July, and afte the op I started getting these and they increased and increased etc… had a holter and ecg but they said nothing was wrong and it was ectopics. Which they said are harmless and we all get them. If you watch dr Sanjay Gupta York cardiology on you tube he does loads of videos on ectopic beats (also called PACS or PVC’s) he explains them so well and gives reassurance. I’m convinced it’s hormonal with me. Exercise can help, limiting coffee and alcohol, not smoking, eating healthy as I find if I haven’t eaten well that it can cause inflammation to my gut and I do feel the ectopics kick in more. They used to terrify me but I try not to worry any more. I’ve had them for a year and sometimes they feel like they have gone away and I only feel a few but anxiety can make them kick in too. They are considered normal especially if ur heart is structurally normal. I hope you feel better as I get health anxiety as well, it’s horrible but there is help for that X

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toKimG21

Hi I have been watching the odd video on his Facebook page and they do explain a lot. It’s just trying to reassure myself when they happen every day that it’s ok and nothing bad is going to happen x

Rnfrds10 profile image

Before February this year I was at the gym every day for around 2hrs. In February I got palpitations for the first time ever and went to a&e not cause I was in pain but because this was my heart and new to me. The ecg and bloods were fine but they referred me to the cardiologist who I am still waiting to see on the nhs (but strangely enough they called me in to do a 24 holter monitor and an echo which came back fine, which they gave me the unofficial results on my many visits to A&e) . Thankfully my work has private healthcare so did a 2 week holter and had a stress test cardiac MRI the conclusion was there is nothing structurally wrong with me heart but they think it’s anxiety related. It was the not knowing and thinking I wasn’t going to make a through some nights that made the anxiety so bad that I was going to a&e every time it happened, I am currently in CBT and it’s made me challenge my behaviour it’s helping not think that every medical thing I experience is life threatening. I was getting headaches, chest pain (not heart but chest muscle/wall), stomach pain (my anxiety probably cause gastrointestinal problems). I am still on edge now but I go gym and try to challenge my mind it does help as a distraction.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toRnfrds10

Their horrible I really want to start the gym but terrified that I could encourage more ectopics if I go I might just take it one day at a time and maybe just go for it x

simplysal profile image

Hi there,

I could write a book on health anxiety. Struggled from the age of twenty-five. Had ectopics all the time. Whilst they were not painful, I recall them at the time being soooooooo scary! You’re not supposed to feel your heart beating right? The jittery them boom sensation would send me into a panic too.

I spent all my time searching for tests and reassurance. Putting all of my energy there. Investing little to no time investing in the driving cause - my anxiety!

I’d be reassured, I’d then hit a plateau. They always returned.

Again placing my time asking for tests and reassurance. Not spending any time addressing my anxiety.

My father had a quadruple heart bypass age fifty-four then died of a heart attack age sixty. This drove fear for me for sure.

Fast forward to age forty-four when I was sent for tests due to non-specific chest pain. CT angio picked up narrowing of the arteries. Had an angiogram and a stent fitted for a 90% blockage in my LAD artery in 2021.

Do I still suffer with anxiety? Yes. Have I really taken enough steps to address my anxiety? No.

Thing is, genetics can play a part. As can environmental factors. If I could go back in time, I wish I could have addressed a few more of those environmental factors that may have played their part.

Interestingly, I found the fear of heart disease far more scary than actually having heart disease. Go figure!

Never underestimate what fear can do.

Thing is, no-one knows exactly what that one factor is, or what the multiple factors were but I genetics is something outside your control, how you deal with your environmental stuff can be really important and to some extent is something within your control. Examples, exercise, diet, trying to better manage stress and anxiety.

I acknowledge I could do more here but if I could speak to my thirty-seven year old self, I’d tell her to try her best to relax, to self-soothe more often and not to sweat the small stuff.

I know what it’s like dealing with heart related fears. I remember being where you’re at. Good luck as you navigate your journey with your anxiety too, Sal.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply tosimplysal

I hate having them they are terrifying and I just wish I could stop worrying about them. My grandfather had multiple heart attacks from a young age eventually one killed him so I don’t know if that plays a part in my anxiety. If only the nhs was not as long a wait time and could get answers to my questions my doctor has said she isn’t worried hence the reason for not an urgent referal she even said there was a chance cardiology would throw it out so Hopfully get to speak to someone soon.

djbgatekeeper profile image
djbgatekeeper in reply tosimplysal

Great advice 👍

cooper_6 profile image

Hi Anxiousgirl85, I’ve read your post and I honestly feel like my husband could have written this as it’s how he suffered. My husband was labelled as having health anxiety, he would check his heart rate all the time. Over the years we attended A&E a lot, lots of visits to the GP and even phoned for an ambulance on a handful of occasions. He was referred to cardiology but got the all clear, like he did every time we went to the hospital. I strongly advise that you keep visiting the GP and push to be referred to a specialist. I would also recommend exploring your family history and look to have genetic testing done. Just don’t let anyone make you believe it is in all your head, it isn’t.

