can I stop taking my heart meds as they make feel sick and sweat I stopped them fir a cpl of days and I didn't feel sick so I'm thinking if stopping them
Can i stop Meds: can I stop taking my... - British Heart Fou...
Can i stop Meds

No not really, unless you like playing Russian roulette.
If you have had a heart attack, your medication is helping to prevent you having another one.
You need to talk to your GP or Cardiologist to see if there are alternative medications for you to take.
Dear djleighp
Please don't even think to stop your medication because of the side effects that you are experiencing .
Most drugs have an alternative that may have fewer or no side effects but will still protect you through your illnesses.
Don't suffer anymore and make it known to your Dr that you want a complete drug review , write down exactly how your feel, time and date,
Good luck, it is a mine field changing drugs, but many on here have had spectacular success in doing so.
Take care.
As @Milkfairy has said it could be a very dangerous game. I have no idea what meds you are on but stopping them all could result in a dangerous BP rebound, a blood clot that might br fatal, etc. As suggested talk to your GP.
I would imagine you have been put on these drugs for very good reason. Like any medications, they sometimes need changing if they don't agree with you. This is your heart.....I would think speaking to your GP is your first port of call but personally I wouldn't advise just stopping them. Good luck and I hope you get sorted x
Not a good idea, you have been put on these meds for a reason. Better idea is to get an appointment or try contacting your consultant if you have one and explain how they affecting you and get a review of the meds and see if there are alternatives that you can tolerate. Stopping meds is a very bad idea.
Oh dear. This is a support group. We don’t know you or your medical history. It may be absolutely fine to stop … although it could be the worst decision of your life.
Speak to an expert. Your cardiologist/GP or whoever prescribed the medication. Talk to them. And the the group will support you with the decision you make
Good luck
I guess its your body, your choice!
No one on here can , nor will, tell you what to do, what we will all say, is that you shouldn't stop your medication without the consent or input from your medical team.
yes I did have a heart attack in nov 20 with stent and do have high bp
Im on asprin 75mg omoprezole 20mg
Furosemide 120 mg perindopril 4mg bisoprolol 2.5 amlodipine 10mg
ISorbide 30 mg astorvistatin 80 mg gtn spray ranzolzine 375mg folic acid 5 mg
Mirtazapine 30 mg
So quiet a few lol
I know how you feel. Medication can sometimes cause us other symptoms which we hate. I have been put on lisinopril and spironolactone. They do cause me to feel, a bit lethargic. But i dont know if that is down to the fact that my blood pressure has come down nicely but if my body has been use to having high blood pressure for a number of years and to then come down quite quickly, well within a couple of months does that effect me? The trouble is the medication is for a reason and that is to assist my heart. Unfortunately it is all a balancing act of chemical changes and other things. Iam trying my medications at night so i can sleep through the intial stages. Try to see if it improves my energy levels. Will have blood test next week to check potassium levels, sodium levels. These chemical changes can effect the body. It is hard though. But dont come off tablets cold turkey. Had an episode last year when i came down off my anti depressant, on my own back. Double vision for a day and trip to A and E. Not nice.
Definitely not a good idea. It's your life you are playing with.
As others have said, get a review of your medication. It may take some time to get a mix of medication which will suit you. I worked with my GP and the practice pharmacist to get it right.... and now I must say I am fiercely resistant to it being changed.