Hi , I started having ectopic beats around 3 years ago around once every few weeks or so but they have progressed to having 10+ a day , After excersise i can have 100+ over 10 Minutes (It doesnt always happen after excersise , some days i can excersise a lot and have no ectopics) However my hearbeat at rest is usually within 65-75 bpm so i dont think its AFib. I do smoke and have severe anxiety , Im also very inactive and have a terrible sleep schedule due to my anxiety. I did have a 24 hour holter monitor recently however i havent had the results back yet . i was just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences or can give me an idea as to the cause as im constantly on edge and worrying about my heart 24/7 . Thanks
Palpitations: Hi , I started having... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Form1111
I have ectopic beats. However, they are considered normal and pretty harmless in most cases. An ectopic is an extra or missed beat. I would wait on your results from your holter monitor as that can capture any irregular beats and will also tell you the frequency of them.
Have you tried monitoring your own heart rate on a watch or an oximeter? It might be useful to also note down any triggers. Heart palpitations can be triggered for various reasons such as stress, exercise, diet, and emotion. You mention that you are not sleeping well due to anxiety, that could be a factor. Therefore, there are other reasons for ectopics that are not always related to a heart condition so it is important for your GP to explore other possibilities as well.
There are other forum members that have been diagnosed with AFib, and other types of heart rhythm disorders. Hopefully they’ll be by to offer their support.
All the best!
I can see you are just 19 and this must feel quite overwhelming to keep getting these ectopic heart beats and because you are already an anxious person then the more you worry the more you are likely to get them
My Doctor once told me that most of the time these ectopic heart beats are usually harmless in most cases
You say you smoke and I do not want this to sound like a lecture but I started smoking at a young age and continued till I was in my 50's the worse thing I could have done we know it is no good for our health but when I was told I always remembered thinking I will be ok later in life I had 3 heart attacks and a triple Bypass I often wonder how much smoking all those years may have contributed to my heart issues later in life you are young and you have time to stop now and that will help your health and you will have more money so seriously think about it
Wait for the results coming back which because you have not heard anything yet is nothing to worry about they will let you know and then hopefully you will stop worrying and you can focus in what support you can get with your anxiety
Let us know how you get on x

Thanks for the reply , It helps to have some reassurance , I should have the results back within a week or so , Ill make a post about how it goes , Thank you for your support 😀
I understand reassurance can mean such a lot to us especially when we are anxious
Will look for your update and meanwhile easier said than done but try not to worry I am sure things will be ok but think about the smoking while you are still young and what you could do with the money you save x

Like yourself, BK, I started smoking quite young and had my last cig just over a year ago on the day of my HA at 62yrs old. I'd to stay in hospital for five weeks waiting for the triple-bypass and was wired up to so much machinery, I wasn't able to get downstairs to the hospital door to smoke and realised that I didn't really miss it! I have to say, I'm amazed at how much better I feel after stopping - I hadn't realised how much damage the smoking was doing to various bits of me! I know it has a lot to do with the bypass and life-style changes, but even my wrinkles are less noticeable these days! 😀 Carol x
I found that i tend to notice them alot more when im thinking about them (which is pretty much all the time ) but i hate the feeling of having them and its stopping me from doing what i enjoy doing . hope i can get it all figured out soon 😀
hi form. Try not to worry too much about them. Iv suffered with them from a young age too and they can really mess with your head. Chase your results up with your GP for extra peace of mind. Mine come and go for no reason and can be a pain in the backside sometimes, especially when I get 7 days worth and every few minutes of the day and I’m trying to talk to customers at work.!!!!!!When I was a young man( ages ago) I would spend all my time scared and worrying I was going to die because of them etc, and my mind was on high alert all the time which doesn’t do us any good. I’m now in my mid 50s and still here enjoying life so all that worrying and being anxious didn’t work.!!!
You’ll be ok. They are far more common than you think.? Some folk have them and never feel them.( lucky ones) we not that lucky because we feel them.😡
They will get sorted in time and you’ll feel a lot better.👍 take it easy.
Thats reassuring thanks for the reply . Have a nice day !
I have occasional ectopics, Form111 and have found things that I eat and drink can affect them or if I don't get enough rest. Too much coffee, too many sweet things etc. Hope you get the results from your 24hr monitor back really soon. I know they're usually considered normal and also harmless, but they're worrying you nonetheless and it'll be good to have an answer. Carol
I've had palpitations for as long as I can remember. It's definitely tied in with anxiety. I had a heart attack five years ago that made me more aware and concerned - I can have them pretty much all day on and off for weeks or months, then they settle down. I've found cutting caffeine out and drinking less alcohol helps. As others have said, smoking is really not a good thing. My father was a heavy smoker and went from being pretty much healthy to having major heart problems after he retired.
On the positive side, my Granny also suffered from palpitations all her life, and lived into her nineties. I have a lovely photo of her holding my eldest when he was a baby
Hi 👋 I have had palpitations my whole life, ectopic beats etc.