Jdgirl030 profile image

Are your ectopics related to your posture at all, or do they get worse with gassy drinks etc? I am 37 too and my heart is fine but I incidently found out I had POTs which was helpful in understanding the cause of the ectopics. Once I started increasing my fluids and sodium, also taking a daily electrolyte I found my ectopics significantly reduced. Just thought it was worth a mention as we are the same age with no heart conditions etc

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toJdgirl030

Do you know weirdly enough sometimes if I’m leaning over to one side I feel them and have to change positing or if I’m looking down at my phone for too long but I just thought that maybe that was just a coincidence?

Jdgirl030 profile image
Jdgirl030 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Try increasing fluids in the morning and take an electrolyte I take the Electrolyte Plus from Myvitamins

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toJdgirl030

I drink a lot of diluted juice as I’m not a fan of water alone but I drink roughly 2l a day more if I’m anxious but I’ve not tried electrolytes

Jdgirl030 profile image
Jdgirl030 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

If you are drinking a lot of fluids and not replacing your salts that can cause arrhythmias

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toJdgirl030

Really ? I did not know this as I drink a lot of fluids

Jdgirl030 profile image
Jdgirl030 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Absolutely, over hydration is a thing and salts are crucial for nerve function. Your body is constantly trying to balance fluids and salts in your blood. If you take a more fluids all in one go, and more than you are losing, your salts become more diluted until your body is able to regain the balance again. Drink sips across the day rather than big drinks in one go and if you drink loads of fluids taken an electrolyte to support the fluid balance.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toJdgirl030

That’s great thank you so much for your information I really didn’t know that I’ll give it a try x

tecodidi profile image

Heart palpitations is not a specific symptom, and one of them most common reason is our emotional state, and so it is not easy to confirm the cause. According to your description, the doctors did the routine procedure that is to rule out a severe disease. My impression is that you benefit with a regular medical assistance with the same doctor, even if it is with phone calls. So, you can contact the doctor in the moment you have heart palpitations.

Zed1063 profile image

Hello and welcome, this group is so supportive.

I to have health anxiety and my ectopic beats are awful! I have them daily and sometime I really think I am going to die! I had a heart attack in April and this has totally changed me as a person, I don't think there is an answer to how to control them I just think we have to learn to cope with anxiety.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toZed1063

Aww I’m sorry to hear that I hope you made a good recovery. Health anxiety is a burden no one should have to bare as it really effects your physical health and I am trying to reduce my stress and anxiety with it just need to try different things till one fits me.

Letsallhope1 profile image

Hello there,

I agree on what few people here mentioned to you already: ectopic beats are not life threatening as such but they can indeed be disruptive. I suffer a lot from them and my pacemaker has recorded even 200 events in 1 month and I am still here alive and kicking!

I can recognise exactly when it happens and unfortunately I cannot really point out a clear reason of what triggers them but I started noticing that if I’m anxious or nervous, for example when I need to travel, or when I’m tired, for example after a night out or if I had a big meal or a few drinks they are more likely to appear.

I know you suffer from anxiety, so my 1st advice would be to really work on this because you may be the main cause of your rhythm disturbances.

I wish you all the best

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toLetsallhope1

Thank you so much for your message I am going to concentrate on the anxiety part and Hopfully that will reduce the ectopics x

Letsallhope1 profile image
Letsallhope1 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

You’re welcome. ❤️

Also, have you tried to meditate or some other forms of relaxation? I have realised that when anxious and having ectopic beats I tend to breath more erratically and my body, especially my shoulders tense.

Try to be aware of your body and make time for some daily deep relaxation or meditation.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toLetsallhope1

I can’t relax enough to meditate I think I’ll need to work on that x

Letsallhope1 profile image
Letsallhope1 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Forgot to mention, for us women could be also hormonal changest too! I remember my mum always had a very strong heart and during the hormonal changes of the perimenopause she suffered quite a bit of ectopic beats and tachycardia.

