Hello everyone, I hope you are having a good week. I am now 13 months post 4x bypass. Please would you mind sharing if you have had an annual review either at your own initiative or contact from your GP.? I have not been offered a review so far and am keen to see how I am doing! If anyone has had a review privately and wouldn’t mind sharing any recommendations please DM me. I hope you don’t mind my asking and thanks ever so much in advance. Judi
Annual Review after Bypass: Hello... - British Heart Fou...
Annual Review after Bypass

Hello Judi
Has your Doctor kept up with having regular blood tests for iron , kidneys etc to make sure your meds are suiting you ok this is something they do
Has your Consultant discharged you because they were happy and felt there was no more they needed to do ?
If they have then that is it no more follow up's occur
The only reason I had a follow up is not because my Consultant arranged one or Doctor but because my lovely Surgeon still over a year later keeps in touch and I got anxious so she did it me in the hopes of calming me down
So basically if you have been discharged from your Consultant then that is it if you have not been discharged then you could phone up and ask about it
Not sure if this will help at all x

Hi Bev, it helps a lot to clarify thank you. I do not have 3 monthly checks for kidneys and liver etc, Perhaps I should check with my doctor? Particularly as I am diabetic. Yes, I have been discharged by my cardiac consultant so as you say, that’s it. I guess I should be reassured by that, though it doesn’t feel that way! I will check about the blood tests though. Hope you are recovering well from the virus xxx
Sounds like everything has gone as it usually does and you must be doing well for them to discharge you so relax
O this virus it has attacked my stomach which won't settle down and I am still dropping to sleep all day it is certainly a good one knocks the stuffing right out of you
Thank you for asking x

Thinking of you and hope you feel better very soon xxx
Thank You x

morning Bev,
Sorry to read your still suffering, why is it the nicest people suffer the worst!
I have a friend who like you took ages to get over the virus, could sleep at the drop of a hat. I was very tired but it didn’t last as long as you. My granddaughter in Australia had a bad dose and as been to the long C clinic, thankfully it seems to have eased off now she was finding University really exhausting.
My friend was told listen to your body and if you need to sleep that’s what you should be doing. She is a retired vicar, and isn’t used to not being active.
Take good care
Hello Pauline
Thank you for your reassuring words what I needed to here as I am struggling
I think it does affect us all differently and I had a feeling I would get it pretty bad with been agoraphobic I have not got the best of immune systems
I hope you are doing the best you can I often think about you x

