Found this article quite worrying - w... - British Heart Fou...

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Found this article quite worrying - would welcome your thoughts

HHH2017 profile image
23 Replies

Daily Mail article yesterday... alarming reading as I struggle with permanent damage to my heart due to myocarditis and pericarditis. I don’t read many articles like this so wondered if anyone here with more experience/knowledge might offer some thoughts/comments please?

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HHH2017 profile image
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23 Replies
Sunnie2day profile image

I have 'residual' pericardial effusion from my recurrent pericarditis plus a scarred aortic valve (and Rheumatic Heart Syndrome) so I've been extremely careful to avoid exposure. Hands-face-space in spades since the first rumours of this thing came out of China, if I'm honest.

And that's all you can do - limit your exposure (space, lots of it!), keep your hands clean and don't touch your face.

I read that piece yesterday and honestly my first thought was 'Oh, that's not good' but the truth is my cardiologist went over the best ways to avoid exposure (really, he's been saying 'hands-face-space' for months) with me back in March.

So far, so good.

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Sunnie2day

I’m the same, I shielded initially and still very careful. Our sons shop for us so we are very lucky not to need to shop. Lots of lovely walking and lots of space. Glad to hear your consultant agreeing with Gov advice as that’s what I’m following too. Thank you for your supportive reply.

Stobban profile image
Stobban in reply to Sunnie2day

Yea, As usual somebody somewhere, no matter where, finds things to frighten us heart patients with. It's normally the Americans and others too with their super technology that knock us all side-ways with fright. We heart patients are only interested in getting better with highly trained doctors, surgeons and dedicated medical staff who train hard to improve our lives. Over the years I have read similar 'facts' and 'frighteners' on my condition and if I had ever believed any of it........ well you know! Good Luck.

Jaws66 profile image
Jaws66 in reply to Sunnie2day

Quite right. To summarise - sick people are more likely to have a bad time with Covid-19. Not exactly shock news, we're not the healthiest bunch in here, but the Mail loves a headline.

I dip into the NHS' 'Behind the Headlines' pages from time to time - they take apart some of these alarmist articles and explain them properly:

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Jaws66

The NHS has NEVER mentioned our specific condition so for those of us with the conditions cited in the article, the main take-away for the OP, myself, and anyone else with heart damage owing to myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis is that those specific conditions have finally been mentioned as being conditions that have serious implications for those of us who contract the virus.

Until this report was reported on, no official recognition was given, not on either the UK/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish Government or NHS official lists of conditions that would put us in as recognised as being at high risk of complications or included on the high-risk or shielding lists. I haven't checked recently but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if these conditions STILL are not on the 'official list' of conditions that complicate a case of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

As a consequence of the omission of our conditions not being listed, we were put in a very difficult position - our conditions were NOT listed so we who are still in work that couldn't be done from home had to choose between common sense or going to work, we were not given ANY of the support the people on the lists were eligible for and thus had to risk going to the supermarket for food if we couldn't miraculously get a home delivery slot or Click and Collect pick-up.

The point of this discussion is FINALLY someone 'official' (the report The Wail cherry picked from) recognised myocarditis/pericarditis/myopericarditis could complicate a case of the virus.

I'm retired so I spoke with my cardiologist then took a personal choice to 'self-isolate' as soon as rumours came out of China of a nasty SARS-like illness. Then my GP lobbed me on the shielding list citing my 'multiple heart conditions+a neurological condition' (I have Essential Tremor) although soon after that my cardiologist and neurologist decided to remove me from shielding owing to their trust in me to be sensible. So far I've managed, through 'yer basic common sense' application, to remain Covid-free:)

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Sunnie2day

Likewise I have found it impossible to find anything specific info via NHS. Me & my husband shielded with no income - he lost his job & i am self employed but decided health more important.

I’ve recently taken on a little private tutoring to pay a few bills but we are being VERY mindful & adhering to guidance - hands- face- space. 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to HHH2017

It's a terrible choice to have to make, terribly unfair considering how our pericardial conditions make us so vulnerable to the virus if we catch it. Those of us still in work or self-employed should have been able to get the support other conditions generated.

I'm still angry about it, if I'm honest, and reading what you and your husband have had to go through makes me angry on your behalf. ((HUGS)) You shouldn't have had to make the choices you were forced to make, myocarditis, myopericarditis, and pericarditis (with pericardial effusion, per the cited report) should have been on the lists from Day1.

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Sunnie2day

Thank you, Sunnie. I’m angry too. We couldn’t get anything through furlough or any financial support at all - except a mortgage holiday that would affect your credit rating and have to be paid back anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ Luckily our sons shopped for us and we are now lucky & mostly can book Click & Collect. I might send this report (even with its flaws) to my consultant for info.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to HHH2017

That's a very good idea. I don't think the report is flawed, just the way the Daily Wail likes to cherry pick for the most lurid way to report things, and doesn't bother to hire qualified medical journalists. If you do send the report to your medic, let us know what the outcome is.

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Sunnie2day

Will do 💪🏾

HHH2017 profile image

I wondered about the sensationalism of the article. I don’t often see the Mail so wasn’t sure. The article definitely embraces the fear factor!!! Would be much more useful to know exactly those two points you raise but in the mean while 😷 Thanks.

