so notwithstanding differences in accuracy between different types of monitors (as well as cuff or wrist), anyone with a monitor that has indicator for irregular heart beat find that this is an accurate indicator in terms of heart beat issues you have. Or does it show even if you don’t have heart beat issues?
I came off diltiazem and ranexa last week and was warned by knowledgeable people on here need to watch BP. Also advised me to not stop suddenly but I’d already stopped for 48 hours I think by time I asked the question - so it’s clear the CARDIOLOGIST TOLD ME TO STOP 😊😊😊
And of course BP is higher as predicted😒
but then I wasn’t monitoring pre coming off meds so could have been like this before as my BP I felt became less controlled when I was orginally swopped from amlodipine to these. Back On lower dose of amlodipine. (For info my symptoms remain the same since coming off unless too early to tell, been 5 1/2 days).
So I started monitoring and the indicator keeps coming on and now wondering if matter of accuracy or there is an actual issue. Can come on for a normal reading and for a high reading (159/88).
Thanks for any insight.