So I'm in a real situation. I was put on beta blockers by my GP last year for my panic attacks. They made me worse so I came off them and had rebound fast heart rates, got put on new beta blockers that make me not as breathless but also now been told 5 months later I no longer need to take them and can come off them by my cardiologist, so I tried to come off and got even worse rebound fast heart rate even on such a low dose. But some on the meds my resting heart rate can be 55 or less other days it's can be 90 I feel the intrusive thoughts and overthinking when I check my pulse and just don't know how to cope told I don't have pots of inappropriate sinus tachycardia and that it's driven by anxiety...I've always had a fast hr and without meds I also feel dizzy and uneasy with daily panic attacks. But I don't want to be on these meds so not sure the way our anymore. Feel stuck in the middle, any advice?
Bisoprolol help...: So I'm in a real... - British Heart Fou...
Bisoprolol help...

I know you have done a couple of posts about your anxiety and fear of coming of Bisoprolol and members have given you some really good reassuring replies but I am not sure if they have helped as you have not said on your posts
Pulse and heart rate can vary during the day and if we take them to much we will find this to be the case but I think the best thing you could do is go and see your Doctor again tell them about your heart rate and pulse and the fear you are having and anxiety stopping the meds and let them support you
I would think that the Bisoprolol may have been put on your repeat prescriptions which if your Doctor has told you to stop them you may find they get taken of your repeats and then you would be left with no choice as you would not have any but to stop them and again this is another reason I would go and see my Doctor before that may happen
I do know how you feel regarding anxiety and I do know that sometimes no matter what anyone tells us we cannot move past that fear and that is when we have to ask for help and I really hope you will make an appointment and get the help you need
Let us know how you get on x
Maybe a discussion with your GP regarding the pros and cons of being on beta blockers or not and what other options are available.Even if you don't need them from a cardiology point of view, if you need them to help control panic attacks there's no reason you can't stay on them, if they're helping.
It's important to find what works for you as everyone is different.
I recently had to come off them with Doctors agreement made my anxiety worse they also caused other problems too I tapered of them as I get Eptopic sometimes I asked the doctor if I could take as and when a pill in the pocket. I took about 3 over a week then developed problems so decided not to bother taking anymore so last one I took was July 22. It will be three weeks tomorrow not experienced any bad side effects was on them 10 months I weaned of them by taking every other day a week then cutting it in half every other day twice. It was three weeks later I asked about pill in pocket. Doctor had me doing readings for a week. Hope you can see your doctor for advice
Hi there, you seem to have had challenges with bisoprolol, since HA in April I have been on 2.5mg, by process of elimination I think they are contributing to fatigue but also in the last 3 weeks according to my Fitbit (but backed up my lightheaded feelings when standing) my BP has dropped a bit but of more concern my RHR has dropped quite a bit. I spoke to GP who dropped the bisoprolol to 1.25mg. Bizarrely since going to 1.25mg my heart rate has gone a bit lower still and RHR now around 40 when prior to 3 weeks ago it was a steady 54. GP ringing again this week for a catch up so I'm tempted to say can I stop them ..I'm also on 10mg Ramipril and 10mg Amlodopine and she said we could try dropping those doses. Recognise can't give advice on here but wondering if any thoughts , thanks.
everone is different and everyone’s side effects differ. I am not the right person to add any thoughts except maybe your doctor might be best. My heart rate has always been about 70/80 when I came off them it went into 90,s. L.25 lowered to74/76 it varies your readings a lot I Bly take amlodapine 5mg couldn’t tolerate 10mg. Blood pressure ok at present. Hopefully you can get sorted with your problem. I personally don’t like beta blockers they don’t like me either I have asthma too others can take it no problems
I had heart failure June was a takatsubo so heart is healing itself but been put on biso 1.25mg…have suffered dizziness and lightheadedness the whole time…can’t go out alone..cardiologist says it can’t be the bisoporol but reading the posts on here I believe I could be right🤔any thoughts🤔
I have been taking bisoprolol since April and after a period of experiencing unpleasant side effects they have now settled and I have found them really helpful. They have stopped the ectopic heartbeats I was having and as a bonus they have reduced my anxiety significantly. They are a very heart friendly beta blocker and also reduce your blood pressure which was good for me as I was borderline hypertensive. When you stopped taking them did you do it gradually over a period of weeks because you’re not supposed to just stop taking them as you can get all kinds of problems?
Have you thought of talking therapy for your anxiety. You can self refer to the NHS website offering these services.
Hope this helps.
Sorry I cannot help you,with the Bisoprol peoblem,have been taking them ,for a number of years,with until now no ill effects
hi, I can understand your concerns re Bisoprolol, I recieve more request regarding this one drug than any of the others I take, when I was discharge from hospital I was placed on 10mg, then I started to suffer dizzy spells and my blood pressure would drop , on seeing my own GP the dosage was dropped to 2.5mg, this changed all the effects, go and see your GP again and describe your symptoms, a lower dosage could be the answer.
I’m nearly 12 weeks off Biso and it’s been a hellish journey. Still only about 60% normal, Rebound tachy, adrenaline surges, high BP and intense anxiety. All withdrawal symptoms from coming off the drug (although doctors don’t seem to understand this). I ended up searching for forums and finding lots of accounts from others going through the same. Some people have no issues, for some it takes up to a year to get the body back to pre beta blocker state. My HR is still higher than it was, I get very breathless walking (I used to walk over 10000 steps a day prior to taking betas), and I get bouts of nervousness/adrenaline but they’re a bit less intense now. I also had pulsatile tinnitus as part of the rebound. Each day I see small improvements but the withdrawal process happens in windows and waves. If coming off Bisoprolol please wean slowly.
I was on 2.5mg. Stopped cold turkey which was awful and then put on 1.25mg and weaned over 4 weeks. Now 3 months off and just starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. HR still high from time to time (worse in mornings) but managing to walk 5km now. Still have waves of pounding heart but they ease after about an hour or so. Pulsatile tinnitus quieter too. Anxiety also lessening. It’s been a long slow and hellish journey.