Bisoprolol: After being on bisoprolol... - British Heart Fou...

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Neil0000 profile image
54 Replies

After being on bisoprolol and my other concoction of pills since November 19, I never questioned my cardiologist about other things wrong with me, Example no energy breathlessness ect ect, last night I looked up on the bisoprolol and the side affects, (Dr Internet) I've never felt worse since taking all the pills, has anyone had any similar problems with Bisoprolol,

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Neil0000 profile image
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54 Replies
Glastonburylady profile image

Hello Neil.I feel for you.

I see that you read my post and it helped you a little to know you’re not alone.

I’ve been on 10mg Bisoprolol for two years and have gained so much weight and other nasty symptoms and conditions that it’s virtually destroyed my self esteem and chances of a decent acceptable lifestyle.

Having tried this week to reduce the horrid Bisoprolol and finding that my heart went into erratic rhythm very quickly has forced me to go back upto 10mg.

There must be another solution……

How are you feeling now?

The weight gain is so depressing. Knowing I can’t lose it is more depressing.

Mentally it’s debilitating and physically it’s draining.

What a combination.

Even a smile sometimes triggers a sad emotion knowing it’s masking such conflicting difficulties.

Stay with the positives X🙏X

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Glastonburylady

Hello Glastonburylady, I wanted to reply to you as I felt very sad to see your post. There have been many posts on this forum about Bisoprolol and the many side effects people have experienced. Two years is a long time to suffer as you have done, you may well have already done this but I just wondered if you had spoken to your doctor about an alternative? I was on bisoprolol and reacted very badly with nausea and vomiting. In the end my medication was changed and since then I have been much better. Please take care, Judi

Glastonburylady profile image
Glastonburylady in reply to Heyjude31

Thankyou so much for your kindness and for caring. I have asked about changing the meds but the cardiologist wouldn’t because he said it’s controlling my heart well and changing may well set it back. It feels I’m between a rock and a hard place.

You’re such a good soul, I hope you are experience wellness and a good quality of life. It’s a blessing and we do have many.

Thankyou X❤️🙏X

Cricket23 profile image
Cricket23 in reply to Glastonburylady

Hello. I’m very sorry about your experience. I have had a similar experience with Bisoprolol- esp feeling tired. I have now changed to Sotalol, which I believe is an older drug. My body tolerates this much better. It’s your life, so have courage and press your cardiologist or change to another one. All the best.

Glastonburylady profile image
Glastonburylady in reply to Cricket23

Thankyou. Wishing you wellness X🙏X

Nadeje profile image
Nadeje in reply to Glastonburylady

Hi, same here!😥Weight gain, no energy, breathlessness, brain fog....

I have been on Bisoprolol for years to control my palpitations.

Two years ago I had AVR, it has been increased to 10mg immediately after the surgery, 6 mnths later reduced to 5mg, and then again to 3,75.

I haven't been in the care of cardiologist since Jan 2021.

This year in May I spent 5 days in hospital with suspected HA and bloodclots in lungs. I blame for this the unmentionable which I had first week of May.

After blood tests and CT scan it was revealed I didn't have HA nor pulmonary embolism.

However I endured awful hospital food for 5 days and came home feeling worse! Constipation, bad breath, flatulence! Yippee!

My Bisoprolol was increased to 5mg, also Frusemide to 80mg(before I took only 40)

Persevered but suffered dreadful lethargy, breathlessness, having to stop after 5 paces and rest, dragging my feet , exhausted even at home during getting dressed, putting shoes on...😳😫

Finally GP reduced dosage back my usual 3,75.

I still feel awful. I take it in the morning, and by 2-3 pm I need to sleep!

Had to make changes to my life ( well, not 'a life' exactly! Existence more likely.🤔😳

Can't now help my daughter with school run for my grandson once a week. Feel useless.

I now have been referred to a cardiologist, seeing him on 15th.

I shouldn't feel this way after having my aortic valve replaced surely!! And when my dosage gets reduced I start having palpitations!!!😡

I totally understand your problems.

