Does anyone know what effect Clopidogrel can have on a hiatus hernia?
Clopidogrel and Hiatus Hernia - British Heart Fou...
Clopidogrel and Hiatus Hernia
hello I am interested to know why you ask as I take clopidogrel and apparently have a small hiatus hernia. Is there a known concern?
following with interest.
I have had a hiatus hernia for well over 13yrs and GORD, I have also been taking Clopidogrel for almost two decades, with me it has had no effect on either condition, but if you have concerns I would suggest perhaps discussing it over with your gp or specialist if that is possible. Wish you all the best with it.
It had absolutely no effect on mine but I was given tablets to protect my stomach. I was on clopi for 6 months.
I take Clopidogrel and have a hiatal hernia. Clopidogrel just reduces the platelet count in your blood and the only possible side effect is reduced clotting / increased bleeding. So there should be no direct effect on a hernia.
However there can be gastrointestinal irritation associated with Clopidogrel leading to acid reflux. I was getting swallowing issues due to reflux. I now take Lansoprazole to counter this and the swallowing issues have cleared up.
Sorry Barny1976, I put I have GORD, but forgot to say I am also on lansaprazole too. The aspirin I've been given since heart attack in June did affect my reflux causing tightness around the throat, the lansaprazole was doubled it helped for a while but feels like it's coming back. However the clopidogrel did not effect me. Again my apologies for not mentioning the lansaprazole at the time of my first comment.
I have had a hiatus hernia for years and after my bypass I take the usual Clopidogrel and Lansoprazole that make me symptom free from the hiatus. I stopped Lansoprazole for a while and got that horrible feeling across my chest like I use to.