Does anyone else suffer from panic attacks? I never had any before my heart attack. I’ve been in a few situations where I needed a cool head and no problem. Now though I’m getting them all the time. I try to work out what triggers them to avoid them but just lately I’m failing miserably. They come in different forms ranging from angry outbursts to screaming, crying and, yesterday, fainting. My daughter thinks I should see my GP for antidepressants to calm me down but I wouldn’t take them if he gave me them. Could it be the meds or am I just going bonkers?
Panic attacks: Does anyone else suffer... - British Heart Fou...
Panic attacks

Dear Maisie2014
A very interesting post thank you and one that you seem to have part answered within it.
As you have never suffered from “panic attacks “ before so it seems to point that something is going on after your heart attack.
You have to remember that I am not medically trained but please don’t rule out help that is available from your Drs.
You called it Panic attacks were it could be anxiety, your Dr will be able to distinguish between them and offer you the best therapy for it. Which doesn’t always mean antidepressants.
There is also the chance that its your medication, again adjustments/change should only be made by your Dr/medical team
I suffered after my operation and was diagnosed with depression and the sunshine pills really helped me during a very low period. { I have now stopped them }
You know something is a miss, your family knows as well, that is a massive step to recognise this and its only a small step after that to ask for help for your Dr.
Please don’t suffer anymore there is help and its a well tested path.
Take care

Thank you. I’m composing and email to my GP surgery for their suggestions. I really don’t want happy pills.
You are not going bonkers
I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks
It sounds like the screaming and shouting and crying is anxiety
The fainting could be part of a panic attack
When I have a panic attack , everything feels like it is closing in , I can hear people but cannot make out what they are saying , my heart goes at 100 miles an hour , I feel I cannot breath , like I am having a low sugar level drop , I can start shaking and yes I feel like I am going to pass out luckily this has only happened once when I did but I have to sit down quick or I could imagine it would have happened to me more
I have to breath my way through the panic attack and just wait till it passers but they are awful and after you feel like you are exhausted and weak
I have always suffered with anxiety and panic attacks but my health has made it so much worse
You could also have a PTSD from your heart attack
Some medications can make you feel this way to
You do need to speak with a Doctor you do not always have to go on medication but you could also be depressed it could be any of these things but talking with your Doctor they can work out which one it is
Counselling could be another option
Trying some meditation , relaxing exercises for anxiety all on You Tube so many of them to choose from
Try not to fight how you feel as by doing so you are allowing it to be important if this makes sense
Accept this is how you are feeling but it will pass the less importance you give it the weaker it gets , not easy I know but try
Speak with your Doctor just to find which is causing this but you are not alone in how you feel
Let me know how you get on x

