I am a 68 year old male and in 2020 I had OHS to replace a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and to repair an ascending aortic aneurysm. My recovery has overall been very good and eventually I have settled into a stable medication regime. I am currently on:
2.5mg Bisoprolol daily
25mg Ramipril twice a day
75mg Asprin daily
Throughout I have also been taking 20mg Rosuvastatin daily. Unfortunately I started to experience serve muscle pain in my upper arms, neck and shoulders. Although reluctant my Doctor agreed I could stop takng the Statin for a month or so to see if that was the cause.
Six weeks on the symptoms have definately reduced and I now realise the muscle wastage in my upper arms was quite significant.
I am hence very reluctant to return tomtaking the Rosuvastatin, however I am obviously concerned my cholestrial will rise and I will be at increased risk of stroke and other heart issues.
Has anyone had a similar issues and if so have any recommendations for different medications, alternative Statins or thoughts on Rosuvastatin dosage etc?
Sorry about the long post but I will be very grateful for any advice before I revert to my Doctor.
Many Thanks