Take care in this HOT weather! That is one of my enemies!😥🥵


Neil0000 profile image
Neil0000 in reply to Nadeje

Thank youYour message helped alot

Glastonburylady profile image
Glastonburylady in reply to Nadeje

Oh Monica, I feel for you. I empathise with absolutely everything that you have written and are feeling.

Sending you huge wishes of strength and whatever is needed to have a breakthrough into a more consistently acceptable way of life for you.

I think Bisoprolol is both the enemy and the friend, bit like having a narcissistic partner.

Feels like you can’t live with them or without them as we are hooked because of what they have done to us and because we didn’t understand that they could cause harm, only good.

What a predicament.

Trying to convince medical professionals is also a battle. Most look at us in a patronising and condescending way mumbling words like ‘diet, exercise and menopause….😡’

Ummmmm….. hello….. that’s pretty much why many of us are at this stage in the first place because of medical ignorance….

There should be a law against medical ignorance, to me it’s no better than negligence.

But they close ranks and stick together.

I’ve witnessed so many cover ups and blatant lies from so called medical professionals that it beggars belief.

I have lost pretty much all faith and whenever I have an appointment I feel blessed if I land with a genuinely good soul that truly wants to help each and every person that they brush wings with…. Not just themselves and each other in their flock.

There still are plenty of good souls….. just got to recognise the bad ones.

Our voices are humble in comparison to the power they operate by.

Like you, my energy levels are so low that even facing a day can be a major exhausting experience, and when I do eventually manage to make myself look remotely passable, I feel too exhausted to leave the house.

My self care has diminished to the lowest I’ve ever anticipated even in my wildest dreams.

Whilst on the surface things may look acceptable, I wear the same ‘fat clothes’ week in week out and have done for almost two years….. I wash them when absolutely necessary and re-wear them, I cry to myself and during sleepless nights feeling dangerously out of control of my own body, I’m drained of energy, pins and needles, aches, muscle pains, brain fog, confusion to the extent that I question existence….. it’s horrible isn’t it.

I avoid family as well and make excuses because even though they won’t, I don’t want my family to see me like this and I probably only get one or two slightly better days every few months. So I rarely see my grand daughter.

I avoid any old friends.

I feel repulsive.

Three stone heavier.

I’ve tried Noom, second nature, herbal and homeopathic aids…. And still the weight increases slowly but intensely surely.

Size 10 to size 18…….

This is demoralising.

And medical staff patronise by saying ‘are you getting enough exercise?’….. seriously???? They don’t seem to realise it feels like dragging three tonnes along and sparking arrythmia, breathlessness and exhaustion which is further putting pressure on our hearts whilst destroying the parts of muscles that weren’t aching and hurting before…. And then semi comatose in the chair for two hours during the afternoon meaning insomnia at night.

Obviously I’m unaware of your full circumstances but I’m 59years old and all I hear are excuses about menopause and ‘rushing’ for all sorts of ailments.

I don’t even know if I’m pre, peri or post menopause… I don’t even care to be honest, that’s a walk in the park in comparison and just a natural part of a woman’s hormonal journey…. BUT…. when our hormonal systems are already slowing down because we are no of longer child bearing age and we attack the few hormones we have left with metabolic destroying drugs, we really are entering a losing battle.

I have asked three different cardiologists and doctors about changing to a different medication other than Bisoprolol and I’m told they all slow the metabolism down and have the same effect so it’s pointless considering change when these are helping my heart.

Yes, they help out hearts but the trade offs are near debilitating.

Whatever is the answer?

I am sorry to write so much but I do so to also let you know you most definitely are not suffering and trying to keep your head above water alone and that people like me will always help you to stay afloat……to understand and share that wisdom is strength in itself….. With Love X🙏❤️X

Nadeje profile image
Nadeje in reply to Glastonburylady

Dear Glastonburylady, thank you for your reply! So many wise words, and what you are going through is so familiar to me...

I hear you, I feel you!❤

I will write to you as soon as I feel up to it, it will be during today.

