Heartrate increase with minimal movem... - British Heart Fou...

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Heartrate increase with minimal movement?

8 Replies

Went from the sofa to the kitchen to make dinner. HR went from 62 to 142 just moving around the kitchen...then came back down. What gives? I went for a walk earlier didn't get over 102. So frustrated!!!

8 Replies
Heather1961 profile image

Hi. That has happened me as well. Though it happened when I was out walking. Just a moderate pace when I suddenly felt very light headed. I checked my Apple Watch & it had shot up to 180 eeek. But after a few seconds it came back down. But scary tho. Hasnt happened again so far but I do get slight waves passing over me of a light head. Can be sitting down watching telly or out walking. I haven’t actually been diagnosed yet but was told I had significant thickening of the heart wall. So maybe that. Does all this sound familiar to u?

in reply to Heather1961

Echo showed good heart muscle structurally my heart looks good its in the electrical system. My heartrate spikes for no reason in particular it seems.

MiketheScouse profile image
MiketheScouse in reply to Heather1961


I noticed this happening during the first few months after my heart attack. I eventually managed to spot a pattern. It was happening when I was bending over and my heart was changing position. So, if I was putting dishes away in lower cupboards I was bending down and then coming back up again. It also happened when I was kneeling on all fours whilst gardening. My heart rate would rocket up although I felt fine. If I hadn’t been sensitive to checking my heart rate regularly it’s possible I would never have spotted it. I mentioned it to my Cardio Phase 4 exercise trainer and she said it was down to something she called “ heart preload”. I’ve tried googling it and there’s more information available of you want to look into that as a possibility.

It seems to happen in a variety of “head down” situations. She advised changing positions more gradually if possible and try and keep your head up more. No idea if this helps but thought you’d appreciate hearing from someone else that recognises and has shared the same symptoms.


in reply to MiketheScouse

Thank you so much for your reply. I have noticed the same and often compare it to a transmission having trouble changing gears. Like my heart has problems transitioning from one posture change to another or from rest to movement.

WardijaWardija profile image
WardijaWardija in reply to Heather1961

Hi Heather. Go get checked. I used to be as you are describing, just bending forward and putting the dogs water bowl down, took me to dizzing readings and this was immediately after having 3 stents put in !! I KNEW something wasn't right.I went back to see a different Consultant who sent me for a Cardiac MRI. Immediately he was able to confirm that I had an inherited genetic heart condition; Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with obstruction (thickening of the heart wall). There is no cure but it can be managed.

Any bells ringing ? I'm certainly not saying this is what you have - it's just to make you aware . . .

That was back in 2020. I was put on quite a lot of additional life-long medication and advised to make some moderate life style changes, the biggest one being trying to avoid unnecessary stress and confrontational situations, which I strive to do, but heartwise, I've never been so stable - God bless the NHS Doctors, Nurses and all support staff workers.

So please go and seek further advice. Good luck

Heather1961 profile image
Heather1961 in reply to WardijaWardija

hi. Yes that all sounds familiar. Still waiting on an official diagnosis but it’s looking like HCM. Prob inherited from my dad as he literally dropped on the spot after over exertion. I’ve already had every test imaginable so just waiting on report now. I just did a 3.5 mile walk (all pretty flat) & felt fine. I’ve been told not to do anymore sea swimming or kayaking until the report is done. Every time I get a twinge in the heart area I think I’m about to drop lol. But I need to lose about 3 stone as that should help the heart.

Thanks for your reply. 😊

Chinkoflight profile image

You mentioned ina previous post a change of medication which you have also taken less regularly. Is this the explanation you need?

in reply to Chinkoflight

Thank you for your reply! I wish..the reason for the change was because the beta blocker lowered my heartrate and I was actually having MORE eptopic beats. So the doc wanted me to try and take it less often and only when needed. I do believe the change is due to a rebound effect of coming off a regular dose of metopralol. But not sure.

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