I was diagnosed with a Dilated Left Ventricle and Atrial Fibrillation in 2014 at 38. I was prescribed Carvedilol 3.125mg twice daily, Ramipril 2.5mg daily, Apixaban 5mg twice daily and Furosemide 20mg daily, which I have taken ever since.
Ever since I started on these meds I've felt worse than I ever did before I started taking them, but I assumed that this is my life now and this is the way it has to be. My main issues are losing my breath under even the smallest amount of exertion and a huge loss in strength (which I didn't have before I started medication), even something as mundane as changing a lightbulb or climbing the stairs can be very tiring. Fortunately I am still able to do my job.
Whenever I see my cardiologist he says that he cannot change my prescription as I already take such low doses of each medication. I see him once a year (after an echocardiogram) and he always says that I am doing well (ie. no worse), which I assume that I am, on paper, as it were. But I generally feel pretty bad, health-wise. I've always taken what he says as Gospel, but having found this forum I am curious as to what other people's experiences are? Is there any way to improve my lung function and to regain some of my strength?
Am I correct in thinking that the medication that I take slows my heart down in order to give me an increase in quantity of life, but at a cost to the quality? I wonder if I were to cease my medication would I feel better, albeit at the cost of a shorter life span?
Any thoughts or information pertaining to similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if I sound whiny, I realise that there are many people far worse off than me, but I feel as though the last nine years I have become stuck in some kind of highly fatigued limbo.
Regards to All,