At the moment I'm starting to wither physically and mentally due to the rising temperature in my flat, and I must get cool and comfortable in front of the fan! Must try to keep positive, I fear the heat, makes me feel 100 times worse on top of the usual problems.😥

I'm 72 so well past my menopause, but that experience isn't forgotten I assure you😳

I had awful time during menopause.

Have a lovely day or as good as possible for you and keep cool! Be safe!💕

I will return later today. There's lot in your post I need to elaborate on😊

Love Monica xxx

Glastonburylady profile image
Glastonburylady in reply to Nadeje

Please take your time and it really doesn’t matter if it takes you a month to reply if at all….. all in your good time. Rest well and remain within your safe limits X❤️🙏🌻X

Billywhizz10 profile image

I've been on it for about 6 /7 weeks or so since my diagnosis of heart failure. When I first started on my drug regime, I was on anti-sickness tablets for about 2 weeks to cope with the nausea and sickness. After a couple of weeks, the nausea and sickness got better. Now I'm fine on all the heart drugs I'm taking, I don't take any anti-sickness tablets and I have no side effects to speak of.

I've never been shy at moaning to doctors about not feeling well, so I will report any side effects, you shouldn't suffer in silence, speak to your cardio team and get on an alternative.

Milo47 profile image

Hi NeilMy husband was given Bisoprolol 2.5mg when he had his heart attack. Two more attacks followed then he had a triple bypass 14months ago. Still on this drug throughout it lowered his BP so much I was calling 999 almost daily.

Told to take his BP twice daily it went as low as 60/48.

He had severe dizziness and could stand up without collapsing.

Still the hospital said it wasn’t this drug after I pointed out he never had any BP issues till taking this medication.

After intervention from his surgeon they reduced it to 1.25 then stopped it.

His BP is now stable and no dizziness.

He’s glad that he no longer takes this medication.

Wish you well.


MountainGoat52 profile image

Hi Neil,

Bisoprolol must be one of the the most talked about medications here on this forum. It is widely prescribed and many suffer side effects from it. It certainly does the job of lowering the heart rate, but at what cost? I was started on 3.75mg after my heart attack and was soon feeling its side effects of tiredness and lightheadedness. After consultation with the pharmacist at my GP practice, the dose was lowered to 1.25mg. This sits my resting heart rate at around 55, but even at this miniscule dose I still have to be careful when standing up after being seated a while. Thankfully the tiredness went away.

I would certainly contact your cardiologist or GP to discuss the problems you are having. There will be a balance between the benefit that the medication provides and how you tolerare the side effects. Finding it is the key. You may even be offered an alernative.

With my best wishes,


Silvasava profile image

I was on 10mg of Bisoprolol, tired, breathless and lethargic all the time, I didn't have any weight gain though.. My Cardiologist changed it to Nebivolol 5mg and its now been halved. Feel much better but everyone is different. I think Nebivolol could possibly be an acceptable alternative, but obviously you need to discuss this with your cardiologist or doctor.

beemiles profile image

Hi, I was first prescribed Bisoprolol back in 2017 after a visit to A&E with tachychardia and chest pain. After a number of tests and several more visits to A&E the following year, with no outcome and zero interest from medics, and feeling like a complete zombie all the time from this drug, I stopped it.A couple more visits to A&E in 2019/2020 and a constant ‘racing’ feeling, and I’m now on Carvedilol…with no problems at all. Still no real diagnosis - possibly Microvessel angina, and now trying various other meds, a month at a time, to find something to curb the chest pain and breathlessness.

If you feel rubbish on a med, go to your GP and try to fix it.

Don’t suffer in silence…there are plenty more med choices out there

Best of luck

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to beemiles

Strange as I was put on a low dose of Carvedilol three years ago and suffered severe fatique, chest and shoulder pain to the point I had to pull over on a motorway as i thought I was having a H/A. Changed to 1.25mg Bisoprolol and no problems at all. Its different for different people really and I rarely have symptoms from any drugs whether real or imaginary.

jerry12953 profile image

I was prescribed Bisoprolol and experienced dizzy spells on it. My GP didn't hesitate to change it when I told him.. All medical practitioners must know that Bisoprolol causes a wide range of side-effects on a wide range of people. I suspect they try it first on their patients because it is the cheapest. I'm surprised it is still available.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to jerry12953

Why!! its a tried and trusted medicine that works very well for the majority of patients.

