I took ezitimibe for roughly 5 weeks had to stop them due to horrendous side effects that came on after a month. Also started plant sterol capsules and eating 3.2 grams of gluten porridge and oat milk. Doctor wanted a cholesterol test doing originally was 7.22 then through watching diet went down to 6.9 so was given ezitimibe. My result now 5.33 Do you think that ezitimibe got it down to this in 5 weeks or do you think it was my added plant sterols and porridge that lowered it more I thought that Ezitimibe only goes down so much maybe 15%
cholesterol test: I took ezitimibe for... - British Heart Fou...
cholesterol test

According to Heart UK 'scientists' have shown that 1.5 to 3 g daily plant sterols will only achieve 7-12.5% reduction in cholesterol. And since it is likely that study was sponsored by the manufacturers of Flora that reduction is probably optimistic. Compare that to the NICE tabulation of the effectiveness of statins here
Nonetheless you haven't explained why you were prescribed ezetimibe. Was this with or without a statin. Have you tried a statin on its own?

I tried statins years ago cannot tolerate them but I am wondering if a lower dose statin might not be as bad for muscle pain
If you cannot tolerate statins and ezetimibe and you have high cholesterol and LDL> 2.6 you might qualify for Inclisiran which is an injection administered medication approved by NICE last year. You should discuss this with your GP. More on that here
I've juststrted ezitimibe for a week now and thinking it was great cos I haven't had any of the station side effects that came within days! So it came come after 5 weeks later?!
yes I believe it’s a medication that there is a delay for problems to really start sorry to say this but everyone is different you may be lucky
I was hoping...tried 3 statins and they were awful, literally wish I was dead instead! Took me a couple months to gather the courage to try ezitimibe....so we'll see. I hope you can get some help. There are other injection ones too. My dad used repatha that you inject every 2 weeks so if this one doesn't work I'm going to be asking about injections. They have no side effects but they're expensive so gotta try all the other ones before they let you have them
it bothers me that injections might cause problems too once your jabbed you cannot stop it if you know what I mean the two weekly ones might be different I tried three statins too. I am so sensitive to meds. I won’t live my life in serious pain. I am nearly 73 I would rather live my life whatever I have left pain free. Doctor says there are other alternatives but they all cause pain not just muscle pain Joint pain
Aww...I fully agree with you there, best to live without pain! My dad was just glad to find one he could tolerate and he been living 30+years with muscle aches and other side effects from statins. I'm still in my 30s and don't want to go down that road
your very young I hope you find the right medication my older brother took statins no problems at all it’s so strange that some people don’t get ill from them and some do They need to do more work on them I think. What’s the point of taking them but end up with damaged insides I am not knocking them I wish I was a person that could tolerate them any medication.
Yessss....me too wish I could handle it cos I know the sats on high cholesterol. Sad thing about it some people think it's all in my head about being intolerant. It's a real thing when muscle aches so bad you can't even walk one block! And one of them my stomach hurt so bad felt worse than giving childbirth! and knocked me sideways for over a week. All in my head?! I don't think so, plenty of others that suffer with side effects so worth finding one, if any, that do the job without pain
my reading was higher than yours. I went on a low dose of statin. I did have side effects but I persevered and this has improved. My levels have improved but not enough.
I have decided not to increase the strength for three months and will review it then.
It takes time for changes and because of side effects I tend to go slowly.
Everyone reacts differently and I wish you luck going forward. Listen to the experts and your own body.
I know that some people cannot tolerate statins, including a good friend who has chronically high cholesterol. However, for me, statins + ezetimibe brought my levels down about 80%. I am not kidding.
My brother, who has much more self discipline and a similar blood profile to mine, tried his best to lower level through diet and could only get it down about 10%, so has been on statins. To my knowledge, in MOST cases, only medication can make a significant difference. Ofc if you have a terrible diet you will see some improvement with fiber, less saturated fats etc.
I fully agree with your comments. I have been on a high intensity statin for the past 15 years.
I have also added 10Mg of Ezetimibe to my nightly routine.
My Lipid profile from my last blood test i September of 22 indicated an LDL of 0.8 Mg/DL
My Total cholesterol was 2.8
The combination of a statin with an incretin agonist drug is the best combo to take.
Their side effects (Myalgia) will eventually subside after your body gets use to the lower blood lipids.
sorry to hear you’ve had such a bad time on estemibe. Might I ask what your symptoms were. I’m taking esetimibe they said it was well accepted but I have felt quite unwell taking it and wondered if your symptoms were the same as mine.
at first I only was noticing a few bruises on arm they went but then I noticed my big toe getting sore I think I already have gout there didn’t think anything about it after four weeks got painful stomach pains bloated wind issues weird dreams then woke up with really bad back pain awful couldn’t get dressed properly so stopped them arranged for telephone call to doctor day after back a little easier. ,my tow was really getting painful so looked the Ezitimibe up and they raise Uric acid. A no no for gout. I need to ring doctors again as the blood tests came back normal. My toe is easing now I am at a loss what happens now with cholesterol meds
hi tinker. You’ve had a really bad time and I hope you’ve got some answers. I’ve had the stomach issues and slightly sore toes. I’m worried about the cholesterol too. I’m still taking esetimibe and I’m worried about stopping it because I can’t take statins. Thank you for your reply. Wish you all the very best