Anyone struggle with Bisoprolol? - British Heart Fou...

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Anyone struggle with Bisoprolol?

Sljp0000 profile image
60 Replies

5 days ago I was put on 2.5mg bisoprolol. Today I saw a cardiologist who doubled it to 5mg and he aims to get me to 10mg before my Angiogram. I feel awful. Tingling arms and legs, intermittent chest pains, and just generally feeling unwell. My husband says I'll get used to it but I'm struggling. I've also got slight blurred vision and stomach pains (think that could be an ulcer). Anyone else struggled with this drug and got used to it?

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Sljp0000 profile image
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60 Replies
Heather1957 profile image

I was on 1.25 for about a year back in 2017 then it was increased to 2.5. My cardiac nurse, while not unhappy with my heartrate said that she would recommend it upped to 5 mg and that was done a couple of months ago.

I don't suffer any side effects thankfully but I haven't noticed a change in my heartrate at all so wonder what good the increase was. I will give it a few more months and if there is no change I am going to ask my GP to go back to 2.5 mgs.

Sizzlerman profile image
Sizzlerman in reply to Heather1957

Funny you should mention this, whilst back to hospital after another mild heart attack and a third stent fitted they increased my Bisoprolol from 1.25 to 5mg and I to was a bit shocked until I looked at my watch. I wear a smart watch which monitors your heart rate amongst other things, I use it mainly for walking they are not expensive and it used to give me peice of mind if I felt I'll. Basically check my heart rate etc and i noticed my resting heart rate had shot from 65 to 100. However when I sat down it dropped to usual level maybe mid 50s. Because the reading gives you a scale of the last so many hours. So although I didn't feel it initially it seems to fo the trick.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Sizzlerman

I take my readings from my smart watch and can honestly say that I can't see any difference since they increased my dosage. I am not too worried, it is the higher side of okay but no change.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Sizzlerman

Glad it works for you. On 5mg my resting heart rate is late 40s. Hope u don't need a higher dose for pulse during activity or my resting one will be too low. Maybe I should invest in a watch!

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Heather1957

Exactly, no point taking extra drugs which aren't being effective! Definitely go back if your BP and pulse are lowered. Good luck!

Nannysue1 profile image

Hello, yes, I couldn't tolerate Bisoprolol either and had the same effects. Fatigue, blurred vision, breathless on walking. I was changed to Diltiazem, which seems to suit me quite well. Maybe contact your cardiologist?.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Nannysue1

Gonna give it a few weeks. Mentioned the symptons to my cardiologist and he just shrugged his shoulders! I get the impression you're meant to get used to the side effects or they wear off. 🙄 x

Maglynne007 profile image

Yes. I started on 2.5 on Sunday and I feel lousy. My heart rate has dropped to low 40s and my bp to 110/51., my chest is wheezing and I feel like I’m wearing lead shoes. Everything is an effort for me. I phoned my gp yesterday, who has emailed my cardiac consultant - I’m hoping there’s an alternative.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Maglynne007

Have they come back to you? Have your symptons eased? Mine have a little but I just feel so weary on them. I'm like you, similar obs. I really hope they don't try and increase them to 10mg or I'll be in a right mess ! X

Maglynne007 profile image
Maglynne007 in reply to Sljp0000

Not yet - I’m hoping to hear today. So far I’ve taken 4 tablets and yes I didn’t feel too bad yesterday (Wednesday) but I still feel like I’m in slow motion. Just been for my early morning walk and I struggled but kept going slowly. Good luck

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Maglynne007

Thank you, you too x

Embossed profile image

Hello I posted on here recently as I had just started on this and was having similar issues as you,it's horrible and very unsettling. I got a call back yesterday from the cardiac nurse. We discussed it and the plan now is to split the dose and take Morning and evening and see if that helps. My heart rate is still too high so just have to keep going with it and the dose may need to be increased. She said some of the side effects may gradually reduce. So far the tummy pains have eased up a bit, I'm sleeping better, the tingling in my toes is still there but I'm beginning to find I can ignore it easier. However the chest pain,breathless and legs that feel they get so heavy are still there and not nice. I am going to try what she has suggested and go with the flow and assume these bits will also ease up. Please don't change the way you take yours without getting proper medical advice. I just wanted to let you see it can improve in time x

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Embossed

I've actually split my dose to morning amd night. Cardiologist said it doesn't matter when I take them. I think my symptons are following a similar pattern to yours. I just feel so weary with no energy all the time. Diabetes doesn't help either! Good luck x

Billy_Bedstead profile image


I've been on bisoprolol for more than a year, I'd started on 1.25 but that was changed to 2.5, I think last November. I wasn't aware of any side effects for a while (and I take a few other meds so it's difficult to pin any side effects down to one in particular)

However, in the last few months I have felt absolutely drained when out walking or on any exertion. I can only describe it as feeling like there is no fuel in the tank - I don't feel breathless, I get too tired before I get to that stage!