Bigheart58 profile image
Bigheart58 in reply to wischo

I agree. It clearly does affect some people very badly but it’s a small minority of the total number of people who take it.

I have been on 10 mg a day for two years now and have not experienced any major side effects. I do sometimes get tired but I was told that there was some irreversible damage to my heart after my heart attack.

I greatly sympathise with anyone who is experiencing bad side effects but it’s wrong to call for a particular drug to be banned just because it affects a small proportion of users if meanwhile it’s saving thousands of lives. Every drug has some side effects but you need to look at the overall efficacy of the medication.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to Bigheart58

Hi Bigheart, I agree with you fully and have read lots of posts here about people that can not tolerate any medication at all? a bit like the placebo effects on drug trials where those that are not on a drug develop symptoms. Also I feel that people with heart issues both very serious and mild will never feel 100% and tend to blame their medication one after the other on the way they are feeling. If you have a genuine concern regarding your medication then a GP or cardiologist should pick up on it. Most of the medication discussed here are your basic statins, ACE inhibitors, and of course beta blockers and anti coagulants, drugs that have been proven to ease heart issue discomfort, increase lifespan and any side effects are known about in the medical field. I think its better to do what your medics tell you and enjoy your life as best you can as it is not forever! and that is true for everybody.

jerry12953 profile image
jerry12953 in reply to wischo

The problem is that many patients are too in awe of their GP's / cardiologists to question the treatments that are prescribed. As I discovered there are alternatives to Bisoprolol that are readily available if you ask for them.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to jerry12953

Possibly some patients would be all right but the alternatives are a different beta blocker or a calcium channel blocker both of which have side effects. I take 1.25mg daily of Bisoprolol which is really a tiny dose but according to the stats on Bisoprolol only one in 10 people suffer side effects, but still that is a significant amount of sufferers.

MEIMOK profile image
MEIMOK in reply to wischo

Hi wischo, You made a bold, negative statement--"Also I feel that people with heart issues both very serious and mild will never feel 100%". This is not a medical fact, just your opinion. Furthermore, a total acceptance of meds and doctors opinions without looking into your own health is perhaps, foolish. Have you ever questioned your diet? And by diet, I mean what you eat, not restricting calories. The way to improved health is via your mouth. Try looking up 'plant based' on YouTube, you'll be amazed at the people who have changed they're lives for the better. Just an opinion from me, I'm not a doctor, been vegetarian for 40 years, now eat only plant based, no dairy, and never felt better.

ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply to MEIMOK

We need a balance here. Glenn Hoddle, professional athlete, had been veggie for 35 years. Then had a cardiac arrest and nearly died.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to MEIMOK

Hi MEIMOK, thanks for the advice but no thank you. I am almost 72 yrs of age and want to enjoy within reason what time I have left. You are 76 and say you never felt better so you clearly forget how well you were when you were in your teens-20s-30s etc. Life is short so I am not going to fool myself into the fountain of youth myth. Thank you for replying and I really do wish you a long and fruitfull life on your eating regime.

MEIMOK profile image
MEIMOK in reply to wischo

Wischo, thanks for reply. I wish you well.

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but speak to your doctor about your electrolyte levels, as it is the tiny amounts of these which trigger the sinus rhythm and an imbalance or lack of these which can cause AF.- "Electrolytes help trigger and regulate electrical impulses in the heart and low levels of magnesium and potassium can lead to an electrolyte imbalance, which can contribute to arrhythmia".

Most drs just treat the symptoms, and not the cause, have your levels checked with a blood test, and maybe take an electrolyte supplement if your everyday diet is not of optimum quality.

Jetcat profile image

Iv been on 10mg daily for some years now. I’d say I’m not too bad but the sluggishness and lack of energy that it produces sometimes can definitely wear you out mentally.!!!!

