Does anyone with Mitral Valve regurgitation ever suffer from pains or discomfort on the left hand side of their chest please?
Chest pain / discomfort : Does anyone... - British Heart Fou...
Chest pain / discomfort

Good Evening MissP77.Yes I do all the time and in the right side.
Thank you so much for coming back. Would you be able to describe what it feels like please?
I don’t have mitral valve problems but aorta problems and get occsisional - every couple of months- pains like short pulses or unusual sensations on left hand side upper chest . They are very short lived and rarely over longer than a 12 hr period.
Hey Rob, thank you. Have they said that’s normal please?
They only say that blood supply is not causing the problems and they assume non cardiac but as I have aortic valve problem ( bicuspid and mild regurg) plus aneurysm) then while these symptoms are not normally associated with these sensations it’s difficult to disassociate
Good Morning MissP77.I suffer from Extreme shortness of breath after walking 10 steps I must stop as I am completely exhausted I have a constant cough that is getting worse and sleep adana only getting 1 to 2 hours each nights sleep. I also have an irregular heart beat nd I am not sure but I can hear a noise in my chest left side that is as the same as a radiator starting up.
Chest pains are like a huge heavy weight is crushing on your chest then tight squeeze then it seams to dispearse then seconds later it comes back and hurts more than the last one.
yes I do, central/left pain/pressure in my chest. Sometimes at rest but more frequently when I do things. I also get breathless quickly when going upstairs etc.
Thank you. Have they told you it’s normal?
just read about pre cordial catch syndrome that I have never heard of before. Anyone else know anything about this?
Apparently you can have left side only or right side only or both pain from acid reflux and hiatus hernia. Taking steps to reduce my acid reflux definitely reduced this considerably. I do have mitral valve prolapse.
I have mixed aortic valve disease now waiting valve replacement.I’ve also been told I have mild mitral regurgitation.When I first knew there was something wrong I had chest pain.I was given omeprazole.I don’t think I have acid reflux or oesohagitis,I have no regular symptoms that would suggest I have any problems with my gut.I recently had an angiogram in preparation for my valve replacement and I had intermittent chest pain with palpitations and irregular pulse and increasing tiredness.I was admitted overnight to hospital and my blood showed there was something cardiac going on.I was given medicine which releaved the symptoms.I’m taking bisoprolol which is helping with the symptoms of the arrhythmia.
Is it because they don’t have enough evidence from research that they tell a lot of people they have gastric pain when they have pain and exhaustion due to valve related problems?
Hello, well I'm sure that's true, but my diagnoses were the other way round.
I think there is definitely something around research. Although I do still find it bizarre as even on this platform it seems so common!
I’m going to see a private GP today as I need to try every avenue.
I’d even be happy if I were to be told, it’s normal and nothing to worry about rather than it’s not cardiac and that I must have pulled a muscle which is all I hear!
I found it upsetting when I could feel there was something wrong with my heart and they said it was a pulled muscle,anxiety,gastric problems,chest infections and even when they knew that I had a problem because of the echo cardiogram it wasn’t until the problem was seen as severe that they admitted my symptoms might be because of my heart.
I so understand that! I was admitted into hospital about 10 years ago with breathing difficulties but because I’m an asthmatic they just said I was having an asthma attack and kept pumping me with asthma meds. I kept telling them it was not my asthma.
After being discharged, I continued to tell them I was having breathing difficulties, palpitations and was describing a flutter and ectopic beats. Close to 3 years of being told that I’m too young for it to be my heart, having blood tests coming back normal, ecgs we’re all normal and the heart monitors I had were all normal.
It was only when I pushed for the echo and the results came through, they were all shocked and I was diagnosed.
We shouldn’t have to go through all this!
pulsing across your chest in a wave like or electrical current for very short 2~3 sec burst.?
Hello MissP77. I had Pain in the left side of my Chest for years due to having 'Rheumatic Fever' when I was young ending up in Mitral and Aortic Valve Regurgitation, Stenosis, diseased Valves. It went from Mild, then to Moderate and then Severe. I have now had a By-Pass and Mechanical Valves but even now I still get it occasionally but nothing like it was so, yes, it comes with Regurtitation!
Hi Parrot Lover,this is so helpful,they said my heart valve problems are due to a childhood infection,I had recurring streptococcal infections and glandular fever..Since I was young I’ve had left sided pain and breathlessness.It doesn’t happen often but it helps to know that the pain might be due to the regurgitation.
Hi. It could well be that is the cause. I had Scarlet Fever (Strep Infection) before the Rheumatic Fever and every Consultant, including a Rheumatologist, has said the same!
thank you so much!
Hi MissP77 a bit late to comment here but I was diagnosed with mild to moderate valve regurgitation (mitral and tricuspid) after worrying ectopics - like you I went private for further tests include stress echo and consultation about valve repair. I didn’t go ahead as Bisoprolol helping with palpitations. I do occasionally get ‘twinges’ mostly on the left side of my chest. I’m going to get regular scans but imagine these pains might be connected to valve disease. Would be interested if you find out anything else and good luck. Barbara