No work no in come: I have dilated... - British Heart Fou...

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No work no in come

blindfould profile image
19 Replies

I have dilated cardiomyopathy, Atrial fibrillation, with impaired Lv function ,and I am a stroke survivor, I can not do the work I used to like lorry driver warehouse work,I now live on fresh air no income no benifits of any kind I dont qualify for PIp , I can not get work of any kind as once I tel the employer of my health limitations I dont get offerd the job,I registered with an employment agency again once I told them of my health limitations they offered me zero work and blatantly discriminated against me re my health disability I now think about suicide alot and dont no what to do I sit in my house all day alone I try to find work I can do re my condition but employers only want fit health 20 year olds

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blindfould profile image
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19 Replies
Foxey2 profile image

I’m sorry you’re facing these issues, is it only warehouse work etc you are applying for, could you not do some office based or less strenuous work?When you applied for pip did you appeal as a lot of appeals are won, if not I would definitely apply again and if rejected appeal, it takes time but it’s worth doing.

Do you have any family or friends you can talk to about how you are feeling? Health issues can be difficult and not everyone understands the mental difficulties we suffer with alongside the actual physical limitations.

Maybe contact citizens advice or call the BHF line to get some advice with work or benefits, there are people who can really help, don’t feel alone, I just think you need someone to point you in the right direction.

I’m sure someone with better experience will come on and offer some good advice

Take care of yourself

blindfould profile image
blindfould in reply to Foxey2

Hi I am 64 no one would give me an office job I am ex lorry driver no experience in any other field I dont qualify for pip as not disabled enough I apled for Esa, this was allso rejected I have looked at every thing suicide realy is my only way out of this mess, I registered with an employment agency they have loads of difernt kind of jobs that I could of done but once I told them of my limitations they gave me no work offers of any kind they said I was useless and should go away and stop bothering them 😡

Foxey2 profile image
Foxey2 in reply to blindfould

That’s terrible I can’t believe they would say that, blatant discrimination!I can’t believe that with your heart conditions you can’t get pip, you definitely need to get advice on that.

My mum has cardiomyopathy and she gets attendance allowance and has a disabled parking badge and you have more health issues than she does!

There are people that help you apply for pip etc (I can’t remember who they are but I know some people on here have used them successfully) and I would definitely apply again!

10gingercats profile image

The Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to help. Give them a try. I have used them on numerous occasions for different issues.Worth a try.

Hello :-)

You have been through an awful lot and I imagine this must feel like such a rejection the feeling that no one wants to employ

I am not sure why you are not getting any benefits at all you should be entitled to something while you are looking for work unless you have I think over £6.000 savings which from what you say that is doubtful

I have read your previous responses and cannot understand why you cannot get ESA everyone unless as I say may have to much in savings is entitled to it while looking for work

No one can live of fresh air and it seems wrong that you are not getting anything

I really would get a appointment or go down to your local CAB and get some advice on this situation they will help you :-)

I understand how low you must be feeling but you have survived all what you have been through health wise and even though it may not feel like it you will get through this to , ask for help and support , talk withy your GP but one thing don't do and that is give up you have come through to much to let this beat you now

Keep talking to us and updated how you get on :-) x

VelvetSky profile image

Hi, Citizens Advice, Age UK, they will help you with benefits applications and appeals, they help fill the difficult forms in. Without their help I’d have never got Attendance Allowance. Onwards and Upwards, you are going to win😸

blindfould profile image
blindfould in reply to VelvetSky

Hi thanks I am not getting any benefits I have no probs with application forms for benefits I get turned down for all benifits no pip,,no esa no work( ... i have right carotid T.I.A(stroke) CARDIOEMBOLISM. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION .. AORTIC REGURGITATION. DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY WITH IMPAIRED LV FUNCTION...PREVIOUS LACUNER STROKES ON BRAIN SCAN ..HYPERTENSION) . I WILL BE BETER OF DEAD 😡 Pip say I'm not ill enough or disabled enough to CLAIME Pip

in reply to blindfould

Hi blindfold , the only way you will be refused uc is if you have a lotta savings or your spouse earns enough money to support you so you should be getting that at least . Apply for uc online today . As for pip if they gave you no points on both daily living and mobility you can and definitely should do an mr in other words appeal , the letter they sent you telling you your not getting pip wil have the instructions to appeal it . Most of the time it goes to an mr and is over turned . Good luck ! But remember claim uc today online

blindfould profile image
blindfould in reply to

No universal credit my partner works she pays all rent all council tax all utilities all food all from her minimum wage it's a nightmare suicide is a real option no that's not a cry for help I'm just sick of it now 😡

in reply to blindfould

Ok you need to do an mr on your pip assessment asap , the way it works it’s not the illness you get it for but your ability to do every day things like , walking far , taking medication, dressing , pooping . The aids you use as well , shower seat cus it’s easier to shower , stick for walking , someone putting your medication in the dockets for you , handbars for holding onto while you walk , so if you on your pip assessment said you can do all these things unaided they will refuse you . If you didn’t then do an mr. I cannot urge you enough to do this as they hope you won’t do it , they are trained to try and find a reason not to give you pip so they lie a lot . I was lucky with mine tbh and I got it first time , mostly you never get it first time . I’m in the excalt same position as yourself my husband works for I get no benefits at all and since the place I worked before the heart attack closed down and never paid any stamp ( don’t ask ) I never got esa either so I really do understand how you feel I honestly do , I cried myself to sleep for months , felt helpless and a burden to him , I would never pick up something in the supermarket I wanted just for me because I felt that since I had no income I shouldn’t expect someone else to pay for it for me . So I definitely understand. Do your mr and I betcha they will change there minds .

