Just an update...
Following a flare up of suspected pericarditis (Following myocarditis) recently I was put back on colchicine about 4 weeks ago.
The pain is less frequent, and less severe. I'm sleeping much better, and I can sit back on the sofa and lie on my back in bed - if only for a short while.
I've an appointment to get a 14 day ECG and an echo coming up too.
I'm starting to feel much more positive about the upcoming holiday, and more confident I'll be able to get travel insurance!
I've one week left of rehab and the nurse and physio have told me I'm looking better and more confident in myself...
So feeling much more positive!
I've made this separate post for anyone searching for myocarditis or pericarditis later on... there's a lot of questions for these conditions but not always answers or follow ups so just to keep the story going 🙂