I’ve been waiting to have CPET test for over a year , a few weeks ago finally had an appointment come through for the 17th May . As I’ve getting more cardiac symptoms on exertion when I didn’t before my cardiologist and respiratory consultant requested the test so I was relieved to finally have a date . This morning I’ve had a call saying as there’s not enough staff available it’s been cancelled by cardiology . I’m gutted and ever so slightly annoyed , just when I thought I was a step closer to getting answers to my symptoms or being able to start heart rehab I’m back to square one . They couldn’t reebok it yet so I’m back on the waiting list 😠
CPET test cancelled , not enough staf... - British Heart Fou...
CPET test cancelled , not enough staff available

Dear You,
So sorry to hear that you have fallen foul of this { now } regular happening.
We have heard time and again of delays , cancelations etc under the umbrella of there not being enough staff.
For you with your anxiety it must be devastating and I can only say that I really feel for you .
Try to stay as strong as you can.
Take care X
I am so sorry and you have every right to feel gutted and annoyed I think most would
Trying to stay positive because you were on the top of the list to have it done today fingers crossed that is where you stay top of the list and you get another appointment soon
Let us know when you do x
Awww hun I'm so sorry to hear 😔💔
How absolutely completely frustrating. You've had the carpet pulled from under your feet. You deserve at least some sort of indication when you can get an alternative date.
hello I’m surprised your just ever so slightly annoyed, can’t be helped but still so very annoying. Truly feel for you.
Fingers crossed for an appointment soon.
When the dust settles, worth asking where on waiting list - sometimes helps to know the wait even if we don’t like the wait. I find not knowing worse.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you, Westie, you must be gutted! Is there any way your GP could maybe try and hurry it up for you as you've explained that you're having further cardiac symptoms? In the meantime, try to keep your chin up - fingers crossed that you're now at the top of the new list. Carol x
Can you ask to be notified of any cancellations by patients to go in and have this done or do you need special preparations for the test.? I was offered an orthopaedic appt (on a can you get here in an hour basis). Unfortunately I had another .more urgent appt at the same time.
Thank you to everyone kind enough to reply , I very surprisingly had another appointment letter yesterday , it’s booked for June 2nd so only two weeks away . I’m hoping I’ll get to go to this appointment , I had a very funny turn yesterday while just sitting quietly where I had a feeling of something turning in central chest , and a very fluttery feeling . Lasted about ten minutes on and off , then walking to the school an hour later I had a much faster heart rate than normal . Just hope the test will provide some answers then I can start to go swimming again without worrying it will cause problems again , which is when my cardiac symptoms started up a few years back .