Fortunately I had a conversation with my cardiologist last week and he has recommended reducing and then coming off the bisoprolol. I have to say I didn't recognise bisoprolol as the culprit but obviously I am hoping the cardiologist is spot on and he usually is.

These issues are always worth a conversation with your medics: I hope you can sort it out soon - good luck!

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Billy_Bedstead

Have you come off them then? How do you feel now? I've got to stay on mine indefinitely I think as I have severe calcification in my arteries. Hope all goes well for you. X

Billy_Bedstead profile image
Billy_Bedstead in reply to Sljp0000

Thank you, I hope you feel better very soon too. I've been taking 2.5mg od for several months. I was on half that previously (I can't quite remember when it increased but probably last November at my last appointment). I spoke to my Cardiologist last week and he's recommended taking half a dose for a week and then stopping them: I took my last half- dose today.

I would cautiously say I feel less weary. I can't describe just how fatigued I felt but it was really interfering with me going out and getting the most basic of exercise. Any slight slope or hill and I'd have to slow down or rest. I have never been completely athletic but I have always loved walking either in the country or a city, I was quite anxious about it, but I'm not sure those around me took it so seriously because I look OK (ish!)

I went for a training session with my young dog today in the park and it involved a bit of walking... cautiously I would say I felt better and less tired. I am booked in for a blood test to rule out anaemia and a test for claudication as my legs get tired but I am pinning a lot on stopping bisoprolol to end the fatigue. I see there are others on here on much higher doses than mine. I hope I don't have to go on it again!

I hope you get things sorted very soon: take care


Silvertail profile image

It doesn't give me any problems and I've been on the highest dose - 10 mg - for years. My mix of tablets caused dizziness at first but my body has got used to them.

Gooner045 profile image
Gooner045 in reply to Silvertail


I had to come off 10 mg that messed me up, what work do you do, im in construction, i agreed with cardiologist ..5mg in the morning 2.5 at night plus another beta blocker as my heart was racing to 170 at night whilst asleep, he said its like im in a gym 24/7, just interested to know what you do for work really

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Silvertail

Wow, that's a high dose to tolerate without side effects. Well done you! Hopefully I'll get there! X

Silvertail profile image
Silvertail in reply to Sljp0000

I have my 10mg at night and candesartan and spiractin the morning. That probably helps.

I’ve been on 10 mg of bisoprolol for a year now , I started off on 5 then went to 7, now 10 . When I first went to 10 everything was slower , and sometimes it’s still like that but all n all I’m used to it now . Give your body time to get used to it . You could also ask the gp if you can take it in the evening instead .

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to

I'm taking 2.5mg am and 2.5mg pm. As you say hopefully I will get used to them. At the moment I don't even feel I can drive I feel so weary x

in reply to Sljp0000

Don’t drive just now then , what is weird I’ve noticed is that you feel your movements have slowed down and you can’t move any quicker when in reality you can , but when it comes to driving I certainly wouldn’t risk it , don’t do it not until you are feeling more yourself xx

Blue428 profile image

Yep I did . I’m now off of it . I had exactly the same chest pains , tingling in extremities . Get your doctor to check your heart rate . This drug slows your heart rate down . My BPM was 43 at one point . So in effect my heart was having to work harder , hence the chest pains . Tingling in the extremities was due to lack of blood reaching them because the heart wasn’t pumping fast enough . So see your GP , get your heart rate checked out

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Blue428

I have a nurse appointment in a weeks time. I check my pulse and BP at home anyway. I'm mid 40s and 110/63. I can't see how they would want it lower than that so hopefully I won't have to go to a higher dosage. X

XmasEve24 profile image

I came off 1.25 mg of Bisoprolol after 6 years post CABG x2. I feel like a different person. So much more energy and my legs no longer feel like lead. Good luck coming off it.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to XmasEve24

That’s very encouraging to hear 👏

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to XmasEve24

I can't come off it as I've got severe calcification and it hopefully will stabilise it. Wish I could 😪