If they are very troublesome you could ask for an echocardiogram to get your heart checked out.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with you because there are a million reasons why it can happen, I turned out to have a hole in my heart causing it, which has been recently fixed.
I am an ex smoker, stopping is difficult but definitely do-able 🙂
If you haven't tried them already, talking therapies can be very effective for anxiety.
All the best 👍
No harm in getting it checked as the echo is non-invasive.I know how scary those ectopics can feel but it will be ok.
I hope you have a good day 🤘
Thanks . Just wondering who id speak to about an echo , Would i have to speak to my gp or a cardiologist ?
You can first ask your GP to refer you for an echocardiogram. If they suggest to consult your cardiologist about it, then you can request your cardiologist for a referral instead.
I sympathise - I had palpitations for years. As everyone has said, ectopic beats are pretty harmless but it’s hard to believe that sometimes when they’re bad! Some people find they can control them/improve them by controlled breathing exercises- look it up on the internet. It’s definitely worth a try. I think there’s also a video by Dr Sanjay Gupta, a cardiologist.
Hi form,I can relate strongly to this and anxiety can make them worse and I found that I had a b12 defincey and that can make it worse as weird as that sounds, my tablets ran out so I have noticed alot more then I did when I was on them I had blood test to see if I need anymore. I only had a slight ventricular Tachycardia on my holter and now I take verapamil for it. I hope you get your results soon that can make your ectopics worse aswell the not knowing what and why they are happening 😭.
Wish you all the best ❤️
You have most likely given the reason for them in your post- anxiety. The more you worry the worse they will be. When I started getting palpitations many years ago( over 25 yrs ago) they scared me badly. However, as they were intermittent it took almost a year to find out where they were coming from and whether they were harmless. I had ECGs, holter monitors and nothing caught any episode. I then had a stress test (treadmill). Even that didn't show them until I finished and sat down. They left the electrodes attached and the nurses gave a cheer when I suddenly had several palpitations. They could finally see just where they were coming from and assured me they were quite normal and harmless. Even then my anxiety wouldn't let me relax and it to ok over 6 months for me to realise they wouldn't cause any harm and gradually they slowed down and stopped. I don't get any at all now. If you are getting so many episodes it's likely the holter monitor will show yours and the doctors can reassure you.
PS I too smoked from age 19 until I had a heart attack when I was 70. No other cause for the heart attack other than smoking. I started smoking because of anxiety over exams and carried on because of health anxiety. ( I was told bluntly aged 20,that I probably had breast cancer. I didn't but that thoughtless remark did untold damage). I'm not lecturing you on smoking because I obviously know how hard it is to stop and how much it seems to help with anxiety but if you can control the anxiety your palpitations will ease and you should be able to cut down or stop smoking. I tried acupuncture, hypnotherapy, cold turkey etc . The only thing that helped me was learning relaxation exercises.
Have you had an in depth thyroid check because can get heart racing from wrong thyroid levels
I had blood tests done before i was able to get my holter monitor would that have picked up something wrong with my thyroid?
Ask your GP if they tested your thyroid when they did the blood tests.
I agree with KIMMY60 that thyroid problems can cause our hearts to race and palpitations. That happened to me when I was 20, and along with thyroid medication, I was given beta blockers to slow my heart rate.
Please do try to stop smoking. I smoked until I was 52, and although I can't turn the clock back, I regret the day I started. I love being a non-smoker now, but not as much as my heart and lungs love me being a non-smoker!
Wishing you well.
No by all means correct me. I am fully aware of what an LBBB is. My cardiologist explained it very clearly to me. Palpitations do feel like my heart is missing a beat to me which is why I used the phrase but I was not aware that I was incorrect do so. I have deleted the post. x
Well I went to the doctors because I was just feeling so rubbish was causing breathlessness and palpitations so bad! So they arranged blood test and ecg that was 3 months ago so very recent and I will find blood test results out Friday for the one I had today. Yeah it literally does come out of the blue mine did aswell can make you feel so unwell they said if after the first course of b12 tablets it's still low I might have pernicious animea, really hope I don't. My levels were 184 instead of 197. What did your doctor say about your b12 levels??? You can message me privately if you prefer 😉.
Yeah for me the main symptom that I knew wasn't right was how exhausted I felt 24/7 no matter how much sleep I had got, then the breathless just from doing silly things like getting of the sofa, putting something in the cupboard or doing dinner I would he gasping for breath and it all was caused by something as simple as viteman b12 so now I make sure I have my cereal which has b12 in it 😁. I cant remember the name of the tablet I was on but it was a long name I will search it up and then get back to you. Erm yeah it just makes you feel so rubbish! Plus I have anxiety and depression so didn't help I was convinced was heart related but now I know Ive never been healthier! I hope you have a nice time on holiday ❤️
Do try to keep calm until you get your results I know it's hard. Be aware they may send you for more tests after the holter meter to see why the ectopics are occurring and sometimes there can be a long long wait for these.