blindfould profile image
blindfould in reply to

I can walk slowly unaided .use bath unaided stairs unaided take meds unaided so I fall through the net as far as pip goes I can do alot of things but slowly that's why I can not get work I can do some jobs but slowly like if I applied for a post persons job I could do this but slowly the letters would never get delivered this is ware I am stuck ther are jobs I can do but at my pace it can take me an hour to walk 2 miles on some days as I get a realy tight chest and can hardly breathe other days I can hardly get to the end of my garden ther is no patern I get good and bad days this makes me virtually unemployable have explained this to job centres and benifits people but they dont get it or care even though I present them with written evidence from my gp and heart nurse .

in reply to blindfould

Ok so , you can do all these things unaided right ? But it takes you a lot longer to do these things than say a ‘ normal ‘ person , so therefore you can do xyz and where it used to take you 10 mins to do it it now takes you over an hour , therefore you are not doing this in a timely manner , it’s taking longer and that my friend is why you should be getting pip , there are keywords when applying for pip , safely, without risk, in a timely manner , repeatedly, to an acceptable standard,reliably. These are the key words they are looking for and cannot gloss over . For instance, you can walk 200 meters but not in a timely manner you couldn’t do it repeatedly without risk to your health nor safely. It’s how you word it all . You need help with filling in your mr I think but you will get there , there is loads of groups on social media ( Facebook) that help with pip and doing the mr

VelvetSky profile image
VelvetSky in reply to blindfould

Hi, why I suggested getting help completing the forms is that you are obviously not giving the answers in the right way doing it yourself. I am literate, hopefully intelligent and I was turned down because I didn’t tell of my problems in the right way on the forms first time I applied. Whilst all my answers were true, put in the way the Citizens Advice helped me to rephrase them got me the benefit. It’s not that you aren’t capable of completing the forms it has to be done in a certain way, using certain words. Have you appealed against any refusals?Also if you can supply Consultant’s letters, test results etc., that seems to help.

I know how you feel , as a chef for decades I was loving my work as a head chef then it was all gone in a flash , I also don’t get benifits at all due to my husband working and for 9 months after my heart attack I basically lived on his charity and I hated it I felt such a burden all the time , I did how we get standard pip in January this year , so can I ask ,, why can’t you get benefits? And why can’t you get pip ?

blindfould profile image
blindfould in reply to

Hi thanks I am not getting any benefits I have no probs with application forms for benefits I get turned down for all benifits no pip,,no esa no work. .(. i have right carotid T.I.A(stroke) CARDIOEMBOLISM. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION .. AORTIC REGURGITATION. DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY WITH IMPAIRED LV FUNCTION...PREVIOUS LACUNER STROKES ON BRAIN SCAN ..HYPERTENSION.) I WILL BE BETER OF DEAD 😡 they say I m not ill, enough to CLAIME pip ESA is contribution based so not enough tax paid to get ESA AS I DID NOT WORK DURING LOCK DOWN😡 Like that was my fault 😡 to get ESA THEY TAKE IN TO ACOUNT TAX PAID IN THE PREVIOUS 2 TO 3 YEARS I WAS IN LOCKDOWN WITH NO JOB AS WE ALL GOT LAID OF JUST BEFORE PANDEMIC SO NOT ENOUGH TAX PAID

blindfould profile image

No as the first year was during lock down I was laid of work so can not claim I did get job seekers for first 6 months of this year that ended in April I made a mistake claiming job seekers as I was too unwell to work and actually had a sick note from doctor so basically I have used all my tax contributions so can not claim ESA pip say I'm not ill enough or disabled enough to qualify yet some days I can not walk the length of my garden without getting breathless I definitely can not go back to lorry driving or any manuel work I applied to an agency for a job they had it was litter picking, they refused to give it me once I had put my health conditions on ther form has I am legally abliged to do .wow was so humiliating them telling me I am useless and i should stop bothering them ,,discrimination is alive and well 😡

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

I used this organisation to help me successfully apply for my PIP.

As others have said you need to use the right words to describe how your health conditions effects you.

I cannot reliably, safely, consistently, repeatedly, by choice walk, in a timely manner, without experiencing chest pain later at rest.

I am sorry you're feeling so low at the moment.

Other possible sources of help and support are the Samaritians, Mind or Calm.

I hope you are able to find the support you need soon.

Deejay62 profile image

hi I’m sorry you’re going through all this. I have all what you have but I have heart failure but have never had a stroke. At 55 I was feeling like you when I began applying for jobs and got nowhere. I saw an advert in wickes for a job as a cashier. I had office experience up to the 90s but it was impossible to get an office job then. After my office job I worked with difficult teenagers and didn’t want to go back into that. To my surprise I got the job I told them about my health problems in details. I even had a pacemaker fitted and while working there a defibrillator they knew that. A couple years ago I felt dizzy at work, I fell don’t know how, and dislocated my shoulder. It’s now damaged badly because the doctors at the hospital was too busy worrying about what drugs to give me. It took them 4 goes to put it back in. I get a small work pension and universal credit. I just filled out the application sent in copies of my medical illnesses, my repeat prescription and I got told I don’t have to work.

Jackiesmith7777 profile image

Why can’t you get pip ? I hope your circumstances have changed from your post a year ago . My husband also had a stroke four months ago because of AF and he qualifies for pip . He also has aphasia so can’t communicate thst well at the moment or read and write . Take car e

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