My,gp said that i have to take gaviscon 4×daily as well as 20mg ×daily of rabeprazole because i am struggling with my hiatus hernia I am being flooded out with antacids and ppi got to do this for 4wks been doing it for 10 days its worse when I move about but a bit better when I am sat down don't know how long I can go on like this, I thought rabeprazole was the best ppi, been taking 20mg for years, any thoughts please.
Hiatus hernia struggling : My,gp said... - British Heart Fou...
Hiatus hernia struggling

Don’t know about it being the best as the various PPIs actually work in slightly different ways, and some are better for certain things than others, but you’re on the max daily dose, so if you’re not getting control, I’d personally say switching PPI would probably be better than adding in gaviscon four times a day, unless there’s a medical reason you can’t. Have you asked the GP what their rationale is for doing that over switching PPI or adding in an H2 medication like famotidine? Sometimes it can be helpful if you understand the reasoning for the decisions made.
Edited to add that I have a hernia and horrendous GORD as a result of it. Currently taking max pantoprazole and famotidine.

Thanks,gp said if it isn't any better after 4 wks change to something else, its a different gp every time saying different things, it's hard work
I'm having the same problem, it's so so awful ,been in terrible pain for about 6 weeks ,I'm taking 40mg esomeprozole & 20mg famotidine & just get told to double the dose! Just spoke to a gastro consultant this morning & I've to have a pH study or possibly surgery . I'm also drinking peptac & eating rennies by the lorry load
I can't really comment on the meds you take, but I have reflux disease and have been taking a PPI of some sorts for over 15 years. My current PPI is Lansoprazole having been shifted from Esomeprazole after an NSTEMi due to the reaction that would have had with Clopidogrel. All that said have you had anyone advise on foods to avoid with your condition. Typically onions are a no no for some, since they create gas. I have found over the years which foods I can and cannot eat, e.g. I haven't eaten an orange or drunk orange juice for years, same goes for green peppers, although oddly red peppers are OK. Nonetheless sometimes I have relapse due to something I have eaten, and so go back to basics whilst my insides settle down again. This can take up to two weeks. So my suggestion, if you haven't done it already, is to research what foods to avoid with GORD, and see if that helps your situation. It won't cure it, but it might give you a better quality of life.