Glastonburylady profile image
Glastonburylady in reply to Jetcat

Hi. Hope you are managing the mental challenges well. Have you experienced weight gain or are you a lucky one that had a strong and active metabolism pre Bisoprolol? X🙏❤️X

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Glastonburylady

I did notice weight gain yes. But to be honest I think it was due to getting older rather than the medication. Iv always been a muscular type. I’m sill pretty muscular now at 55 with no real fat and visible veins on my arms shoulders chest etc and I haven’t been in the gym for a long long time.!!!I suppose I’m lucky realy.

Hi Neil, sorry to hear how bisoprolol is affecting you, as you can see many people here have problems with bisoprolol regardless of what dose they are taking be it 1.25 or 10mg a day. I was put on 1.25mg back in March 2020 after having palpatations and an irregular pulse, then after an mri I was told I had mild lvh and the bisoprolol was increased to 2.5mg to ease the strain on my heart as the left ventricle was slightly thickened. More test revealed mild mvp and I started having episodes of bradycardia with a resting hr of 30/34 on average. The bisoprolol completely wiped me out with no energy, dizzy spells and feeling nauseous sometimes after eating. I mentioned it to my cardiologist and he reduced it back to 1.25mg after 2 months. Up until October 2019 I was a fit 48 Yr old working and keeping fit but then I started having some issues with irregular Hr and things changed when i started on bisoprolol. I've had many episodes in work of a low Hr and feeling dizzy which I think the bisoprolol contributed too and once rushed to a&e blue lighted with a pulse of 30. Back in March I was told to stop taking bisoprolol and never take it again by my cardiologist and after more test it looks like I need a pacemaker but waiting for a implant loop recorder to be fitted in September to see exactly what's going on with my electrical side before they fit the pacemaker. Bisoprolol symptoms for me were breathlessness, dizzy spells, no energy, a very slow heart rate, nausea, brain fog and slight weight gain but think this was down to me having no energy and sleeping all the time. 2 years of feeling rubbish while on bisoprolol I only wish I knew the side effects sooner to take action. Please mention it to your gp/cardiologist and like others have mentioned on here to see about other meds suitable for you. I hope you get some answers soon and help too with your condition /meds. Best wishes


Neil0000 profile image
Neil0000 in reply to

Thank you for replying what you've said is helping alot

Qualipop profile image

Use the search box on this page and you will see just how many people have problems with bisopralol.

Anon2023 profile image

Hi. I’m on 10mg of bisoprolol and have constant fatigue, lethargy and occasional dizziness. My gp said it wasn’t bisoprolol but anxiety. I’m taking anxiety meds but the symptoms remain. I saw a cardiologist ep last week who told me that my symptoms were likely as a result of the bisoprolol but it was a trade off for the good it is doing for my heart. It’s the first time a medical professional has said this to me. I have mild/moderate heart failure. I’ve got an appointment next week with the heart failure team and will be pushing them for a change of meds. While bisoprolol undoubtedly can help those with heart failure, I feel like a total zombie and my quality of life is getting worse. This could be heart failure or medication or both but if there are other meds that can help I’d rather give them a try. Why don’t you ask for a medication review and see what they say? Hope you feel better soon

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Anon2023

Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with you. I had an aortic valve replacement and bypass in June 2021. They had me on metoprolol for 6 months and then bisoprolol for 5 months. 11 months of agony trying to recover from open heart surgery. I was on anxiety meds when I entered the hospital before my surgery and before beta blockers. I was just not recovering. Pain, foggy, passing out, anxiety, weight loss, appetite loss etc. I went for every test under the sun and nothing. Well, it turns out that the bisoprolol and the anxiety med don't play nice and I went into withdrawal from bisoprolol and anxiety meds. Now I am going through a slow and tormenting drug taper/withdrawal that will take about a year to two. The Dr.s did this to me and refuse to acknowledge it. Fortunately I have one smart Dr. that was able to figure it out. Hopefully my heart and new valve can handle the withdrawal. Check your meds.

