HI Everyone. Hope you are all as well as can be expected :). I am just wondering if anyone here knows anything about the Defect where the Babies Hearts are on their Right Side! I spoke to my Cousin yesterday and her future Daughter-In-Law is expecting Twins. This was picked up at her last Scan! As you can imagine, they are worried sick. They are now awaiting a Paediatric Heart Consultant! Anyone that possibly knows anything about this your comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Unborn Baby Defects!: HI Everyone... - British Heart Fou...
Unborn Baby Defects!

I know nothing about this but been having a little look and it can work out positive it will all depend on so many factors
I know this must be a very worrying time for everyone but try and stay positive as a family
I do hope everything turns out alright and you will let us know how it all goes x

Yes I definitely will BeKind. I also had a quick look Online and apparently it is called 'Dextrocardia'! I have spoken to my Cousin again tonight and I think they are just in Shock with it all. I, for one, certainly had never heard of it before!! They have said at the Hospital that it is very, very, rare. She has to go again this Wednesday to another Hospital to see a Paediatric Heart Specialist. What the Outcome is going to be, I really do not know!!
Yes I read that was what it was called to and I can only imagine the shock but as Milkfairy has said the positive is they can detect any problems before the baby is born which enables them to have a plan ready if needed
I hope it is good news after their appointment and again let us know x

You are right Bekind. Again sorry I haven't replied before but I haven't got the energy of a knat at the moment. You know why!!
Please again don't be sorry I totally understand you reply when and if you feel like it
Seems it has got you bad like it did me , it will be 4 weeks this weekend since I was positive and I am still tired all the time as well as it affected my stomach which is not right yet and driving me mad so I do know how you are feeling and be reassured slowly you will feel better and I really hope it is soon
You look after yourself x

Oh I'm really sorry you have had it that long. Must be so miserable It's already driving me mad because I'm stuck in. Hate it and my legs are just aching so much I could cry!! Yes, my Stomach isn't that great either and I haven't ate that much, simply don't feel like ! Trouble is as well, I can't take anything other than Paracetamol because of the Warfarin. I got dosed over the Phone yesterday afterwards and if I am not clear by the end of the Week, they will send a District Nurse. So, that is me lol 😂
The aching is not nice at all and I know paracetamol is not that strong but keep taking it
Have you a hot water bottle or electric blanket you could try and use to see if that eases the aching ?
We were all of food for a couple of weeks just eat what you fancy no matter how small that is what my Doctor advised me to do just this once and then go back to healthy eating when I was better
If they have to send the Nurse to you then so be it save you having to go out
It will get better you have to hang in there ride it through but you will come out the other end as we say x

Yes you are right with the Paracetamol. I am taking them regularly but they are not doing much good so far. I did ask the Nurse from the Clinic yesterday and she said as well, it's only Paracetamol I can take. I just put the Cleaner round because I haven't done hardly anything for a few days. I feel absolutely worn out now!! The way I'm thinking though BeKind, if I can get through a Bypass and Pacemaker, I'll get through this :). When I was in Hospital, I was in for 6 Weeks with NO Visitors because of you know what. ( I had quite a few complications) that being the reason I was in so long. Thankfully though, all the Staff were fantastic!! I never have anything straightforward lol 😂. I haven't got a Hot Water Bottle or Electric Blanket. I have got a thing to put in the Microwave so I will try that later. This just made me laugh mind - I have a Parrot and she likes me to play with her. I am sitting here with a Cuppa and Angel, (that's her Name), said 'Playtime'. I said, aww Angel I don't really feel like now, I don't feel well. She growled at me at said 'Doctrrrr's'!!! Lol 😂😂
I am never straight forward either but you are right you got through all you have so you will get through this to
I thought you might like or have a parrot and that made me laugh what the parrot said to you animals are so clever x

I absolutely love Parrots. My Son has got one as well and they are so clever, it's unbelievable!

There are many different types of heart problems that babies can be born with. It is always a worry to hear news such as this. Usually time is of the essence and your relatives won't have to wait too long to see the specialist.
The positive side is that antenatal screening by ultrasound scans can now pick up problems before a baby is born.
This gives the doctors time to plan the best place and time for the baby to be born. Discussing the options with the baby's parents too. This preparation means the outcome for these babies is so much better than in the past.
Having your heart on the right side of the body isn't unusual either. It's called dextrocardia.
I suggest you try not to google too much, perhaps contact the helplines of the relevant support groups, below.
The BHF helpline is another good resource.
Good luck and please come back and say how everything goes.
Thank you Milkfairy. It is very much appreciated. I agree, Googling always shows the Negatives doesn't it? These Babies are SO much wanted and the Parents and my Cousin are going to be devastated if anything happens to them. You know what I mean I'm sure. I will take a look at those Links later. Thanks again!
PS: Yes I will Milkfairy. Meant to say these will be my Cousin's first Grandchildren so you can just imagine how they feel!
I have Text those Links you gave me to my Cousin and she was grateful. They are seeing a Specialist today so we shall have to just wait and see. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as we are imagining!!
HI Milkfairy and Bekind. Just a little Update for you. I have spoken to my Cousin this morning and the Appointment with the Paediatric Specialist went well. She said he was absolutely lovely and explained everything to them in detail. Lisa who is having the Twins, is going to be placed under 'Specialist Care' with him and his Team. Apparently he wants a lot more Screening and Tests to be carried out in case there are any other possible Organ defects! The Heart, being on the Right Side, should not be so much of a problem so the Family are feeling better for knowing that! I will keep you both informed of any future developments