If you can feel the missed beats, then try & keep a diary of when the ectopics occur along with what you've eaten to see if you can identify if sugar or caffine etc kicks them off.
You could also keep a record of BP daily, & pulse & oxygen levels 2 or 3 times a day so that you have this info to discuss with GP.
If your main symptom is tiredness ask GP to check your Vit D levels also ... as if this is too high or too low it can affect heart issues, plus when it's at the wrong level it can cause tiredness & low mood / depression. I've had a heart med prescription for 7 months for 8% Ventricular ectopics found on 24hr holter meter (which are still under investigation as to the cause) & a mega top up Vit D prescription in the last 2 months & I've gone from being exhausted & sleeping all the time, to just plain tired.
Good luck with the quitting smoking.
As everyone suggests it is very hard but so very worth it.
You will need to find other ways to keep calm & relax without the smoking or replacement of it with something else just as unhealthy.
Someone has already suggested to try relaxation exercises. There are loads of different ones you need to try lots & find wot works for you.
Mindfulness & breathing exercises are certainly worth a try.
Keeping your hands busy at times when you have a cigarette craving can also be useful .... a game on your mobile, fidget spinner, zen-tangle (a posh form of drawing patterns on a beer-mat), knitting, etc.
For coping with work stress ...... As a former smoker i can identify that smokers usually walk away from or after a problem / stressful situation & take a break, breathe deeply to inhale both the nicotine & more oxygen, and vent to others because you don't go out to smoke alone, & return 'calmed down' & ready to keep going! BUT those giving up no longer do those things as they don't want to be encouraged to start smoking again SO they tend to stay at their desks working on & getting more & more stressed & uptight which isn't good & often leads to starting smoking again just to keep calm & cope with work ..... Remember when you give up smoking to still walk away & take a break, get out-side breathe deeply "enjoy the nicotine-free clean air" & grab a mate & vent while making a de-caff or encourage a buddy to join you outside "just avoid the fag & vape smoke" ... that way you'll keep calmer, be able to cope and are less likely to re-start.
Good luck
Hi , they are very unnerving, aren’t they? I’ve had them for a few years, was told they are nothing, get on with life, everyone has some. Then got to the stage where couldn’t walk far, breathless, legs wouldn’t move, dizzy etc. Had Holter last may, came back with over 18000 in 24 hr. Cardiology put me on list for ablation, but 18 month wait here! Not life threatening, but you can feel awful. Gentle exercise helps. Walking is so good for you. Give it a try, build up gradually, think of it as medicine, and try to at least cut down on smoking, to give your body a chance to cope. Caffeine & alcohol aggravate it too☹️. Try to take control a bit, do love your body, it has to carry you around for many years. Little changes can really help. Do hope you get help soon. Liz.
are you very athletic. Abnormal or perceived to be abnormal heart rhythms are extremely common in athletic or very sporty people especially young people. Ectopic beats aren’t anything to worry about although they can be alarming. Your doctor might suggest doing other tests to rule out other causes. I wouldn’t get too worried about your heart to be honest. Unless you are getting other symptoms like fainting fatigue or feeling extremely grotty it’s probably just a normal thing you will grow to accept or it might “burn itself out” in time. Stress is another important factor In palpitations when adrenaline kicks in it gives a huge load of adverse reactions and palpitations are just one side effect. So check and see if there’s anything in your life atm which is stressing you out and try to relax. Ask your doctor to refer you for relaxation classes or listen to meditation podcasts if you have an alexia speaker or something similar. You will probably find things will get much easier in time. Trust in your doctor good luck
i used to be very athletic , Football 4 nights a week since i was 7 and did another 5 or so sports after that , Only since covid have i been very inactive.
Dont have any other symptoms of an arrythmia or anything , Covid is what originally started my anxiety and after i got burnt out of worrying about covid i moved onto my heart.
Thanks for the reply
Have a nice day 👍
See i never really drink since i thought smoking was bad enough for me , However a few months back i went out with friends for the first time in 2 years and had a couple drinks and i didnt notice any ectopic beats until after i got back to my friends house after a long walk and fixated on my heartbeat , After that i got really anxious again and started having ectopic beats so im going back and forth in my head wondering if its just my anxiety causing them or a physical issue with my heart .
Thanks for the reply
Have a nice day😀
I had ectopics pre pandemic sometimes one or two every minute. Only noticed when wanting to sleep at night. I am not an anxious person, but they gave me the sensation of nervousness. Was told by meds they were not of concern. At this time I was working very hard on being fit post heart attacks, and stenting. Pandemic came and all the gym , swim, and fitness studio trips came to an abrupt end, as did my ectopics. I continued to walk miles and miles every day, but very much less intense. I have ever since stopped trying to be super fit. Everything I do is much more moderated, I swim but steadily, I go to exercise classes for oldies, and I walk and garden. So for me, over exercise well beyond my comfort zone seems to cause ectopics.
snap ! Im in the same boat