Thanks, had hiatus hernia for years i know whats what regarding food but with me I get problems what ever I raise my bed and everything. Just have to see whats what when I change from rabeprazole to something else, from what I have been reading esoprazole might be better i hope.
The doctor I was under some years ago when I was suffering reflux and a very sore throat suggested propping the end of the bed up a few inches so I slept down hill.I woke up constantly with my feet out the end of the bed.
He was very reluctant to treat it but I persisted to the point of being threatened with a gastroscopy after weekly visits for 6 months.
Eventually I got an appointment.... 2 ulcers!
His whole attitude changed after that and eventually found the right meds for me after a bit of trial and error.
Hi, I had a Hiatus hernia for years and have worked through all the PPI’s now on Famotidine and Gaviston and it seems to work much better. I also have an umbilical hernia, which I’m getting fixed next month, having to pay of course, which I hope will help the Diverticular Disease problems. No fun getting old!You might have to be assertive to get Famotidine as I was told by GP that it was too expensive, good luck.
Forgot to add I increased the Famotidine from 20mg once day to twice a day and it seems much better.
Hi RadarsI would certainly go back to your GP, and let them know it's worse, and see if they might change your ppi. Worth a try, it shouldn't be worse after that amount of time.
Best of luck
Thanks just sent a message via klinic ppis also stop your body from absorbing nutrients, every time i receive a message from a gp its always a different gp, there's no such thing as my gp nowadays its a gp and they all say different things don't know wether im coming or going.
Hi RadarsIt's a damn nightmare, trying to see a doctor dentist or a hospital appointment, I've a respiratory consultation this morning, how the hell can they monitor a spirometry test on the phone it's absolutely ridiculous, hope you get the answers you need, and overlaps a change of meds would help, I take 40mg pantoprazole daily, and can take twice a day if I get symptoms like you, I have also a hiatus hernia like yourself. Good luck x
antique50I have had a hiatus hernia for about 16 years. Really ill sometimes. Then I found something called Silicol gel. (This is not an advert). It lines your oesophagus. I also take Zoton fas tab (lansoprazole) when necessary. Hope this helps. No chocolate or pastries of course, though this is hard to do!
Hi Radars,
So sorry you are feeling so rotten. I have oesophagitis with hiatus hernia and like you, when I have a flare up I certainly know about it! Was put on Omeprazole which I took 20mg for 4 years but had really bad regular flare ups so in the end got a second opinion and was put on Lansoprazole 60mg to start with then GP dropped it to 15mg - this is not enough so I take 2 a day and rarely have any issues now. Been on these probably about 6 yrs now. Might be worth another chat with your GP as it could be something as simple as changing the PPI. Don't know if you do this already but sleeping with more pillows to raise yourself up a bit helps (sorry if you already do this!!) Stops the acid coming back up your windpipe and that horrible need to be sick.
I hope things settle down for you soon.
Been struggling with hiatus hernia, got a call from gp this morning its hard, I am taking 20mg x daily and gaviscon after each meal, he suggested leaving the gaviscon and try easing off with the rabeprazole, and with struggling over the phone, he suggested coming down to the surgery to see another gp,I went down and all he said was stop the gaviscon, never mentioned changing ppi for which i have tried all of them over the years, he has prescribed me famatodine for chest and back pain, what is the point because different gps are saying different things.
I'm in for a camera on Tuesday for what we think is this. In the meantime I've been given 20ml omeprazole 2x daily which is helping ease the symptoms .. hopefully find out what's going on. Never heard of it before 3 weeks ago but hope you get sorted soon
I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia 25 years ago I've been on 10 mg omrepazole never had any problems
Sorry about your difficulties. I was on omeprazole for, crikey, 15 + yrs. I have had chronic low sodium for past 2-3 yrs and on seeing my gastroenterologist for routine review recently (I have coeliac disease), I learned that omeprazole can cause low sodium. It went down to127! I had tried to withdraw very gradually from omeprazole while at same time as changing my diet to Mediterranean diet. Also cut out all alcohol. Unfortunately, my withdrawal didn’t work and reflux rebounded. Gastroenterologist doc advised Famotidine. I now take that. It’s not as good as omeprazole but my sodium level has risen to 131. I will try and persevere with Famotidine BUT will also avoid the bad foods. I have just bought s book - The Acid Watcher Diet - Dr Johnathan Aviv - after watching a You Tube vid of him talking about reflux. Diet is absolutely key here I believe. Good luck
I have been taking Lanzoprozole 20mg for several years after being diagnosed with hiatus suits me but also states not to take gaviscon as well with this med, check with your gp.....prior to that I was on omeprazole and it didn't suit me. I also have to watch what I eat, raw peppers and onions and tomatoes also set it off!!! Good luck an hope you feel better soon.
Hi Radars, I was diagnosed with my hh over 30 years ago seems like it was a family trait, after a heart attack in 2018 I was put on many different drugs for my heart and for my severe arthritis (also spina bifida), if caused big problems at the time then I was put on lansoprazole, been on it ever since and never looked back, hope you get it sorted soon 👍
I have a hiatus hernia with gastro reflux and have been on omeprazole for 15 years. I agree that its not good to take a ppi this long and last year my GP upped my dose to 40mg twice daily. I only took 40 mg once daily to try and avoid damage to my kidneys and bones. I discussed this with another GP and he prescribed the original Losec 20mg once daily, as he said the generic omeprazole did not work nearly as well as the hard slow release Losec. I have been on the Losec now for over 2 weeks and it seems to be working as good as the 40mg generic omeprazole. I know how bad acis reflux makes you feel so best of luck with whatever PPIs they put you on.
Hi I'm in the US and would like to share my experience. Years and years suffered with chest pains and reflux. Told I had a small hiatus hernia. Went to emergency countless times where I was treated like a fool. Four gastro doctors who just prescribed more ppi and antacid liquid.Finally, found a wonderful Gastro who listened. He ordered a manometry test to see how my swallowing was. 4 out of 10 swallows were weak. I also had pain in my throat.
He then ordered a 48 hour Bravo test. Went to hospital where they implanted a small capsule in my esophagus that send reading to a device I carried around. Procedure and capsule didn't hurt. It automatically detaches and is excreted in stool.
Test results showed significant reflux/ gets/gord. Avg pH was around 2. Very acidic. He said it is a mechanical issue and all the ppi in the world wouldn't help. Was referred to a surgeon who suggested a linx device ring to be put around my weak lower esophagus junction. It is a small band of magnetic beads that opens when you swallow food then closes preventing reflux. He also repaired hiatal hernia which was larger than shown on scan and he got rid of abdominal adhesion bands from surgery 25 years ago.
Results no ppi or antacid. No more pain. I feel like a new person after going through very poor health last three years because of hernia and reflux. I'm female 65 years old.
I sincerely hope that you get someone who will listen to you.
I joined the bhf because I also have angina etc which I take nifedipine er for once a day. Even that improved after the surgery.
This forum has been comfort to me as I suffered with my symptoms.
Please let us know if you get help.
Interesting the different approaches in different countries. In the UK surgery seems to be very rare.
Guys and St Thomas in London do offer the linx device, but my understanding is it’s only really considered if nothing else has worked for GORD. For hernias specifically, I know surgery is primarily considered based on the size of the hernia, but I don’t know that the size necessarily translates to the severity of symptoms in practice. Severely symptomatic or very large hernias are still repaired. Mine is only 3cm, but without medication, acid suddenly surges up my throat and literally pours out of my nose on a near daily basis. My symptoms are manageable pharmacologically, though.

Thanks Charlie_G, very interesting. I can't imagine how horribly awful it must be to have stomach acid pouring out of your nose. Take care.