Feeling a bit upset been feeling a lot worse lately and had a bad night due to chest pain off and on from 4 this morning which has now settled.
Just had a planned telephone consultation with a doctor not my consultant on his behalf. I told him I was feeling worse and was having more pain.
He suggested increasing my current meds but I'm on the highest dose already.
Then suggested amlodipine which I had to stop because of swelling.
I asked one question which was is my diagnosis MVA or coronary spasm. I asked this because both have been mentioned previously and I'm a bit unsure.
He just said that both are treated with medication so it didn't matter anyway, and the only way to be sure is to have more invasive tests.
So he suggested trying either diltazem or nicorandil ?
Does anyone have experience of either of these drugs
I get what he was saying especially in the current situation, but he couldn't get me off the phone quick enough, clearly had not read my notes and his attitude did not reassure me or fill me with confidence.
Feeling a bit sorry for myself now 😢