My life is certainly different, I have to try every day just to get through. I will always miss him but hopefully the pain will ease!
My blood pressure is playing silly had episodes of very low readings. It’s quite frightening when your on your own. When John was here he was always telling me to drink more fluids and now I sometimes forget! Craig as me texting him when I get up just saying morning!
Jan on the forum as been such a support, somehow she knows just how I am feeling.
Take good care of yourself, hope you start to feel better with this terrible virus.
Best wishes Pauline
Hello Pauline
I can only imagine my Husbands Mum lost her Husband as you know just before you lost John and she is exactly the same but some days are slightly getting better than others , I think the pain never goes but we just learn a way to find it easier to live with it
I am sorry that blood pressure has decided to join in and I do understand even though we may know these things having someone there reminding us is so missed and then we can forget , you have a lovely family though and obviously loved very much to keep getting your Morning text
I 100% agree about Jan she is such a strength to others she has also and is so good to me she keeps me up at times when I think I am falling such a lovely friend to have
You take care of yourself to and know we are here for you x
Hello Pauline. Thank you! and I hope your BP is behaving itself. Clive had a nasty episode this morning - feeling dizzy and faint. His BP was unusually low when I checked but he recovered after a couple of hours.
I'm trying to get a meds review for him but it's hopeless here!!!
Love and hugs. Jan xx
Afternoon Jan
Sorry about Clive’s blood pressure, when mine dropped earlier in the week it really made me feel terrible. When it used to drop in the hospital they would tell me to drink more fluid to bring it back up, and take my time going round corners!
Hope you can get an appointment sorted, here I would be seeing the nurse and if she was concerned get the GP involved.
Let me know how he is.
Love and hugs Pauline xx
Happily, it sounds like you have made a really good recovery. If you have any worrying symptoms, and the Cardiologist has discharged, your route is through your GP, but perhaps you are still under your diabetes team?
Hubbyhad CABGX4, 2 strokes and is T2 diabetic, he gets a diabetic review with the nurse every so often and everything is covered there.
Hope that helps. You can ask for a review of your meds etc if you feel one is needed.
My husband is also type 2 diabetic. He gets a full annual check up; 6 monthly bloods and two eye tests a year. For heart meds I get a set of blood tests every 6 months.
Thanks for replying Qualipop, I have my diabetes check up every six months, but I am going to enquire about my blood tests for my heart.,Many thanks for replying, take care, Judi
Thanks Jane, I am due for a diabetic review soon, when I am hoping to go onto the pump which I think will be good for me. I will have a review of my meds in about 3 months time. Take care and thanks again, Judi
hi I had my operation at the end of January and have been invited to a review at the end of November. Not quite a year but close enough
I am also 13 months post quadruple bypass.
I contacted my GP who arranged for an ECG and blood tests. So my advice is to be proactive . Good luck and I hope you are fit and healthy again like me.
I am 13 ,onths post op and just had review at GP. Had blood tests/ checks through out the year. Was discharged from consultants after leaving hospital following op.
morning Heyjude31,
I have a yearly check up at the GPs, Blood pressure, Blood tests weight and a look at my medication. This is normally done by one of the nurse’s, and any concerns I have. This year I had what was called a 5 year review at the hospital, but this was because I have a replacement valve as well as bypass.
If you have been discharged by your cardiologist ring your surgery and ask if you can see one of their nurses for a check up, I get a letter and it’s always around my birthday.
Hope your doing well,
Very best wishes Pauline
Thanks ever so much for replying Pauline. I do hope you are okay. We never get over losing a loved one but we learn to cope and the pain lessens over time. I send you my sincere best wishes and a big hug blanket.
I am going to speak to the nurse and see if I can get checked out and hopefully make this part of an annual review. Many thanks, take care, Judi
Hi... Sounds like everything is going well, have had 2Xtimes triple by pass and generally when discharged, by the Surgeon and his team, you get referred to an exercise regime for Cardiac patients, if you have been through this 14 months in everything is going well.You say you are diabetic surely you get a yearly check up which involves blood tests along with eye tests with the Diabetic Nurse at your GP Practice. I think from past experience you are doing well and no worries. Have a good day
Hi Judi,
Generally I am rather disappointed with my GP practice as it has definitely not provided the level of aftercare I had expected. I have to instigate my annual blood test and that is all the aftercare I receive. I used to submit regular blood pressure readings, but they stopped entering them on my records when the pandemic occurred. Everything seemed to cease up at that point.
The system worked well after my discharge from Papworth 3 months after my op - that was to the care of my local hospital. In my case another hospital provided my rehab sessions as that was where I was taken at the time of my hearf attack. The 3 hospitals interfaced amazingly well. Following investigations at my local hospital into the cause of my heart attack and numerous checks on my health which took about 6 months, I was discharged to the care of my GP, which is when things started to go awry.
At the very least I would inquire of your GP practice as to what checks you are due. Hopefully you will fare better than I have.
Kindest regards,
Hello Gerald, I hope all is well with you and thank you for replying. My care following my bypass was great and the cardiac rehab was also brilliant, I am now a member of the cardiac rehab gym which is brilliant.
I have had no follow up from my GP and the care has been sadly lacking. I am going to speak to a nurse and see if I can organise blood tests etc. Thanks again for replying, take care, Judi
Hi Judi,
Well one GP at my practice declared me to have been "fixed". Perhaps it's a case of we'll have the finds we receive for having you on our books, but we don't want to spend any time seeing you.
It will be interesting to see what response you get from your GP practice.
All the best,
Hi Judi. Yes I had a Yearly Check-Up at my Local Hospital with the Cardiologist that referred me for Surgery organised by the Surgeon :). Also, have had 6 monthly Blood Tests and Prescription Reviews with my Doctor. If I were you, I'd chase them up!!! Hope you get somewhere soon
Thanks ever so much ParrotLover22. I will definitely chase up. Many thanks for your reply, Judi
Hi, I should know better, but, I'm a bit surprised at the after care for those who have had the likes of a Bypass, which is in stark contrast to my experience of having annual Cardiology appts for 30+ years in relation to my Valves and more recently HF. I've just taken it for granted it's the same for other conditions, but, that appears not to be the case. Likewise, I have bloods taken very regularly without having to prompt the GP, more so, since I was diagnosed with HF.

Thanks for replying Heedio, I am surprised too. It will be interesting to see what my GP says, though it is never the same GP twice. Judi
Hi there, the annual review is something I've been curious about. After aortic valve replacement and replacement of my ascending aorta I do get an annual CT scan and a letter from my cardiologist confirming that so far, all appears in place and stable. GP wise, all I have had is a medication review. This consisted of GP asking why I was on Warfarin and not a more modern anti-coagulant. My response 'I have a mechanical heart valve'. GP reply - Oh I didn't know that!! He then asked why I was taking so much Warfarin - my response - that is the dose that my INR testing directs me to take! I don't know if anything else should be checked. I don't get any follow up blood tests but am on bi-soprolol, eplerenone, losartan, furosemide and colcaciferol.
Hi Coper10, thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It sounds as though check ups are in place for you which is great. Though I do wish sometimes that doctors might talk to each other more often! I will be speaking with my GP just to make sure my bloods are all okay. Take care, Judi