Hi all , I’m currently on 7.5mg of bisoprolol, however after seeing the cardiologist nurse on Friday they have increased this to 10 mg . The highest dose . I had a phone call from the doctor yesterday who told me I would be getting this medication today . She also said to me that this is the highest dose you can get and I may get many side effects , that if I feel unwell and uncomfortable at any time to either call them or the cardiologist. What the actual hell ?!? Anyone on 10 mg of this and have you had any side effects that put the bejesus scare on you ?
Bisoprolol increase : Hi all , I’m... - British Heart Fou...
Bisoprolol increase
I've been on 10 mg for about a year, with no obvious side-effects, apart from feeling very tired around the middle of the day. I think some people take it at night for that reason, but we are all different!
Hi there. I'm also on Bisoprolol, started at the lowest dose and incrementally increased thru the doses to 7.5mgs at this current time, although I wouldn't be surprised not to reach that heady 10mgs dose at some point as I'm very resistant to most medications.At the moment I'm pleased to say my BP is currently 124/80 and I owe that totally down to the Bisoprolol.
Should I ever have the need to have it increased again, I wouldn't hesitate - if it helps prevent a further stroke and HA, there's no question in my mind.
Obviously I'm not a medical doctor, but from my own perspective I would imagine you will be fine as you already have the drug in your system and seem to tolerate it, as you haven't mentioned any negatives.
I was nervous when I first started on Bisoprolol, because it seems to have a bad rap, I think I even posted comments on here about it, but I needn't have worried.
Of course everyone is different, some tolerate it, some dont, and many of us on here are on a whole cocktail of medications and it can be puzzling to work out which, if any side effects, go with each medication.
Like your Dr. has advised you, if you don't feel well, or "right" in yourself, do call for medical assistance.
If it's not for you, there are of course alternatives.
Hope all goes well for you, no reason it shouldn't.
Take care 🙏🙏🙏
The max dose is actually 20mg.
I was on 10mg for over a year, the only real side effect i suffered was tiredness.
I’m on 7.5 just now and I’m ok , I chew very slowly and eat slowly which is really my only side effect , then again that could be a side effect of anything I’m taking , the usual heart meds etc . Good to know they can double the dose though ! Cheers for that gaz 😂😂
Is the slow chewing & eating because of the tablets? Or not stopping talking long enough to chew & eat 😂
Honestly it’s the meds , as a chef I used to eat as fast as possible while standing up in a corner 😂😂 . I can’t do that now 😂😂😂

Hi, that's good! Food should be chewed slowly and thoroughly, I take an hour or more, but that's because I haven't many of my own teeth left! Can't eat with the dentures! I'm on 3,75mg Bisoprolol as from last week. My previous 5mg was making me dizzy and tired,had to nap in afternoons.
July 2020 I had AVR and was taking 10mg for several months after that. That was reduced to 7,5 and then further to 5mg.
My only worry is that the palpitations will return. Everyone is different and reacts differently to medication. 😊 Monica
The eating part drives me crazy , so I end up just giving up and not finishing my meal , since I’m fat that’s ok too ! 😂😂 I do get dizzy when standing though I thought that was just all the meds together . I take 8 in the morning plus four painkillers. So 12 altogether at once so figured that was the cause .

Hi, I'm overweight and can't loose even a pound!😢 I don't eat much, I eat healthy, all cooked from fresh ingredients, never touch junk or processed food. Don't drink alcohol, don't snack, drink only water, tea, one coffee a day...But! I don't move much! Reasons: tiredness, no energy, breathlessness (even with the new valve!😲) plus foot problem( plantar fasciitis) and I believe the medication I'm on exacerbates weight gain.🤬 However, I'd rather be bigger than suffer with palpitations.
That's a lot of pills you need to take, poor you! I'm on 6 and thankfully no painkillers. 😊 Monica
Since my heart attack in April I’ve lost 2 stone , I eat fruit during the day and one meal in the evening , I don’t eat healthy persay , I eat what I like and that’s curry’s pizza , last night I had a Mc Donald’s followed by a cream bun . 😂😂 so I’m not really going over 2000 calories a day and if I do , so what?! Life is for living and enjoying. I loath salads and stuff like that I can’t face them at all , I even remove the lettuce from my Big Mac 😂😂😂. I don’t move a lot either tbh , around 4000 plus steps a day depending on what I’m doing . This is due to the chronic back pain and feeling the same way you do with the breathlessness and exhaustion. We will get through this though . Just taking a day at a time xx
I was on 10mg for about a year, no different to 5mg to be honest, from 7.5mg I doubt you'll notice much difference but everyone is different. My extremities were a bit colder in winter and doing any meaningful exercise was not great but day to day I felt fine. Take 5mg morning and 5mg at night to spread the dose.
Pretty sure it willCome as one pill , im no standing trying to spilt it in the morning before coffee id smash the whole house down 😂😂😂😂

