Since my heart attack I’ve started to have panic attacks and I don’t realise what they are until afterwards. My husband’s coping with me very well. In fact he didn’t tell me about them until I told him. He said I’d had a few. I’ve never panicked about anything and I’ve been in a few sticky situations. I’m usually the one who keeps cool so I’m finding it a bit difficult to cope with at the moment.
It made me realise though how ageist out police force is. Don’t get me wrong I’m a big supporter of them and have even served on an independent advisory group. However I found myself in a scary situation the other night and had to call 999. I was having a panic attack about something happening in the street. That was four days ago. I believed my husband and I were in danger. I’m still waiting for the police to arrive!!!!!
I feel a fool. The danger was genuine but I feel that if I had been younger I may have been taken more seriously.
Does anyone else get panic attacks? Are they normal after a heart attack or is it just old age?