AndrewT profile image

Dear HHH2017,

Yes quite 'worrying' if taken at Face Value, that is. However let's get some Perspective, on this, shall we? Most of us, in the 'Shielding' Group, have Underlying Health Conditions. These, in themselves, place us all at- Statistically Speaking- a High Risk of death.... and has done, for years actually. If we DO 'catch' COVID then yes we ALL probably Won't survive it- a Simple Fact, sorry. This is exactly 'Why' we have been Told To Shield!

The Government has, as best as 'They' can, within a Very Dynamic situation, tried to offer there best advice- in order to keep, particularly OURSELVES, Safe.

Really, and truly, the Last 'Thing' the Government 'Wants/ Needs' is Articles like THIS one. Firstly they Do 'know' this information already, Secondly they have Already Told 'Us' to Shield, and Thirdly it, really doesn't, 'Help' the Current Situation one 'bit'. Far better, if the Dailt Mail, had 'Backed' the Prime Minister's position, bearing In Mind that AFTER 'COVID' is Finally over.... it will ALL be 'Examined for Years'. (knowing the way, our Legal System 'works', we will Still be having Enquiries, in 3027!).

No, NOT Helpful, Has Probably 'Worried' many people... and hasn't actually 'Changed' anything..... In other words a typical Daily Mail article! Don't get me wrong, the Mail, CAN have some Good/ Interesting Articles, and yes I DO read it sometimes- I like their TV Magazine, on Saturday. Easily as good, as the 'Listings' ones- and Free, with a £1.10 Paper.

I hope that this has, at least, Offered You some 'Re-assurance' HHH2017 and given you a Boader View, of these Matters. To recap, if you Follow the Rules- set by Government- you should 'Come Through' this.... However if you 'break' these Rules (directions really) you can, and may very well might, become extreemly Ill- in THIS instance, and this Only, you could Die.)

It might seem like, rather a 'Fag', continually 'Washing' your hands- how many MORE 'Times' but DO 'Do it'.....


HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to AndrewT

Thanks Andrew and do agree with you and kind of hoped feedback would be of this vein. Its the first time Ive specifically read an article about my actual condition so was a bit taken a back. But I have shielded and have 100% followed Gov advice. Still haven’t had a hug from my own children or grandchildren since lockdown began or hugged my own mother, which has been very hard. But like so many of us I haven’t put all this effort in to be foolish now. Thank you for your honest reply 👍🏼

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to HHH2017

When the rumours of a 'SARS like virus' started trickling out of China, I went into super-research mode trying to find out what if any information specific to the implications of having recurrent pericarditis with residual pericardial effusion might be - nothing, absolutely nothing.

I'm not medically trained, of course, but I have become quite knowledgeable about my condition(s) so I knew even before my cardiologist brought it up (condition+lack of information) saying 'Better safe than sorry, be careful out there...' and stressed the importance of strict hygiene and avoiding exposure.

So when I read that article the other day, part of me was relieved to see 'they're' finally recognising the way things like pericardial effusion and related damage can complicate progression of a case of the virus. And the other part of me felt a little sick at the confirmation of what I and the cardiologist have been saying and thinking since mid-January 2020.

I agree with the commenters here that you have to take anything published on the Daily Wail with a huge 'grain of salt' owing to the way they like to cherry pick so as to create lurid headlines and alarming articles. But it was and is interesting to see our conditions are finally being recognised even if presented in and by a tabloid with a dodgy reputation for leaving out salient information.

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to Sunnie2day

I too, in a strange way, was pleased to see some research about my actual condition and Covid - as it is generally very misunderstood or so called ‘specialists’ are very obviously not ‘experts’ in this condition.

JennyRx profile image

As a health care professional I always sigh when I hear - I read this article in the Daily Mail. They always sensationalise research and without proper access to the original research which needs to be properly peer reviewed then I take anything they say with a pinch of salt tbh.

Just do face, space, distance and wash your hands.

And I don’t think that if anyone on this forum caught Covid they would definitely die. The NHS now know so much more about how to treat Covid patients which makes the mortality rate lower. A lot of us are at varying degrees of risk and so can address that through our own risk-reducing behaviours.


seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to JennyRx

The senior nurse at our practice always buys the Mail on a Tuesday for the health section knowing that it will produce an avalanche of worried questions from readers.

JennyRx profile image
JennyRx in reply to seasider18

I’m not surprised. It really does stir up sh*t.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to JennyRx

I always read Doctor Scurr's page as he does speak sense.

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to seasider18

Really! How sad 😞 I’ll stick to the Beano in future 😉

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to HHH2017

😷😷 xxx

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply to JennyRx

From one Jenny to another thank you. Daily Mail obviously not a popular source of information on this forum - good to know. Reassuring to hear you think the illness is better understood now. I’m on it 😷

Qualipop profile image

The Mail is renowned for scaremongering. Ignore it. They take one small study and as said here they don't say if it was pre existing damage or caused by the virus. I tend to take their headline then see if I can find a report anywhere else. I usually can't

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