For me I don’t know because my heart has always been all over the place 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

Asmokes1 profile image

Hi, I am literally went through the same thing, I am 34 years old and do all the heart related tests you could think off, all clear. I have gone to AE loads of time most recently last month, all clear. I experienced ectopic heart beats all the time however more recently it has reduced most recently now it’s once a day. I stared looking at my diet and exercise more. I cycle more done and do daily walks which I believe helps me. I would recommend do the same thing.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toAsmokes1

Thank you yes I’m going to start to try and be more active to see if this reduces it

Qualipop profile image

Another health anxiety sufferer here after being told I "probably had breast cancer " aged 19. ( I didn't). After years of panic attacks which I finally conquered. I started having palpitations in my 40s. It took a year to find out just where they were coming from. Typically whenever I got a monitor or had a test,they didn't happen. Finally I had a treadmill test. Again nothing happened but they left me wired up while I sat to recover and bingo- a nice long run of palpitations. The doc was literally jumping up and down exclaiming "We got them at last". After being told they were totally harmless it took some months for them to calm down but they became fewer and fewer then stopped. They are generally completely harmless. One beat is slightly late then you get two beats closer together which is what you feel. You are not missing beats, just getting two closer together than normal. Anxiety is a HUGE cause of palpitations. Have you learned how to do self hypnosis to control your anxiety? You learn how to recognise the very early signs of anxiety then use self hypnosis to prevent it from getting any worse. . It's not quick but it does eventually allow you to control it and not the other way round.. My GP had now marked my records with "Health anxiety- explain" so the other doctors know that I need explanations more than treatment. If I know what's going on, I can cope with it. I didn't even worry at all after I had a heart attack 5 years ago

GeorgeGlass profile image

this might help you: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/167...

I had pvc palpitations for the first time in my life in 2020, after I was given levaquin (floroquinolones). The taurine stopped the PVC after a couple weeks. I had PVC again after my second covid shot so I increased the taurine dose and resolved the problem within a couple weeks. Since then i take 1 gram before bed and one gram when i wake in the morning on empty stomachs.

wischo profile image

Chances are it is all anxiety related and just showing as a health fear type anxiety just like other irrational fears anxiety is the main cause of Ectopics. Firstly if you overcome your anxiety the ectopics will go away or at least you wont notice them as they are harmless anyway. As you have tried therapy you know they have medications to treat anxiety which works and is very safe to use. It has probably been suggested that you try these but I think you would have refused them. Whatever you decide you will need to sort anxiety out as it is one of the worst things for heart health you can have. Exercise is by far the best thing for heart fitness so not going to the gym or a walk is so counterproductive. Have a discussion with your GP about your fears and take his advice or otherwise long term anxiety rarely gets better on its own. I truly believe you have absolutely no heart problems to worry about and the ectopics are just from an overdose of adrenaline brought on by constant anxiety. You are young and healthy so please get this sorted.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply towischo

Thank you I have suffered with anxiety from the age of 21 it’s so hard to overcome every time you think you win another battle begins. I will speak to my gp I prefer to try natural remedies than take medication I’m not a disbeliever in medicine I do have propranolol and will take it when needed I have been on sertraline a good few years back now but I want to be able to combat the underlying issue this the health anxiety and battle that instead of medication to treat the symptoms.

1290Duke profile image

Hi there, I had an episode of AFIB a couple of years back that was stopped by some medication they gave me in A&E. Many months later they put me on a 24hr ECG and it was noted that I had over 4000 ectopics in that 24hr period. If I focus on them, I become aware of them and that likely makes them worse. So, most of the time I just ignore them and get on with my life. I was also told that the average person has around 100 to 200 ectopic beats over a 24hr period, some people notice them, some don't. In other words, if you are in the 100 to 200 a day bracket, they are completely normal and aren't going to do you any harm at all.

HiIm another member of the health anxiety club for most of my 67 years

My son now has it also though I tried to not share it !

Some of us seem predisposed to be like this

I wish you well

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Anxiousgirl85,

In 2017, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. At that time, I was driving over 80 miles one-way every day to teach as a Reading Specialist at two elementary schools. This drive was on back roads in a mountainous, isolated area. Near the last three months of the school year, I began to fixate on the air bags in my car. That was when we were hearing news stories about air bags exploding and metal fragments lodging in necks or eyes and even killing people. This air bag issue became a trigger for me. I would think about and worry about my air bags exploding for over 160 miles per day that I drove. I would get to my school and be in a panic. I would immediately go to the restroom in my classroom and just sit for several minutes to calm down and to be able to breathe again. I began to worry that something was wrong with my heart and that I was going to have a HA and die. I finally went to my doctor and told her about my concern with my heart.

