Hello all.I've struggled with a health condition for over a year now and am having trouble with a diagnostic. I am 33 and prior to the attacks was fit and healthy. I have been in countless ambulances due to the severity however after further tests in hospital always get the all clear. The issue is the attack only ever lasts for 30 minutes and sods law, after a stress test, heart monitor and xrays I never had any symptoms.
I always feel it coming on and feel extremely weak, my chest (It feels like my heart) slowly starts to tighten at which point I put myself in the recovery position and wait. The pain slowly increases feeling very heavy, at which point both of my arms begin to feel very painful and my wrists become unbearably painful. Depending on the severity, on a few occasions I violently vomit. At this point I am to weak to talk or move, i'm soaked in cold sweat and on every occasion turn blue. Although on every occasion I get hit with dizziness, on only 2 occasions have I lost consciousness when I havnt taken myself to the ground. I then spend 15-30 minutes on what feels like a fight to stay alive before it passes completly and I'm out for a day or two feeling exhausted.
Directly after exercise, it can be 5-10 minutes and I'm currently banned from the gym. I tried swimming but unfortunatly had another attack so had to stop.
More recently*
Twice directly after a shower and what has completely made me freak out is twice after puting on cologne.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of these symptoms before with a niche diagnostic?
Please help!