On Easter Sunday I attended church with my wife and about midway through mass I started to get a tight sensation in the middle of my chest. At first I thought it was just a bit of nasty heartburn and waited for it to pass, but the pain got worse and started to feel like something was being forced into my chest and throat. I then started to get a cold sweat and felt faint with blurry vision. My wife noticed my hand shaking and when she looked at my face and saw the beads of sweat as well as what she described as my skin being a deathly shade of grey, she took me out of church to the car and called 111. They immediately sent an ambulance when they heard what my symptoms were. They took results of 135/97 and my temperature was 35.5C.
I was taken to the local hospital and had an ECG taken as well as bloods and a chest x-ray. All of which the Dr said were normal. He diagnosed it as being an unstable angina attack and sent me home with glyceryl trinitrate spray and was going to refer me to the local chest pain clinic. They called me today and have made an appointment for the 26th April.
My risk factors are :- Granddad died of heart attack in sleep at 54 Chronic snorer, was prescribed a CPAP machine even though not diagnosed as apnea.
I've been suffering with ongoing fatigue for the past few months and have had blood tests taken for this a few weeks ago but they all came back normal. Could this fatigue potentially be caused by an underlying heart issue all along.
I've been looking online since for any more info so I can ask the right questions when I have my appointment at the chest pain clinic on the 26th.
Also any tips would be gratefully appreciated as two weeks is quite a while to wait for the appointment.