Thank you. I’ve decided to drop an email to my GP surgery for their suggestions.
Hi. Panic attacks are awful. I’ve suffered with them for a while. I held down a very stressful job for years and always managed to work well under pressure. Things change. These days though my health anxiety is horrendous and even getting a letter through the post from the hospital can send me into a panic. You’ve been through the trauma of a heart attack and it’s natural that you will be anxious. I understand that you may be reluctant to take medication for anxiety but if it can help, why not? It doesn’t have to be forever but be aware of withdrawal symptoms. Or talking therapies may work. All I would say is that doing something has to be better than doing nothing. I hope you feel better soon.
I think it perfectly normal. Up until my quadruple CABG 8 weeks ago and 1 HT 6 weeks ago then finding out I had a HT on holiday in the States about 10-12 weeks ago I had been a very strong person with no mental health problems but now that’s all changed. I’ve got a councillor, some happy tablets and some sleeping tablets all because mi mind is telling me I should be dead or I’m still going to die. We are going away in the UK in a few weeks time and I’m already starting to panic because there in hospital close, we are off to see my wife’s brother tomorrow the closest hospital to him is 25 miles which isn’t exactly far but even that scares m. I know it’s only my head doing it and I’m going to push my self to do it I’m not giving in. So many on here feel the same.
Oh dear I know exactly what you mean. However I’ve had two lovely albeit short breaks and have enjoyed them thoroughly. I dare not go away to France or anywhere abroad because of my fear of being taken I’ll. I don’t fear my passing so much as fearing how difficult it will be for my husband if I do. He keeps telling me he’ll manage and I’m sure he will but I do everything; the banking, insurances, purchases for the home, shopping for food etc etc. I think also it’s not a good thing to watch the news on TV. We’ve started switching off the TV and reading more. Thank you for your kindness.. take care.
I’ve just composed a detailed email to my GP on their website on their consulting form. Right at the end I got the message. “Sorry their is a fault please try again later”. Aargh!Oh well. Good news though. I’ve just found out I’ve won the postcode lottery so I’m going to treat myself to a tonic and lemon. No gin though it was only £10 lol.
Push the boat out have two slices of lemon.👍
Hi, I had panic attacks for many years since I was about 10 years old on and off. I was on tranquillisers at 10 ! I’ve lost count of how many panic attacks I had. It was started off after a traumatic operation. I’m sure your heart attack was a trigger. I think that as a stop gap drugs can help but don’t resolve the issue. I’m having counselling at the moment after having a cancer diagnosis and operation then a heart attack. Apart from anything else talking can help us rationalise what’s happening.
There’s no shame in not coping, we have limits and that’s normal.
I was in hospital and had a melt down as everything was too much for takes time to get over panic attacks but the more help we get the better.
The great thing is panic attacks are quite common so you’re not alone.
I hope you get plenty of support, reach out when you feel vulnerable, I hope you begin to feel better soon 🤗
If u don’t feel like taking meds, U could always look into ways of dealing with the panic attacks by breathing exercises etc. just talk to ur Dr. C what he can recommend.
Hello Maisie - you seem to be feeling how I’m feeling, worrying about leaving your husband behind and how he will cope with day to day life as you do everything. Same here! I worry that if I’m not here how will he manage on his own and look after our little dog whilst he works all day. I do everything for them and leaving them behind is what makes me feel sad. I haven’t had a heart attack but discovered a 50% blockage in my LAD so now live in fear of waiting for the heart attack to happen. I feel that to be hit so suddenly with life changing medical news the emotional side is harder to deal with than the physical and no one seems to get that. I went to see my GP who has been wonderful and although I had been on Citalopram prior to my heart event and then taken off them immediately following admission to hospital, I really didn’t want to go back on any medication which could have any possible side effects for my heart so my GP suggested CBT which I am now doing with our local health’s service. It’s a 6 week online course and I’m hoping I can learn new skills to help me cope with the sadness, anger, fear and anxiety of just getting through each day without worrying about going to sleep at night and not waking up. Do try and get that appt with your GP, go to one where hopefully they will understand your fears but also be consistent so they can see you over a period of time instead of seeing different ones and having to repeat your story. After the course if I feel I need the happy pills then I wouldn’t rule them out as I know stress and anxiety isn’t good for the heart either. Keep us posted on your progress. By reading each other’s stories on here, at least we know we are all in the same boat with the emotions that come from a heart event. I just wish I could feel as positive as some folk on here who have had worse situations to face than mine. Take care and look after your ❤️.
Hi ,sorry you are suffering like this ,After my HA I felt scared and angry which manifested itself on many ways ,panic attacks,screaming and shouting at my long suffering husband,and depression,it all eased in time ,it’s now about 5 years ago and I hardly ever think about it any more .It wouldn’t hurt to see a doctor,but he may offer more meds which you say won’t take ,some are worth looking at.Good luck and try to chill. X
i started having panic attacks some 40 years ago. In those days hey treated you with ECT,an absolutely horrific treatment that ended with me losing all memory of about 3 years. Eventually I found someone who did hypnosis and taught relaxation exercises. She taught me how to recognise the very first signs of a panic attack and how to s top hem before they got any worse. Mine are caused by health anxiety after being brusquely told at 18 that I probably had breast cancer. ( I didn't) so I strongly suspect that your heart problems are the cause of ours. Anti depressants are not the answer and it's unlikely your GP would prescribe them for panic attacks. Do go and talk to your GP about hem. They will probably suggest counselling at first b ut there's nothing to stop you asking for hypnotherapy or relaxation exercises if you feel they could help you. Don't let them continue without doing something because they can take over your life. It's your subconscious worries taking over but you CAN control them.
Hi Maisie,
I had my first panic attack about 40 years ago and it just about wrecked my life for many years.
It was an awful experience, I was asleep in a car late at night and I suddenly woke with the most awful feeling, I won't go into the details but I'm pretty sure it was constant travelling and a serious lack of sleep, coupled with a very stressful work life which bought it on.
I never sought treatment because it was a sign of weakness!!!, but I managed to work around it avoiding situations where it could cause a problem, but it was a constant background anxiety and I'm quite sure it contributed to my heart attack.
I did eventually seek medical help but was told it was just a bit of anxiety and would pass, it never did.
I do understand that beta-blockers can be very helpful as they suppress the physical symptoms of anxiety without any serious side effects. I wish I had been prescribed them 40 years ago, it would have saved me years of trouble.
Don't ignore the power of therapy, just talking about these things can be enough to put you on a path to recovery, but you have to talk....which is what I never did.
Good luck
Hi Maisie, your certainly not going bonkers. Anyone can start with panic/ anxiety attacks at any stage of life unfortunately.!!
Any traumatic, worrying, scary experience that you encounter can open the door to them.
You’ve had a heart attack so you’re certain to have had worry/ fear/ upset etc in the beginning and it’s still in the back of mind tucked away, even when you’re feeling fine.?
Iv had panic/anxiety/anger/ attacks for a very long time.!
But as time goes on you will feel better and things will settle down so please don’t think that you’re always going to be like this because your not.
Be patient, take it as it comes, it’s not easy sometimes but you’ll come through it.👍
Lots of love. Ron.x