hi everybody I am on clopidogrel, just recently been prescribed these and i am experiencing multiple mexican waves inside my head, this is fairly unpleasant and i am 100% positive that these are an adverse side effect from these tablets, the tablets are now in the bin. The previous tablets gave me, sudden temperature increases, extreme swollen ankles ( tree trunks ) I think that if i am prescribed these tablets and don't really need them anyone else experienced these conditions ? thanking you for reading
clopidogrel: hi everybody I am on... - British Heart Fou...

Hello and welcome to the forum! You really need to talk to your GP as you do not say why they were prescribed and what other medications you are on.
As a general point any unused medication should be taken to a pharmacist for safe disposal and not sent to landfill!
I was prescribed these for having an mini stroke, but just had various scans all they all came up negative, the tablets are not at landfill but in my TO BE BINNED FOLDER the other tablets I was on had various side effects and mine were on the major stop taking immediately list, the various doctors were informed but .........
No one on this site is medically qualified so cannot tell you what to take or not take but please click this link from the Stroke website. A mini stroke is also called a TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack).
You must feel quite frightened so go to your doctor and tell him exactly how you feel and see what he suggests. Go as soon as you can. Clopidogrel is prescribed to help to prevent both heart attacks and strokes.
thank you for the reply, i am frightened yes indeed but not about the alleged TIA but about being prescribed medication i do not need, another country examined me and said i had a reduced blood flow going the brain and the MRI showed that i had a quite a large indication of something happening in the brain, i have explained that i had accidentally knocked myself out ( know it is silly but it actually happed) and the initial alleged TIA i think was an over intake in over the counter medication to counter act the dental work that i was going through at the time. I have had terrible experiences with all the tablets, tablet no. 1 i woke up feeling i was drowning from inside my head, tablet no.2 , extreme itching all over my body, spots and lumps, swirling in my head and sudden temperature changes which were followed by alleged TIA's, and these clopidogrel are the worst ever these cause mexican waves inside my head which are really unpleasant. I appreciate the fact that i should consult the doctor about stopping the med but to be honest since putting the tablets on hold i feel 100% better and i always look at the side effects and some of the listed above appear in the rare and sop clause on the read me sheet that is supplied in the box. I am going to see a specialist soon and looking forward to it, i recently had an MRI and it was so relaxing that i nearly fell asleep. So thank you for your kind reply
CT scans following a mini-stroke or TIA do not always show anything but can predict the risk of another TIA or more major stroke. The medication is to reduce these risks as sometimes strokes can cause very serious damage. You need to work with your GP - even a mini aspirin will reduce risk. However, at the end of the day it's your body!
Hi there. The Clopidogrel is a super Aspirin that will help stop your blood clotting and help prevent a heart attack. There are alternatives but it’s really not a great idea to stop meds without first talking to your Doc.
Even if the little pallet in the packet quotes " stop taking these immediately "I informed the doctor about this and they told me to half the tablets nothing mentioned about adverse side effects !
They probably told you to cut in half to lessen the side effects
They probably didn't tell you to stop as you are at risk
It says stop taking and call your Dr immediately?
even if the side effects are stated as stop taking immediately and are on the rare list, i spoke to the doc one on one face to face not over the phone and my ankles were that swollen i could not see them
Clopidogrel is more potent than aspirin in prevention of blood clots.But like aspirin ,it itself has side effects .If you can be little elaborate about "mexican waves" as to what happens exactly ,it would be easier to understand.My father had IHD ,he took Brillinta,more potent than Clopid for a year .Did not have such side effects.Now again for TIA he is taking it ,not had such side effects but in fact improved .I think he will do well with it .But let me also know what exactly happens ,when mexican wave appears.
I had really bad side effets from clopidogrel - my consultant changed them to ticagrelor - only side effect really is the bruising so might be worthwhile speaking to your consultant
Hi. I’m in a range of meds to lower my blood pressure (which is already low) and got up too quickly this morning. As I did so I had the ‘Mexican wave’ experience. Do you experience it when you get up quickly?
I had a mini TIA 2 years ago and was put on Clopidogrel, I must admit with no side effects, last year I had a stent fitted and among the many other drugs I was put on I also had to Aspirin ( which I gather does the same thing as Clopidogrel). My year is up and I recently discussed my meds with the Doctor who said because of my TIA she would check with the Consultant as to which drugs I should continue with, so after his advice I have stopped the Aspirin and continue with Clopidogrel.
also just given these but have had no side effects sorry to hear that you have mine I believed were prescribed to help stop clots giving me future heart attacks
I have been taking clopidogrel for many, many years with no ill effects. You obviously MUST speak to your GP/Consultant.
I was put on Clopidogrel for mild CHD as a preventative measure as a anti-platelet. However they did make me feel a bit weird but also were very expensive(I live in Ireland).... they were around £15 a box of 28....so I told my doc and he changed me to low dose aspirin which he said was just as good without any reservations....they seem to work fine for me at 60p per box.
I could not takell them either. Only a couple of months and I threw them in the bin. Felt fine afterwards. Dr was not happy but offered me no alternative. That was 18 months ago.