Does anyone have any experience of using a weighted blanket to improve sleep? I struggle to get to sleep and to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. A long standing problem that pre-dates any heart issues. I have permanent AF that is well controlled on meds and am two years post aortic valve replacement but with subsequent mild right sided heart failure. I am thinking of buying a weighted blanket but am not sure if it’s ok. Thanks
weighted blanket : Does anyone have any... - British Heart Fou...
weighted blanket

I read about this last year so I tried it and found it works. Because I was too hot at night I only had a light duvet and sometimes didn’t use that. However after reading about a weighted blanket I changed to a heavier duvet and used a cooling Dyson fan by the bed to keep cool. It worked.
My friend bought me one to try and help with my sleep issues due to anxiety pre surgery. Really wanted it to work, but it didn't, nothing did TBH May give it another go now though 🤔
My adult daughter uses one and says she sleeps like a baby.
I use one and it works for me. I used to be up 3 times a night for the toilet and it has reduced that to once a night. If I have anxieties over anything though I still end up laying awake for hours, so hasn’t helped with that. I have just a sheet and the weighted blanket, otherwise I am too hot. You can pay a lot of money for them but mine was £30 something on Amazon. Also you are supposed to buy according to your own weight.
I don't use mine in bed because I'm too warm, but have it on the sofa... found it helps me wind down after work
I used one before the heart happening with great success ,
but afterwards I had the feeling of being smothered and catching my breath. I gave it to a local homeless centre.
Maybe I was breathing differently after the op, I don't know, but that feeling was awful, have never used one since { but that's me }
Take care

Thanks all for your replies. I’m going to give it a go and will report back after testing it for a few weeks.
I bought a weighted blanket for my son who is autistic. He was a terrible sleeper before, now he sleeps like a log.
I have had one almost a year (Santa's gift last December...!) and am fairly happy with it.
I am a very very restless sleeper, taking several hours to drop off to sleep then am awake/bathroom visits three or more times. Overall it is worth the (considerable) cost.
I use mine with a sheet underneath (so the cover does not have to removed for washing) and was concerned that it would be too hot in the summer months but I seemed to cope OK.
You do need to purchase a weighted blanket commensurate with your weight - too little and it will not do its job and too heavy and you may not be able to manoeuvre it when in bed: I believe that 10% of one's body weight is recommended, give or take a little.
Mine has glass beads within and they do shift around so have to be 'shaken' down, not easy but worth doing as it feels like new again. I understand that glass beds are better than plastic beads, which some cheaper blankets contain.
I find my weighted blanket comforting (if you enjoy being 'hugged' by bedclothes, some people do not) and believe it helps me. Heavens what I would be like without it!
I considered a weighted blanket (I fall asleep, but wake up to pee and then fret for hours on a regular basis) but wanted to try natural solutions first. Tried many herbals, but what works like a charm for me is melatonin. If your doctor approves, I would definitely try that. (It has many other health benefits and is cheap to boot!)