hello, i returned home from a holiday last saturday. On the sunday i woke up to find tha white part of my eye completely red , very unsightly but not painful and no visual concerns. While at my GP appointment on Tuesday for my bloods doing i asked the nurse to take a look and was told that the GP doesn't see patients with eye problems and to go to the pharmacy. The pharmacist wasnt worried and said that lots of people get this. I'm just a bit worried if this is due to taking apixaban and flying. I wonder if anyone else has had this. Thank you, the superhero villain that my grandkids now call me.
Sudden red eye.: hello, i returned home... - British Heart Fou...
Sudden red eye.

Your pharmacist is most likely correct. However if you remain concerned go talk to your local opticians where an optometrist will be able to offer a professional specialist opinion.

thanks, i will do.
I get this from time to time - it is just a burst blood vessel which, in my case, is probably due to me rubbing my eyes too hard (I have allergies and get itchy eyes). It may also be due to high blood pressure.
I see you are taking an anticoagulant which also could be a cause.
If you are worried, you could ring 111 for advice.
A friend had the same thing recently. Was just a burst blood vessel. I think they call it red eye. I find it hard to believe what the nurse said. Surely the doc could have taken a look! Most unhelpful. X
I get this too occasionally. The consultant at the eye hospital said it was nothing to worry about. It would be more of a problem if it was doing it in my stomach.
Have only been alerted to it by horror look on people's faces. Does not hurt and eventually fades.
Stay safe.
I had the same problem. The surgery asked me to send a photo. I was called & told not to worry as it should disappear in a few days, which it did.
My husband has had that happen a couple of times in the last few years. Just woke up with it - no pain or visual disturbance. The doctor says it's not a problem. The only blood thinner he takes is 100mg aspirin.
My husband woke up one day last year with the white of his eye to tally red. Bright red. As with you the GP wouldn't look so he was told to go to the optician who said it was just a tiny blood vessel that had b urst. He wasn't at all concerned. IT cleared up in a few days with no lasting effects. It is possible your medication plus the aircraft pressure caused it but it seems to be quite common. My mum had it once but that was because her dog pierced her eyeball with its sharp dewclaw when it pawed her. But again, the minute hole healed up and the blood dissipated quickly.
Happened to me during Covid.
GP asked me to check my BP, it was ok, he said don't worry it will go in a few days, it did.
I have had red eye many times and at my surgery the mere mention of eye means they say go to an optician, phone 111 etc.
As others have said it is most likely caused by a burst blood vessel which can be caused by many things.
I do feel that GP's are doing less and less and are no longer general practitioners as such but more of IT consultants.
I agree with you and thanks for replying. I wasnt surprised when the nurse said to go to the pharmacy or the optician because it was the same the other month when i had a eye infection and did get in to see an optician then. Just seems so wrong when i was in the surgery for bloods taking but still wouldnt look at it.
As part of a community project I take quite a lot of elderly less mobile people to the surgery for their appointments.
I'm quite nosy and listen into the conversations at reception when people walk in asking, or should I say demanding in a lot of cases to see the Doctor.
The receptionists are experts at keeping their cool in the face of the most appalling behavior.
Interestingly I'd say only about 1 in 10 get an appointment and the receptionists resolve the other queries or signposts the "patients" to where they should be going.
well something else to worry about now. The surgery text me this morning saying that one of my blood results wasnt right and to be repeated in 4 months. I rang the surgery to find out what was wrong and was told that the thyroid function test was a bit out. I asked if it was above or below the normal ratio but she didnt know, said it wasnt far out but she wasnt clinically trained so couldnt say. I find this so frustrating because i am and wanted to know. Anyway i asked nicely for a telephone call from a dr and have got one for the 6th October so i guess i will find out then. On a happier note today is 2 years since i had my sudden cardiac arrest. So glad to be here.
I had the same a few weeks after starting Apixaban. No flying! I rang the optician who said it’s nothing to worry about. It just looked horrendous but it cleared up fully within two weeks.