raised cholesterol : I went for my... - British Heart Fou...

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raised cholesterol

Tinker2015 profile image
31 Replies

I went for my cholesterol blood results with nurse this morning been trying through diet to get it down from 7.22; It has only come down to 6.9. So nurse says I need statins I cannot tolerate them I said it’s in my notes. The nurse sent a request to Doctor in a message doctor replies Rosuvastatin 5mg. I wanted something different. I wasn’t consulted at all. When I came home I booked a phone call to doctor next Tuesday. Going to ask her to put me on something other than statins as I already suffer aches and pains with undiagnosed chronic fatigue do you think I am right in doing this

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Tinker2015 profile image
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31 Replies
RufusScamp profile image

It is difficult to reduce your cholesterol by diet. Do you get enough exercise? I believe that can be a help.

As to whether you should take statins or not, we can't advise you there. It might be worth having a chat with the BHF nurses.

Tinker2015 profile image

yes I think I do I walk Thankyou for your comment

Mentdent profile image

lifestyle changes only have a small effect on cholesterol levels. If a substantial reduction in cholesterol is required then statins are the only really reliable method. There are several different statins available. I’m taking statins because the benefits outweigh the side possible effects.

Life style changes can and do work, but you really have to work at it for consistency.(Speaking from my experience with what sounds like similar intollerances to statins as you have) As you've alluded too, a chat with your GP is the right way to go but make sure your being honest with yourself as you have that conversation.

There are now statins available that have a much lesser effect on muscles and joints so maybe speak to your GP about possibly trying those.


sceptical101 profile image

I reduced mine from 5.8 to 5.2 by diet and exercise. Dr still wants me on a statin. However, I am on an anti coagulant and a recent fibro scan shows my liver to be close to abnormal level. I am therefore reluctant to take any more medication that can effect the liver. I have a telephone conversation in a couple of weeks with my GP to discuss.

MountainGoat52 profile image

I've tried 4 statins and the only one that I can tolerate is Rosuvastatin. Initially I had a mild headache, but that went away after a week. I was amazed at how effective just 5mg a day was. I've now increased to 10mg with no issues. I'd say give it go.

Tinker2015 profile image
Tinker2015 in reply to MountainGoat52

why have you been increased to 10 is 5mg not enough

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to Tinker2015

My base level cholesterol is 4.4 and 5mg Rosuvastatin took it down to 3.7 in a couple of months. Last year my blood test showed an increase to 4.0, so i suggested to my GP that the dose should be increased to 10mg which was agreed and this year it was back down to 3.7. I guess over time it had just become less effective.

Fynndog profile image

I tried several statins but am really intollerant to them. I have been taking estemibe a different sort of cholesterol control. It’s not as effective as statins but I have been able to take this. ( 6 months now) however it has only lowered my cholesterol by 9% which is not that good. I am continuing with dietary changes and hoping for the best. My doctor said that they will continue with estemibe for the time being but they would consider a new type of treatment in the future but at the moment my cholesterol isn’t high enough to merit this new approach. I’m hoping I won’t have to take it. My cholesterol is 4.8

kingsnorth profile image

l have been taking 5mg Rosuvastatin for just over a year my cholesterol is now 2.9 l do have a few side affects but l have learned to live with them. Initially l was prescribed Atorvastatin 20mg but the side affects were affecting my life so gp changed my meds. Good luck

Wooodsie profile image

I was on artovastatin and changed to rosuvastatin, I find it much better, but others have done the reverse, it's down to each individual. Research has shown that the aches and pains caused by statins is a myth, the placebo effect. They are trying to get the warnings removed from the leaflet.

Listen to this programme from BBC radio 4. It is only 14 minutes. An apple a day will help reduce you cholesterol AND have many other hearty benefits.


MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to Wooodsie

I didn't know that statins potentially caused aches and pains as I didn't read the leaflets on advice from my GP. So much for the placebo effect! Must be ESP. 😂

trash_panda profile image

I've been on 80mg of Atorvastatin for over 5 years now without any side effects. My cholesterol level went from 7.8 to 2.3. I have also increased my muscle mass at a normal rate while on them through weightlifting.

Current research suggests that statins are not the cause of muscle pain for most people bhf.org.uk/what-we-do/news-...

I think there are usually two factors to this, the first is people read the side effects and they have a placebo effect and as part of the trials people must log any thing they experience however minor, Muscle pain is a fairly common thing, especially the older you get and if you are not active enough so it is likely it is nothing to do with the drug but they still must list it.

Diet and exercise will only reduce cholesterol by around 10% or so at most so you will need some further assistance.

CDreamer profile image

I’m in a similar position so I do think you are correct as I have a neuro muscular condition and even my GP thinks statins are a bad idea for me BUT my understanding is that Rosuvastatin is the best of the bunch.

High Cholesterol is not concerning me, currently I got down to 6.9 from 7.5 in 2 weeks by exercise and taking a good plant sterol supplement to which I had no affects. Eating a really healthy diet rich in leafy veg, pulses and some fruits is important and avoiding all low fat foods essential (too much added sugar). My ratios and Trigylcerides are marginal but I know my arteries are clear and there is no CVD in my immediate family.

Tinker2015 profile image
Tinker2015 in reply to CDreamer

can J ask which plant sterol you took as I am leaning towards them

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Tinker2015

I favour BioCare - had no reactions.

