I'm 21 years old and my grandmother recently told me I had a PDA (Congenital Heart Defect) when I was a baby , and now I can't seem to get it off my mind , its been driving me crazy lately but the weird thing is I never had a problem with my heart or lungs , ive always played sports but for the last two years I've been stuck in the house , and this fear of having a heart attack grows every day , ive been to countless Er's for reassurance everyone tells me the same thing its no problem but after about 3 days the reassurance isn't valid anymore and then I need more , I can fell a tiny chest pain , heartbeat , or anything and I spiral into a major panic attack its not fun living anymore I can't enjoy life , PLEASE does anyone know anything about a Pda Heart Defect it scares the crap out of me every time I read about it on google , It says the pda can reopen , Anyone know anything about it , I want to enjoy life again .
Anxiety Baby Heart Defect: I'm 21 years... - British Heart Fou...
Anxiety Baby Heart Defect

I have a small one which I only found out about when I was 37ish when I was checked for a different heart problem, it is a bit of a shock at first but I’m now 50 and still alive 😁 mine just needs checking every 2 years but it’s never any bigger. Try not to be nervous about it and carry on doing everything you did before just keep having it checked and try and be reassured by the doctors x
Do you know how big yours is? You can have them closed I chose not to have mine closed. Have you been to a cardiologist? They should be able to advise you on things like size and maybe closing it up I was told it’s quite simple.
If I was you I would go to your gp and try and get a cardiologist appt to sort it all out for you and put your mind at ease x
I worked with a number of children over many years who had this condition resolved (as I suspect you did at birth or you would have been aware of it before you were 21) and can't remember any one of them having a heart attack; all living perfectly normal lives and actually did not need any special provision. Great you played sports and never had any heart/lung problems - you did yourself no end of good by keeping fit and active. Oddly you say your grandmother only told you a few months ago but that you have been "stuck in the house for the last two years" worrying . So what was it that started off your concern? Exactly the same question was asked by a member of the forum
about a month ago - lots of replies - so suggest you search for that member and see what advice has been given.
Good luck - did your concerns start just after you left high school by any chance?
Didn't Rlquetteincorparated' grandmother also tell him/her about this condition!!
That's my other profile .
Why are you posting the same question under 2 different profiles? Why are you hiding your replies?
I have two profile because I need more reassurance , I would hate posting the same question on the same profile i feel like people would get annoyed rather than help me
I knew I had this condition when I was about 16 years old its just getting unbearable to deal with it now , so I developed agoraphobia
what exactly are you dealing with? Physically I mean. After the closure as a baby you are physically mended. You are wise enough to realise your problems aren;t really to do with the heart and you should be seeking help with your anxiety. Are you in USA? You should start a session with a therapist by reading your answer to him/her where you say why you have two profiles. The difficulty with trying to use a forum like this one to resolve issues is that you lead the discussion (totally brilliant for everyone with heart issues who are working with coping physical symptoms) and that will not help you to deal with what is really underlying your anxiety. Long term you need to go to your primary care doctor and get something put into place to guide you going forward.
You say you learned about this recently aged 21.
You say you've been worrying for 2 years, which is more than 'recent.'
You say you've known about this since you were 16, which is 6 years.
You say you have multiple profiles.
You agree you've asked the same question twice under each profile.
Others have noticed replies have gone missing.
On the face of it, this seems like manipulative, attention seeking behaviour. I suggest that you seek help for mental health issues.