Neil0000 profile image
Neil0000 in reply to Beater

Thanks for sharing that, and I really mean thanks

Anon2023 profile image
Anon2023 in reply to Beater

Hi. So sorry that you have been through this, I hope you feel better soon. I was also on anti anxiety drugs before the bisoprolol and felt ok. The doctor just increased my dose of the anti anxiety drug when I explained my symptoms which hasn’t helped as lm still absolutely worn out. I’ve got a med review next week and will be asking about drug interactions and if there is an alternative for bisoprolol. It could be that heart failure is the real culprit but I’m willing to try anything just to feel a bit better. X

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Anon2023

Unfortunately the Dr.s do not acknowledge beta blocker withdrawal or benzodiazepines. Often if your anxiety med is increased it doesn't work for very long before you become tolerant again. Make sure that you are not in tolerance withdrawal before adding more meds. If you are on a benzo or a z med for anxiety, please do a deep dive. Look into paradoxical or rebound effects. I have been in distress for over a year now and they first weren't interested until they saw the shape I was in. Now I am tapering off the benzo and going through a hellish withdrawal. I have been left with no choice and all their whacky remedies caused it but they still refuse to acknowledge it. Good luck.

Anon2023 profile image
Anon2023 in reply to Beater

Hi. I’m prescribed duloxetine for generalised anxiety disorder. I was once on 120mg but got down to 20mg. While it’s not a benzo it does have awful withdrawal symptoms. I had brain zaps/shocks as I reduced and it took 6 months. I’m now back up to 30mg and while the doc wants it higher (60mg) I’m not budging after the difficulties I encountered in tapering off. No mention of withdrawal symptoms when I was first prescribed but I think that’s the norm. Your withdrawal sounds absolutely hideous and im so sorry that you are going through this.

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Anon2023

Thank you. Yes it's absolutely hideous and I'm trying to recover from open heart surgery at the same time. No I was not informed that they were addictive but I learned the hardest way possible. Never again!!

BongoBaggins profile image

I was exetremely breathless for up to maybe a month. So much so that I got out of breath just turning over in bed.

That got better quite quickly, but then I started to get really cold hand. Really unbearably cold, all of the time. I'd sit on my hands even at home just trying to get some warmth into them. As someone who usually had nice warm hands all of my life, this was probably the worst symptom I had out of all of them.

I'd say that took nearly 6 months to fully improve. It's nearly 18 months since my HA and the start of my medication, and I don't have any issues and haven't for a long time. Heart rate, bloody pressure, breathing, weight, all good.

tl;dr I'm on 5mg Bisoprolol twice a day with a difficult start but now I have no trouble

Sofiesea profile image

I was put on Bisoprolol which was prescribed when I left hospital. I could hardly walk down the garden! Thank goodness my GP eventually changed my medication. I had never felt so weak in all my life! I am now on 2x 90mg Diltiazem Hydrochloride with hardly any side effects. Don't suffer contact your GP!

Beater profile image

Hi, yes lots of issues and it was a bad mixture of beta blockers and anxiety meds. What other meds are you on?

Neil0000 profile image
Neil0000 in reply to Beater

Amlodphine, bisoprolol, Elplenerone, (I think that's how it's. Spelt) frusimide, lorsartin, clopidogrel,Bloody concoction

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Neil0000

Yes that's quite the concoction. So my Dr. is going by process of elimination. The statins were crippling me and I stopped those (you might want to research the dangers of statins and the cholesterol myth). I researched all my meds and discovered what they were all doing. The beta blockers actually block your adrenal glands which is why many people get so much anxiety when stopping abruptly. Some folks have no issues. You might want to research all those meds and see if perhaps you are on too many and how they interact with each other. The Dr.s don't know much about pharmacologic interactions and they actually don't care. They tell you that you have anxiety and give you more drugs.