Raznic profile image

I've been on Bisoprolol for 5 years now. 7.5mg daily. Split dose 2.5mg morning and 5mg evening. Desperately tired to start with but that got better quite quickly. The worst effect for me is a constantly runny nose. Sounds funny but really irritating, and is apparently a known side effect. However, apart from that not too bad at all. I'd give it a little while to see if things settle before doing anything. We all react differently to medication. Good luck.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Raznic

I'm glad to hear your tiredness soon lifted. That's the thing I can't cope with. Just want to lie on the sofa all day atm! Hopefully I'll be like you and adjust well. Thank you for replying! X

in reply to Raznic

I always thought it was ramipirl that gave me the runny nose

Raznic profile image
Raznic in reply to

I am also on Ramipril, but on reading the information leaflet that comes with Bisoprolol (how anal is that?) a runny nose is mentioned as a side effect, also confirmed by my consultant. It may of course be aggravated by taking Ramipril with it, as of course many of us do. But my goodness I should have shares in kleenex!

Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to Raznic

That is why I came off Bisoprolol and also Statin as it made my vascular disease worse in my legs! And constant runny nose 🤔 So annoying when you work in a restaurant kitchen as well👍 Still on Ramipril and Aspirin!

Tiredness was also a big factor 👌😴

Classicfan49 profile image

I had never in over 70 years had a bad reaction to a drug. I was put on Bisoprolol, 1.25 a day, a few months ago and have felt dreadful since. Dragging myself around, no energy, depressed and put it down to the heart condition for which I was prescribed it. Last week I finally saw a cardiologist who told me to come off it. 5 days later and I feel so much better. It’s one to watch!My heart rate is increasing so I might need a beta blocker but it won’t be Bisoprolol I can tell you that.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Classicfan49

I'll drag it out for now until at least I've had my Angiogram. Glad to hear you feel much better and that of you do need another beta blocker it suits you much better. Good luck! X

DanniC88 profile image

Yes I did at the beginning. Im only on 2.5mg but I remember when I first started taking it. I was on a cardiac ward at the time 3 years ago. The nurses gave it to me and within an hour Bang! It felt like id been hit by a ton of bricks. I felt so tired because my heart rate was not used to being lowered. It took me a good month to get used to it. Felt lik I was walking through treacle. Its up to you but perhaps persevere with it. Its a widely used well tolerated drug. Tried Verapamil first and that gave me a funny turn.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to DanniC88

Thank you for your reply. I'm encouraged to know these side effects could dissipate. I will keep going with them and try not to sleep too much! X

RailRover profile image

I started on 2.5mg Bisoprolol after HA and stent end 2019. 2 months later I was back in hospital with lightheadedness, tingling arms and hands, so they reduced it to 1.25mg which was better. Another 14 months on I had CABG x 3 and remained on the Bisoprolol until end 2021. I complained about the continuing lightheadedness, and I was concerned about my pulse rate which could often be in the low 40s. One cardiologist said I needed to be on them for the long term, but the next cardiologist took me off them. I would be concerned about doubling up to 10mg if you feel so lousy on 5mg. Why are they doing this? Are your pulse rate and BP abnormally high? It sounds like the medication is as bad as the disease. At the very least raise it again with your cardiologist.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to RailRover

My resting pulse is in the low 40s and BP 110/63 on 5mg. Hopefully they won't increase it again! Troubling is I get so anxious when I go to appointments that everything always goes up. I've been told they want me on 10mg by the time I go for my Angiogram in 5-7 weeks as it will give then a clearer picture of what's happening. I'll be a zombie by then! Thank you for replying, I guess I have to trust them x Good luck! X

in reply to Sljp0000

Honestly you will get used to it , and being on 10 mg isn’t that bad , I take a load of meds first thing , just put everyone of them in my hand and down them with a can of irn bru ( cus I’m mad like that 🤑) just right now wait and see you will get used to it . Xxx

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to

Will do! Thanks

Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to RailRover

Unless your heart rate is really too high then it will calm it down! But I felt too tired on that medication even just 2.5 mg and took it evenings! Still affected me! So came off Bisoprolol altogether!

MountainGoat52 profile image

I think RailRover has written my reply as my situation was very similar. I was started on 3.75mg of Bisoprolol after my HA. This gave me severe dizziness and I had to be extremely careful when standing up as my resting pulse rate was very low. I spoke to my GP who reluctantly agreed to a reduction to 2.5mg. This made a minor improvement, but I still was not happy with the situition. Eventually after meeting the pharmacist working for my GP practice, I got it reduced to 1.25mg. I still have some issues at this dosage, but these are now at least tolerable.