She had an EKG machine brought into the examining room and I had the electrodes attached, etc. After the EKG, she came back into the room and told me that my test was normal. She then talked in depth with me about when I was having these feelings and what was happening at the time, etc. I explained about the long drive each day, my worry about the air bags, and the fear that I would die from a HA.

I was almost into a panic attack just explaining all of this to my doctor AND she began to laugh at me. She laughed and continued to laugh. I will never forget that moment, and I had various feelings going on. “How can my doctor be laughing at me when I just told her that I feel like I might have a HA and die?” She then said, and I will never forget this piece of information, “ I’m sorry, but your words are just the classic definition of an anxiety disorder.” Everyone with that disorder believes that everything is going to kill them. It is irrational, but we believe it.

I thought about her words, and I was finally able to laugh at myself too. It is true—-those of us with anxiety disorder do have an irrational fear of dying from basically everything. On one hand, I can see the humor in it, but on the other hand, it is one of the worst things in life to deal with.

I am still learning how to deal with it on a day-to-day basis. And I will have this condition for life. My doctor told me this summer that she has seen progress for me, but I am still learning to deal with it.

In March 2022, I had a HA and my anxiety skyrocketed during that time and afterward. Now, I am doing some better, and I am trying harder to get control over it—but it is a challenge. I also have ectopics, and they do always scare me, but I also do tell myself that it will be okay. I say that to remind myself to fight that irrational thought that ectopics will kill me. I do tell myself that it will be okay to reinforce the positive thoughts.

This has been a long response to you, but I hope that that is okay. I am very sorry that you are suffering with this anxiety and worry. I can understand how you are feeling right now.

One thing that helps me at times is a prescription for alprazolam (Xanax). I have a low dosage 0.5 mg, and if I can, I usually break that in two and take half (2.5 mg). That medication works quickly (usually within 20 minutes) to calm me down so that I can avoid a full-blown panic attack. I also worry about taking all medications now, but this one is safe even with heart disease. My prescription is “as needed”, but I do not take this every day. You might discuss getting a low-dose prescription of this medication with your doctor.

I also have used counseling and that can help. I am now trying to use breathing techniques and mindfulness techniques to help. Plus, I agree with others on the forum, who have suggested taking walks. I am also going to include a link for a video for a strategy called hand-on-heart. I find that technique to be calming for me when I am feeling anxious.


The link has the video for hand-on-heart (which I use a lot) and explains the 5-4-3-2-1 technique as well. I hope that you will be able to calm your mind while you wait for further testing and results. Create a personal tool bag of techniques and activities that help you cope with your anxiety. It might include some medications, such as Xanax, and breathing techniques, walking, etc. I also like to keep strong mints in my purse. I will pop one in my mouth while driving if I am feeling anxious. The strong mint flavor and scent force my mind back to the present instead of letting me go into anxious thoughts.

Best wishes to you! ❤️

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toSmitty1956

Thank you so much for sharing I really appreciate all the help everyone is suggesting and also reading everyone’s story makes you feel like your not alone and your not completely loosing your marbles as sometimes you can think your the only person ever to experience these things and you think no one believes you. Thanks

Em1380 profile image

Hey Girl!

I suffer with ectopics, they are vile!

I have no specific triggers but sometimes when I’m having an episode of them that feels like they won’t go away, I get up and do a little exercise. Nothing crazy, 5-10 minutes jogging around the house. After my heart rate drops back down they generally settle down and go away.

Hope you’re okay x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toEm1380

I have seen a few people suggest that I am definitely going to try this thanks

bl00bell profile image
bl00bell in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Hi , I can totally relate to everything you have said ! I have suffered with these awful things for 37yrs now . Have tried everything including hypnotherapy , meditation , I am still in therapy for the anxiety although I would swear that I only get anxious after the ectopics . It is terrifying when they happen and it leaves you drained ,exhausted and feeling very low . I thought I was the only one going through this so when I found this group it was a Eureka moment for me and I truly felt comforted by reading other peoples accounts and to know I was not alone and certainly not losing the plot !

I have been following Dr Sanjay Gupta and was blown away by his information on all this and I recently started taking Magnesium as he suggests ,it has made a huge difference to the frequency and strength of the ectopics and I feel able to cope with them a lot better . It maybe something you could look into ? I hope you feel a little reassured that you are not alone in this and keep us updated .