Neil0000 profile image
Neil0000 in reply to Beater

Yeah they do, I'm not to happy with my cardiologist, I live on the sunny South Coast, and as far as I'm told there are not many of them cardiologist around, and I'm supposed get what I'm given, I've been a good patient up to now, until I started asking questions

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Neil0000

They hate it when we take an interest in our own health. It turns out that I was on many meds unnecessarily and I finally found a Dr. who decided that there was a definite issue after 11 months post open heart surgery and I was getting more sick. I now have a new cardiologist who actually listens to me but it took a year. I was so desperate that I actually took myself off the meds and my Dr. doesn't blame me after seeing me. It's quite criminal actually.

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Neil0000

Oh, I'm in Canada.

Neil0000 profile image

South Coast of England

Anon2023 profile image
Anon2023 in reply to Neil0000

Not much better in the north east either!!

Beater profile image

Sorry that I didn't respond as I have only seen this comment now. I don't seem to get much at all from this platform. Yes, I was on clonazepam/cloniodine. My withdrawal was so horrendous that I actually collapsed in the street and was in hospital for 6 days and then was evicted for not taking all the drugs, I am considered non compliant. I was unable to eat and I have been bedridden for 18 months. I am now on pregabalin because my central nervous system has been damaged in my back and I am on valium in an effort to restablize me mentally. Now they have started me on an anti depressant which took me 2 years to withdraw from and I am not only back to scratch but I am in worse condition. I wish I didn't have the "necessary " surgery as I have no quality of life and living in this agony in bed 24 hours a day is not a life.

NeilStrid profile image

{Apologies for what has turned out to be a long post!]

I was prescribed Bisoprolol - and it's the worst thing that's ever happened to me, healthwise.

I have had an intermittent irregular heartbeat for a few years now. It would:

>occur every 3 or 4 weeks

>always start in the evening, between about 9pm-midnight, lasting until the following morning

>more common (but not always) with alcohol

>happen with many trips to the toilet to urinate - usually 5-6 times every 20mins.

Whenever I made an appointment with my GP it was never as it was happening, and a couple of 24hr monitors never timed it right to capture it. It eventually just became something I got used to living with, and the only downside was generally a crappy day after due to the poor sleep.

Anyway, last year the arrhythmia was picked up by a nurse doing a diabetic screening and she reported back to my GP. On my next appointment I was prescribed Bisoprolol. It didn't stop the intermittent arrhythmia at all and without me me 'joining the dots' and realising it coincided with the start of the Bisoprolol I started to feel generally lethargic and under the weather.

Then in December another bout of arrhythmia started (like any other before it) but the following day it didn't stop - and hasn't stopped since! Not as bad as the short bursts I'd had for years, and not with the frequent urinating. GP did an ECG and didn't seem at all concerned - OK for her, but she wasn't feeling as bad as I was!

After a few months of swaying from feeling mildly rubbish to quite ill, I ended up in hospital. They decided to up my double my dosage of Bisoprolol. The next 5-6 days I was absolutely wiped out - just putting on a pair of socks would leave me completely drained. I couldn't walk more than 20yds without having to stop to recover. It was obvious that the Bisoprolol had caused this, so I stopped taking it completely (I know you shouldn't stop medication like this without advice, but I was desperate).

I'm still having problems - intermittent chest pain/discomfort usually with exertion, but ECGs are not worrying the doctors or consultants.

I've no doubt that the deterioration since last year has been down to the Bisoprolol.

Beater profile image

Yes it absolutely is and as a result I have been bedridden for 3 years now and my back is completely atrophied, twisted ribs and now pregabalin which is even harder to tolerate than bisoprolol.

Beater profile image

Yes it absolutely is and as a result I have been bedridden for 3 years now and my back is completely atrophied, twisted ribs and now pregabalin which is even harder to tolerate than bisoprolol.

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Hi I've been in bisoprolol 1.25mg for 6 months whilst undertaking test ect for query blocked Lad...

Bisoprolol withdrawal

Hello, I was wondering if anyone with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation has had any problems with...


Been unwell since end March with vomiting and sweating bouts had hearing loss in left ear never had...

Bisoprolol side effects

I've been on Bisoprolol for 6 weeks and my physical health seems to have worsened, along with my...


Notice that other people have issues with a runny nose on bisoprolol just had my dosage increased...