Panic attacks: As you all know had... - British Heart Fou...

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Panic attacks

boredom profile image
6 Replies

As you all know had heart attack last year 2 stents fitted have recently been suffering from terrible panic attacks thinking i am having another can't slleep hot cold feelings has anyone else suffered and if so how did you cope

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boredom profile image
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6 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I really feel for you

I had anxiety before I had my first heart attack which I did not have any stents was put on meds instead I had 2 more heart attacks obviously the meds did not stop this and then I was taken for an angiogram and was found I needed a triple Bypass which I have had done 2 years ago

I still have the same fears and the "What if's" and the waking up having panic attacks some days I cry some days I feel like I am hanging on trying to get through this and the suffering can feel unbearable

I come on here see how well everyone else is doing how they have moved on and as happy as I am for them all I think why can't I do it but for some of us it really affects us

Have you spoken with your Doctor you need to even if you have spoken to them before some Counselling medication maybe to help you get through this will hopefully help

But you are not on your own in how you feel and the hot and cold feelings are normal when you are having panic attacks

We have been through quite a big life changing event but hopefully all those fears will get less and our confidence better

I try and turn the negative thoughts and fear into positive ones so in your case I would be telling myself I have stents now the blood is flowing through my heart and I am on medications which is all true we just somehow have to believe it :-) x

TriumphLover profile image

I feel for you, panic attacks are awful!

I’m an over thinker myself and ruminating on things has definitely resulted in depression and panic attacks in the past. It’s natural if your wired that way unfortunately.

For me personally, councilling / talking therapies have helped in the past, so much so I’ve just started with someone four weeks post surgery to get a jump on things. Also I found mediation a great help, if you’ve not done it before try a guided meditation on you tube etc. Difficult at first but stick with it, you’ll be amazed how effective it is.

Hope that helps.


Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Boredom,

About 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, and I do have panic attacks. Looking back now, I can see that I have always had anxiety, but it is worse now after my HA in March 2022.

Trying to live with anxiety/panic disorder is dreadful. I can completely understand how difficult it is for you to cope with the fear and anxiety.

Currently, I am prescribed a low dosage of Xanax. I take 1/2 to one tablet when needed, and it does help. I am also trying to use breathing exercises daily and mindfulness activities. These are still a work in progress, but they seem to help some. I also found a technique that involves placing your hand over your chest/heart area and then focusing attention on the connection between your heart/heartbeat and your hand. I find that activity to be comforting to me.

Like you, I work daily on trying to control my anxiety. Some days are better, and some days are not. I have also tried cognitive behavioral therapy, and that was somewhat helpful too. Honestly, anxiety disorder lasts our lifetime—no simple cure. However, I do believe that we can learn ways to help us better control our anxiety/panic, and I see myself as a work in progress.

I truly wish you success in finding something that will help you to control your panic/anxiety. It will likely always be with us, but, perhaps, we can learn ways to help the effects be less traumatic for us. ❤️

Link for Hand-on-Heart Technique:

boredom profile image

Have been having CBT only allowed 6 sessions have now been diagnosef with gastritis feel awful all the time dont go out cant eat properly feel like giving up

Dogloverxthree profile image

I feel for you I am the same. Are you alone? If not talk to you family and friends tell them how bad you feel and ask for their support when your having a really bad time. I’m fighting it alone it’s awful

Noodlesalad profile image

I totally understand even though I haven't had a heart attack or stents. However I haven't been well at all lately with Tonsillitis and now on my second lot of antibiotics due to an allergic reaction to the first lot.Yes I do panic when poorly and the treatment not going well sometimes what works for me is reading, especially when it's a learning subject and the other thing I do online is British Sign Language. I signed up for the online course about six months ago and passed the first component about 2 months ago. I love it because there is no time limit to me doing the course and unlike some other courses it's not expensive you donate/pay what you can afford to do the course. It's a win win situation for me. I can do it in my own time from home and it distracts my thoughts from other worrying things, like on going health problems.

I hope this helps you in some small way. Let me know what you think and if my suggestion is no help I hope someone else on here and I'm sure they will can offer alternatives. We all cope with stress in different ways and I'm sure you'll find something.

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