Hi everyone I will be as brief as possible, lastweek I had a lot of chest pains and what I can only describe as a feeling of ansixacty in my chest this was particularly bad on Friday with really bad pains and feeling very light headed, just before bed this was particularly bad with severe chest pain and pains/tingling in my left arm, despite my wife's best efforts I went to bed and not hospital, I attended a@e on Saturday and the doctor said right away heart attack but my ecg, bloods and xray were fine and I was sent home things did improve and on Sunday night I again suffered severe chest pains and light headed and was slumped at the kitchen table before throwing up, I again attended a@e but again was sent home, on Monday I went to my own doctor who said everything point to a heart attack and couldn't diagnose me with anything else and has referred me to a cardiologist, I am 43 ex heavy smoker with high colestoral and a family history of strokes and heart attacks, my main question is does a ecg bloods always show a heart attack.
Have or haven't I had a heart attack - British Heart Fou...
Have or haven't I had a heart attack

Hi and welcome to the board. There are a lot of friendly and helpful people here who have experienced a variety of hear conditions but we are not doctors and can't diagnose remotely. The fact you have been referred to a cardiologist is good. A heart attack is normally confirmed by a blood test looking for an elevated level of troponin which is released when heart muscle is damaged, or your ECG shows some specific changes. But if you didn't have these then maybe something else is happening. The cardiologist will be the expert here and I hope you get an appointment soon. Don't hesitate to go back to A&E if the symptoms reappear, they really don't mind!

To my untrained self, this sounds very like. Keep vigilant, and I would call an ambulance if this happens again. They might get an ECG as it happens. If it happens at similar times (bed time) your Cardiologist might suggest a heart monitor.
Keep safe!
I hope you get to see the cardiologist soon. The symptoms of a heart attack are nothing like as clear cut as in Hollywood depictions! Like you, I had it is/it isn't diagnoses for several days. It wasn't, but not much of an improvement.
Tropinin is a protein released into the blood when your heart has suffered damage following a heart attack. Tropinon levels can remain elevated for upto a few weeks after an adverse event.
If your Tropinin levels weren't elevated then that is a good sign. There are other events that do have similar symptoms as a heart attack: costochondritis, myocarditis, pericarditis to name a few.
ECGs are not always definitive, although sometimes it depends upon the skill of the person interpreting it. I've had a paramedic say my ECG looks fine, and a nurse say that the same ECG indicated a problem.
I'm no expert, so keep your appointment and don't be afraid to ask questions. In the meantime start thinking about your diet. The meditterranean diet is a good start but a growing number of people are starting to believe a ketogenic-style diet is the way to go.
Try not to worry. Easily said, but undue stress and anxiety has a real possibility of making things worse.