Qualipop profile image

No, I think you are wrong. Try the rosuvastatin, it has far fewer side effects. My diabetic husband refused statins after trying simvastatin; he refused to try any more and now his cholesterol is through the roof. I have lived 30 years with severe chronic pain; fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, herniated discs and trapped nerves, DDD. I take high doses of opiates for the pain. I was first given atorvastatin which did make it worse but simvastatin has absolutely no effect on the pain. How can you know if you don't try it? It only takes around 3 weeks to get statins completely out of your system or for side effects to settle down so surely it's worth trying it. STatins are not as bad as press reports would have you believe. Remember the thousands of people who take them who don't complain. Research has shown that vast numbers of people in tests who thought they were on statins but weren't still reported increased pain. I don't have time to find it just now but there's an excellent video on the main BHF website where specialists explain it all.

in reply to Qualipop

We are all unique in our physiology so to say it only takes around 3 weeks for the effect of statins to leave the body is incorrect. I was on statins (40 mg atorvastatin) for just 6 weeks and my body still feels the effects of them 11 years later. Statin induced myopathy and raised CK levels due to the damage they caused the muscles is a real issue, not just a bad press.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

I didn't mean any effects didn't stay; I was quoting my GP who said that all trace of statins are gone from your body by 3 to 5 weeks. Badly phrased obviously. He took me off them completely for 5 weeks to see if what I was experiencing vanished.

Tinker2015 profile image

Thankyou for your comments I will give them a try

Lavendermay profile image

hi tinker 2015 , so many people are saying your wrong, statins nearly killed me , rushed to hospital with liver failure, taken of simvastatin immediately, no other statins advised, was told by a consultant at a different hospital, that statins were the cause as far as they could tell, my liver is getting back to normal now, I don’t drink, or smoke and lead a healthy lifestyle ( no fun at party’s ) I was taking 80 mg a day, I was told my liver could take it , my point is , it’s your life , you’re body, you’re choice, do what’s right for you, after all we’re all going to die one way or another and that’s FACT. You just don’t want to feel like poo the whole time.

That I don't know, my cardiologist has spoken of them previously. Having been so adversely effected by statins previously I'm very reluctant to even entertain taking any in the future. To that end I rely on diet and excercise to control my levels. Latest Total cholesterol result was 3.12.

Of course you can, its called balance.

Heythrop51 profile image

Dietary changes (unless extreme) and supplements like Benecol have limited effect. Try the Rouvastatin as it might work for you. Beta blockers are the much the same, what suits me might not suit you. Ranting will not achieve anything as if you had issues with one statin doesn't mean you can't tolerate all statins.

MountainGoat52 profile image

After the issues with Atorvastatin, Pravastatin and Simvastatin I was extremely sceptical about trying Rosuvastatin, but after an initial bedding period, I have been very impressed with the medication.

MountainGoat52 profile image

When I started with Rosuvastatin I got a headache within hours. I was initially told to take 10mg on alternate days, so the next day there was no tablet and my head was clear. The following day I took another tablet and had a headache again. Being determined to try to see if I could tolerate this statin, I chopped the pill in half which gave me only a background ache in my head and a week or so later I was free from having a headache after taking 5mg. I moved to 5mg daily, then after another week or so to the prescribed 10mg on alternate days withouf any issues. I would say the process took about 3 - 4 weeks in all.

Wooodsie profile image

Fair comment, but if you read the study you will find, inter alia,

"they do not cause the majority of muscle pain symptoms commonly associated with them. It reinforces the evidence that statins are safe, which should provide reassurance to the many people taking, or considering taking, these lifesaving drugs that have been proven to protect against heart attacks and strokes"

I admit, I did overlook stating the 10% finding. Thank you.

You said

"Yes but you are in a small minority, is this really relevant? What is right for most people is to take the statin as prescribed surely? You can't use minority examples to make a general statement."

Of course the minority is relevant that's where the balance on any statement, report, feature etc comes in. Without it how can anyone make informed decisions or ask relevant questions as to suitability (of a statin in this case) to their individual circumstances.

Always important to remember, we are individuals with different drug tolerances, that's what makes us unique.

Anyone who believes they are suffering side effects from any prescribed statin and who are under the care of the NHS should websearch 'statin intolerance pathway nhs england' which will link to a pdf of the NHS's approach to dealing with the problem. And then armed with this knowledge go talk to their GP. At the end of the line there are other alternatives to statins which can be prescribed such as Ezetimibe, although I have no personal experience of this.

So your belief is, because everything is fine for the majority you just ignore the minority and their intolerance of these drugs in any statement/artical/feature made?

No words being put into your mouth, just reading your posts which are heavily biased towards the majorities opinions and experiences. Any examples given by the minorities ie those that have experienced intolerances you attribute to the bad press or in your words "possibly to the bad press" The placebo effect is a real proven problem in the taking of any medication and cannot be discounted in the prescribing of statins either,


"Statin induced myopathy and raised CK levels due to the damage they caused the muscles is a real issue" these are not due to the bad press as you infer, those are my own medically tested and diagnosed intolerances. I'll add some more negatives, levels of depression, having to give up a career of 30 years, many of my hobbies and interests taken from me, family and social events missed and theres more. All these are a direct or indirect result of just a couple of months on a statin used as part of the usual preventative course of treatment following a HA in my case and for many as a cholesterol lowering treatment.

I'm happy for all those that take statins and have little or no issues, the balance is though, there are still many that have issues when they take them and this has to be recognised as part of any press article, opinion etc.

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