When speaking to my GP, his view was that I should benefit from an increased dose of Bisoprolol. I asked why he thought this and he advised it was a common view in the medical profession that a high dose was beneficial and if he had his way he'd have me on 10mg. I won't say what my response was, but it certainly made him think!

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to MountainGoat52

Hmm it sounds like they're thinking one size fits all. Maybe it does a lot of comgood to the heart but none can live with side effects like that! Good luck x

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to Sljp0000

I've run up against this sort of thing many times as there are lots of medications that I cannot take. I even got advised that the diuretic I needed after my bypass op was AGAINST PROTOCOL. Made me feel rather special. 😀

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to MountainGoat52


Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to MountainGoat52

Well that was him being told 😂 we know our own body and negative reactions to meds! I dislike when GPs are prescription happy without ensuring meds are tolerated by that patient and other factors are in the picture!

MONIREN profile image

I recently got changed from Metopolol 75mg twice a day to Bisoprolol 10mg daily, after 5th stent. I was going well, but lost my voice for 7 weeks. Gp suggested cutting Bisoprolol to 5 mg for 5 days to see if this was the cause. I wish I didn't, as now angina is back. I was going well, stent was going well, I had severe blockage in LAD, which needed ballooning and stent. I asked Pharmacist if cutting down Bisoprolol would cause problems , they said, if it does, just use spray. By the way, cutting down didn't help my voice. It is a fine line between medications, I take 24 daily for all my health needs. There doesn't seem to be an easy answer. Take care. Moni

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to MONIREN

Are you going back up to 10mg then? It sounds like it did do you a lot of good? Hope your voice recovers. What a lot of issues you have to put up with. Sending love x

MONIREN profile image
MONIREN in reply to Sljp0000

Yes, I was only allowed to halve dose for 5 days. I finally did get my voice back. Thank you. Take care. Moni

Adhtz21 profile image

I’ve been on 2.5mg Bisoprolol since my heart surgery in February, 2020 and feel utterly worn out much of the time. Simple tasks are an effort to do. The only time I feel ok is when I’m out walking. I struggle to get up in a morning and am tired even after sleeping well.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Adhtz21

Oh dear, that's a long time to feel like that. Maybe you need a medication reveiw? Good luck x

CDreamer profile image

It’s such a no, no for me that I have an alert on my medical record NEVER to be given it.

It’s an adrenaline blocker as well as a beta blocker and can cause all sorts of problems. Beta Blocker also affect women more than men, especially Bisoprolol. If you haven’t adjusted after a few weeks and have extreme fatigue, breathlessness etc, see your doctor immediately and ask to be changed to another drug, perhaps a calcium channel blocker?

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to CDreamer

Oh ok, thank you for your advice. I definitely bear that in mind x

Anon2023 profile image

Hi. I can empathise with what you are going through. I am on 10mg of bisoprolol and feel like a zombie. It’s hard to say whether bisoprolol is the only culprit as I’m on a load of other meds and have mild heart failure. There was a post put on the forum 4 days ago from someone else who was asking about bisoprolol too and it’s clear that some people really struggle with this med. I think it’s a case of trial and error in terms of finding meds that suit us as individuals I think the first step is to ask for a medication review.

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to Anon2023

I'm going to preserver for a few weeks and see how it goes. Always something!

jerry12953 profile image

I know this isn't going to help anybody but this thread demonstrates yet again why Bisoprolol should be a last resort, not a first!

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply to jerry12953

Medics clearly think it's the best thing. Maybe it's good for the heart but not the soul!

1mjd profile image

did struggle at first, but now ok, now on 10mg

Prada47 profile image

Hello When I was on 10mg daily I had a Holter Monitor and my HR was falling to 33 when I was sleeping I was also having pauses of up to 3 seconds !! Cardiologist said he thought I was a tad over beta blocked so reduced to 7.5mg and no problems.

I am in the process of taking BP and HR every day for 2 weeks before a review by GP/ Heart Nurse. last 3 days have been interesting

106/61 107/60 119/67 with Heart Rates of 39 54 52

I do feel fine on my 7.5 mg Bisoprolol and I am quite happy to stay at this level. I also take Entresto, Aspirin, Cloppy dog rel, Pravastatin, and one Eplerenone every other day. Heart Nurse won't increase Entresto to top dose due to Blood Pressure so I am stuck at mid dose. I have been told that for me I am the maximum dose of all my meds so looks like 7.5mg Bisoprolol for life !!!

Hope you get used to it soon, it is the go to Med for all Cardiologists and for NICE recommendation.


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