Shopgal67 profile image

I had similar experience to you and I’m in perimenopause! Hormonal changes are delightful, keep a diary of when they happen and look for a pattern . I gave up caffeine and alcohol as it terrified me as I also now have health anxiety. I’ve had two 48 hr monitors and the last one did pick something up so I’m waiting on more tests for Afib . I found daily breath work and meditation really helped as well .

Hephzibar profile image

Blasted ectopics!!!

I have had them on and off for years now and appear to have a natural fast heart rate which spills over into tachycardia when stressed, tired or anxious. Three different types of episodes in the past two years led to holter tests, echocardiogram etc, but nothing definitive has been found!! Drs were concerned re: AFib so I have a Kardia which I use if really anxious and will get the reading checked. In the end I now take Bisoprolol 1.25mg which has calmed the tachycardia - heart still pounds away at times and seems to have reduced the ectopics, although I have just felt one whilst replying!!!!

I know for me, anxiety plays a large part …..I was really anxious prior to gallbladder surgery and my heart was leaping around like crazy. Warned the anaesthetist who reported back that it behaved perfectly throughout the surgery!!

No longer have caffeine or much alcohol and try to make sure that I reduce my stress and anxiety and to sleep well.

I still hate getting them, but just get on with things now, distract myself and try to block out that little voice that tells me to worry.

Take care x

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toHephzibar

Their so horrible it’s very hard to try and keep a rational head on when your kind does overtime always thinking about heart beats and skipped ones and fast ones it’s crazy just would be nice to be “normal” and not worry about everything

djbgatekeeper profile image

Hiya, I've been suffering from palpitations for years, also health anxiety. I do have historical heart rhythm problems which I had a ablation for in 2018 and a cardioversion in 2013. The ablation solved 95% of my problem but I do still get palpitations daily, some days hundreds and some days just a couple. I had counselling a couple of years ago to help manage the stress. I find looking after yourself with diet and moderate exercise helps, gives you confidence that your heart is healthy. Also after a while I just came to the conclusion I was not going to lead a life of 'what if' and look back in years to come regretting the time I've wasted. Palpitations in the vast majority of cases are completely harmless, if you have had the experts tell you you are ok then take that advice and try and push the negative thoughts away, they will spoil your world if you let them

I wish you all the best for the future and stay strong 👍

Stuartc100 profile image


Ectopic sufferer here since Aug 2021 (well i had the odd random 1 all my life) but 2 years ago i had what i now know to be a 2 salvos of the bloody things, so 4 one after the other then a run of normal beats then another 4, this sent me into a spiral thats last 2 years, ive had ECG's Echocardiogram and a holter, ive just had a CT angiogram so waiting on results, where i differ i believe is mine isnt caused by anxiety more like they start the anxiety machine, im convinced mine are gastrointestinal by nature (i have a hiatal hernia) so its something like the vagus nerve is getting irritated or im having esophageal spasms, my GP has been superb and she is of the same mindset as when they kick off my stomach goes super bloated and distended, and i have burps/belching which disgust the wife but its like a relief mechnism, triggers seem to be coffee and any kind of bending over (such as lifting/moving boxes) ive been working on losing weight which cant be a bad thing anyway and it does seem to help somewhat, anyway just wanted to put another view point across as so much is put on anxiety and tablets are dished out which i think just mask over the root cause.

Anxiousgirl85 profile image
Anxiousgirl85 in reply toStuartc100

Oww my do you know if I have acid reflux I get more and also when I do have a spell sometimes I feel like I’m bagged up with wind and have to belch after they. I have thought about the vagus nerve also I spoke to my chiropractor about it and he’s willing to try acupuncture. When I’ve been to my gp she’s nice and she listens but she keeps saying it’s anxiety and even if it’s not it’s ok a lot of people have ectopic beats but like yourself I had the odd random one the odd time I would notice now I get them daily since last year when all my issues started with more stress and anxiety and grief.

Stuartc100 profile image
Stuartc100 in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Well i had a camera down my throat years ago as i was suffering with acid reflux, so i know i have a hiatus hernia, im convinced there is a link, if you google it there are tons of people all with similar symptoms, the burping/belching is common. I'll update after i get my angiogram results and see if they ref me to a gastroenterologist

bl00bell profile image
bl00bell in reply toAnxiousgirl85

Please take a look at Dr Sanjay Gupta's /York cardiology video via u tube that deals with how the heart is affected by stomach it is really interesting .

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