I’ve finally seen a cardiologist that has requested I have an echocardiogram and 24 hour holster.. I’m just waiting for an appointment for both.
I’ve been having ectopic beats every day since January.. they are frequent with 2 or 3 a minute sometimes up to 5.
Initially doctors have asked if I’m stressed and seem to have attributed them to stress/anxiety as I do have a history of anxiety and a lot has happened recently. I have tried to explain that this feels different as my bpm is always normal and it doesn’t feel like anxiety??
Fortunately I was referred to a cardiologist as I was persistent and the cardiologist has advised that he did hear a mild systolic murmur which could indicate a mild mitrial regurgitation.
Further tests will be done to investigate especially as I have cardiomyopathy in the family.
I am worried that I have had these ectopic beats since January and things could be worsening .. has anybody experienced anything similar?
I drink very little alcohol as I find that alcohol makes things worse?!
Could stress bring on MR? Or a heart murmur?