I was prescribed 10 mgs a day and given 5 mgs tablets which I took am and pm
😂😂 I know they are too small to split. I got the doc to change my script to 2 x 5mg. Great name by the way!
Same for me, I was on 5mg am & pm, now on 2.5mg am & pm.
I did split the 5mg one's for a few days rather than waste what I had left, never managed to split them in half even with a proper pill splitter 🤪
I have been on 10 mg morning and 2.5 at night ,for over two years no side effects Worrying will do you more damage
Hi, I’ve been on 10mg if bisoprolol for about 6 months and have had no side effects on the increased dose. When I first started on bisoprolol at 1.25mg I would get very tired but eventually that wore off and have had no side effects as the dose was increased gradually to 10mg. I feel better now than I have done in a long time, don’t know if it’s the bisoprolol but I’m assuming it is. Good luck and I hope you get on fine with the new higher dose.
I was on 10 mgs a day no problems except for being tired all the time and needing an afternoon nap
I’m on 7.5.- 3.75 twice a day. They’ve tried increasing it but my BP 70/40!!! Felt awful. It’s about reaching a level your body can tolerate and everybody is different. I like it over the 2 doses so you don’t get one massive big hit.
Been on 10 mg for a number of years no side effects except a bit tired and perhaps aches in joints.
No problems except being tired and ache legs.
I always thought that was the statin that did that to me
Hi I haven't noticed any and I have been on 10 mg for 2 years
I’m on 10mgs of Bisoprolol it’s just over a week I have been taking it fir Query Heart Failure also my BP was very high.no side effects as yet, still awaiting blood results and the way forward on what happens next. I have to add I was only on bisoprolol 5mg for nearly 4 years. I have never had any side effects at all. Hope you’ll be the same. Take Care.
I'm on 12.5 mg per day Bisop. I understand that the maximum daily dose is 20 mg. So you are a long way off that. As well as lowering blood pressure the drug also lowers the pulse rate which seems to be what causes the tiredness that many people (myself included) report. Arrange with your GP or cardiologist that your meds be reviewed every few months so that you can get your intake as low as possible while still controlling your symptoms.
I had many side effects and put on 20kg. Its a naughty drug. My cardiologist took me off it and put me on ivabradine which has been much better and ive even lost the 20kg. Google a site called Bisoprolol Buddies and see what others say about it. Mostly avoid!!!! All the best xx
Yikes !! I knew it wasn’t chocolate making me fat!! 😂😂
Like all drugs, everyone reacts differently, for everyone that says it's a 'naughty' drug, there are probably 10 times that who say the opposite!! Thats why there are (almost) always alternatives.
Yeah it is a worry when everyone seems to be against it , surely if it was that bad they wouldn’t give it you in the first place .
It's always the minority that shout loudest, millions of people who happily take Bisoprolol aren't on the web extolling it's effects.
Hi ,i’m on 12.5 mg a day now. I dont’get any side affects now like cold or numb fingers or toes as my doses are split half in morning ,half at night .
I am on 10 mg a day. I take 5mg in the morning and 5mg at night. I have had no noticeable side effects. I do get tired by about 10pm but I have no idea if this is due to the bisoprolol or my other medication or simply due to my heart condition. We all react differently to these drugs but I suspect that most people are able to tolerate the dose they are on. Good luck!
I have been on 10 mgs for about 5 months and felt like a zombie on the increase. Asked my GP to reduce it back to 7.5 but he refused saying I needed that dose to bring my heart rate down. He started me on a nitrate tablet at 10 mgs twice a day and has increased this to 20 mgs twice a day a couple of months ago and this seems to have helped. I am feeling the cold in my hands and feet and some days feel wiped out by teatime. Hey ho, still ticking and that is worth it. 😼
I was on 5 mg since my heart attack but was put up to 7.5 a few weeks back , now I’ve to go to 10 mg , I do feel a slight change with the 7.5mg , coldness, which is weird cus I’mMenopausal and constantly having hot flushes so I’m always going from one extreme to another . I haven’t got the 10 mgs yet , hopefully the chemist will deliver that tomorrow morning . If it makes me sleepy to the point were I can actually bloody sleep that would be marvellous 😂😂😂

Think we may be a similar age as the flushes are familiar, lol. It gets to 18.00 and I seem to have narcolepsy and some nights am in bed for 19.30 to keep warm and because I can't stay awake. Up and down all night as a result but I am learning to mange this with sleep hygiene techniques to help me drift back off. I haven't used my spray since the increase in nitrate tablets so there are small bonuses. The chest pain is less on the higher Bisoprolol as well so another small win.
Keep on ticking 😽
This is my first day on the 10 mg , so far I feel slower and a wee bit of zombie, feet are freezing, husband said maybe it’s too high for me but it’s the first day so I’ll give it a month or so . I’m 53 btw

I am just turned 56 but still a kid. If you struggle with the dose, ask about a nitrate tablet. I am on the 10 of Biso as my heart rate is still higher than Cardio would like it to be. The nitrate helps as it dilates the arteries allowing the Biso to do its stuff. I have taken this week off as leave to try to develop a winter plan so I can keep going to work and enjoy life in general.I have also been wrapping my Christmas shopping, lol.
If it is not for you being on the 10 mgs of Biso, please tell your GP you are struggling. There seems to be alternative medications that we can try. X
Christmas shopping all wrapped already?? It’s not even Halloween yet 🎃🎃 I can’t go back to my work sadly , nobody wants a 53 year old female chef with a dodgy ticker. I’ve applied for pip so fingers crossed that will come through and before Xmas then I got go daft and buy a lotta rubbish I don’t need 😂😂

Good luck with pip, hope you are successful. I have been careful with shopping this year and spread it over each month to try to make it easier. No little people to buy for so easier than some people.
We have been the same tbh , I’ve cut down a lot this year too . For instance, my son has a bee gf she’s got four kids . I told him that no way was I buying alla them Xmas this time . I’ve never even met them 😂😂
Buckntilly; I now take 10mg of bisoprolol , for A fib,. Have been taking it for over a month now, since complaining of awful breathlessness in the summer. Have also been diagnosed with angina and given Isosorbide 10 mg twice a day. Feel really well now but have only just started walking again, a bit further each time!! Also been taken off blood pressure tablets and had Furosemide double to 40mg. That had sooooo made me feel better, and stopped legs swelling. All this after one day in hospital, Watford Hospital!! I was treated so well, I was amazed and can’t thank them enough