Originally joined the thyroid group and just joined the heart group probably a bit previous (hopefully) as I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The thyroid group are very anti statins believing that if the thyroxine dose is correct cholesterol will automatically lower. Doctor sending me for a heart scan at some time but insistent I take the meds. Does anyone else have experience of this situation?
Statins and blood pressure meds - British Heart Fou...
Statins and blood pressure meds

Thank you beginning to think these forums are more worrying than helpful.
Good Morning
Your question could possibly lead to some ‘interesting’ discussions here, stand by !
I would be wary of taking anyone’s personal views over current medical advice. Only a qualified medical expert looking at you and the results of tests done on you should give you that advice.
It may be that you will need to try various different meds before the right combination is found for your needs.
You could try to work with your Dr, ask questions, understand what your problem is, find out what the drugs do, ask for further tests if they are available, find out what diet is optimum and actually follow it, try to find out what lifestyle and exercise level is optimum and actually push yourself to do it, try meditation/yoga/other for calmness….
It won’t necessarily be easy, Drs can be too rushed and might not want to engage that much but it can also be interesting. But for example you could ask if there is a dietitian at your Gp practice who you could have a session with to discuss food. Ask your Dr about suitable exercise and see if there are supported classes etc
Hoping that you find a good balance of meds and lifestyle to work well for your needs. Best wishes
There is a link between thyroid and cholesterol in that if you've an underactive thyroid it's likely that you'll have a reduced metabolism, which in turn can lead to higher cholesterol in the blood as it's not being appropriately metabolised out.
It sounds like their theory is that if your thyroid readings are normal then this shouldn't be a problem.
However, there will be plenty of people with normal thyroid levels that still have high cholesterol. They are usually treated with statins.
Basically, you need to treat both conditions, although you may find you need to adjust doses of either medication as your body adapts... but again this is true of most medication.
Thank you both for your comments. Have only occasionally taken my statins since I was prescribed. Now wondering if having not taken them has lead to my current problems. Just hope heart scan will be ok and this is a minor blip.
If they have been prescribed at least till you have had your heart scan I would take them
Years ago I was told I should take them and I ignored the advice and some years later I had 3 heart attacks followed by a triple Bypass had I taken the statins would I have not had the heart attacks and Bypasses I shall never know but if I had the chance again I would take them as advised
We come on these Communities to share with each other and support but the one thing we should not do is try and tell someone that what a Doctor has prescribed is wrong and things can be done differently we should always listen to the professionals as we are not medically trained
Let us know how your scan goes and if it were me I would listen to what my Doctor says x
I was recently put on statins for high cholesterol and they seem to be working as my cholesterol has lowered after I also cut right down on unhealthy foods. Statins are there to help and you should seek advice. Good luck
Thanks all. I know you are right and its just what I'm going to do. Got too carried away listening to posts on the thyroid group. Have to say you lot are a bit more up beat and positive.
Hi I started on statins after I had blurred vision in one eye and was told it could be a mini stroke (Tia) I was already on thyroxin, I am glad I took it as 2 years later I got angina, never had problems taking statins. I left the thyroid group as it seems to concentrate a lot on getting private blood test done not much general advice. All the best.