This is my situation. Following recent tests and Holter testing, my Cardiac Consultant feels one of the NOAC's : Apixaban/Rivaroxaban/Dabigatran, new generation anticoagulants, would offer me better protection against a further stroke than my current medication of 5 years standing. (Aspirin 75mgs and Clopidogrel).Consultant said I'm high risk and has added Microvascular Disfunction to my notes.
My TIA was in 2018
3 Stents in 2019
Whilst I'm obviously accepting of his opinion, I'm slightly wary of "upsetting the apple cart" as it were, as I have to take a vast amount of additional medication - and so far, they are all well tolerated and cohabit quite happily together.
However, I believe that I may have recently experienced a lesser TIA in my sleep . Not confirmed.
Has anyone else been in this change of medication situation, and how did it work out for you ?
Thank you 🙏