Hi all, I've been having heart palpitations since last Wednesday. They started up around a time I began experiencing severe depression and anxiety (it seriously just appeared out of no where and kicked me in the teeth!!). It's been about 8 years since I've had them like this, but I also haven't been this depressed / stressed like this for that amount of time. I have a doc appointment on the 13th, so I'll ask for an ECG then. My heart rate is healthy and besides feeling a bit stressed and anxious (noe mostly due to these palpitations!!!!!) all is well. My only worry is I've had them on and off for 3 days now....the last time I had them I do remember having them for quite a bit but I can't remember how long. How long in your own experiences can palpitations (due to stress and anxiety) last for? Thanks!
How long do your palpitations from st... - British Heart Fou...
How long do your palpitations from stress / anxiety last?

Hi DaggerBlaze and welcome.You say you've had palpitations but your heart rate is healthy.Do you mean missed beats here or that you are very aware of your heartbeat or both? I get all of the above but I'm on a low dose of propanolol which has stopped the racing heart rate.I am an anxious person but I also have high bp so not sure whether that affects things.Have you seen a doctor?
Hi there, thanks for the reply! 😊 I'm on the other beta blocker...bisoprolol I think it's called, but I think I'm on the very lowest dose of it. I'll be seeing a doctor on the 13th for a medication review, but in the mean time I'm keeping an eye on these increased palpitations just in case. I will wander into the nearest walk in centre if I get too worried about them. I'm aware of my heart beat and get missed bears. I got my blood pressure checked last week (of course the palpitations start AFTER I vist a doctor, great timing!!) and it was very good! Aniexty is such a pain!!
Ah OK, that's a pain isn't it.I've suffered with palpitations for so many years now and it's awful, especially lying in bed with it hammering in your ear.It sounds like you are doing the right things.Have you tried any relaxation techniques? I go to a meditation class which is very relaxing but I should practise more in between.Also, mindfulness is good.Plenty of good stuff on You Tube.Hope it eases off.
I started with Palpatations again last August and was having them for up to four hours at a time with banging ectopics making me breathless and chest sore. Ended up paying to see a cardiologist as it was a 20 week waiting list. All test were ok so he started me on Bisoprolol initially for 2 to 3 weeks they worked quite good but the Palpatations came back with a vengeance and I wish I had never started Bisoprolol. I am now coming off it slowly but the side effects are awful. Look at Sanjay Gupter on utube he is a York cardiologist and I found his talks very helpful. I also started taking magnesium citrate 400mgs a day and this helped the Palpatations. The other thing I do is sit with my eyes closed put my tongue behind my front teeth breath in for a count of 4 hold breath for a count of 7 and breath out for count of 8 very slowly with tongue still behind front teeth and after about 5 or 6 of this breathing the palps seem to ease.
Hope this helps but I would certainly think twice about starting any beta blocker. Read some of the reviews about taking it and side effects before you decide if this is the way forward for you.

Thank you! I have been on those Beta Blockers you've described for about a year now. Everyone reacts differently to them and to be honest they were a life saver at a time I was clinging onto my sanity!!! I got very lucky and had a good reaction to them. In saying that, I haven't come off them yet, and that could cause trouble like it did for you, I'll have to wait and see!! Thank you so much for all the great advice in your comment, I will try everything you suggest! 😊
You might try some of the Apps that are available for relieving stress or look for the AFib App that has a breathing session that helps relax you and help with the palpitations.
I’ve been having the same palpitations you describe for the last month, following a heart attack and two stent procedures three months ago. I get “missed beats” followed by a pounding thud heart beat, and some light headedness and breathlessness. This can last for hours at a time.
I wore a heart monitor for two days and it was found I am having “early beats” that are not dangerous but are very uncomfortable. I’m taking metoprolol and that has seemed to help a bit. I think anxiety is a trigger for it and I have been meditating daily using the Calm app on my phone. Exercise seems to help some days.
I’m hoping that between medication, exercise and meditation it will help these nasty episodes.