Hi All. With all the disruption going on over the past few years, I appreciate that many appointments etc have been delayed. What is the longest anyone has gone without a cardiologist review out there?
Review gap?: Hi All. With all the... - British Heart Fou...
Review gap?

I haven't seen a cardiologist since I left hospital following heart surgery in early 2020. I did receive a telephone call from the cardiologist some months later that resulted in me being discharged.
I don't think it's routine? My heart attack was in 2014. I had no cardiologist contact until 2021 after symptoms.
Hi Seaguller
I haven't actually seen a Consultant at all. I was informed with a telephone call. My last telephone call was 8 months ago. My Heart Failure Nurse seem to be in charge! and yes I get so disappointed.
You need to give some context by stipulating what your heart problem is?
For heart attacks/angina/atherosclerosis/stents/bypass surgery and the rest of the heart disease related family, there's no need to see a cardiologist once discharged from hospital. For the vast majority of us in this camp staying fit and well is down to us, how diligent we are in taking our medication and how serious we are with making life style changes. Cardiologists are a scarce resource so they'd be wasted on us, our medical outcomes are well served by an annual check up with our GP or a specialist practise nurse..
However, there's a another group of patients with heart failure, ongoing heart valve problems, AF, micro vascular issues, etc, etc. I know very little about this group's care needs, and perhaps for these people more frequent cardiologist contact is justified?
I didn't realise that having a heart attack and stent it wasn't necessary to see a cardiologist in a follow up appointment.
I've read that some members on here have had follow up appointments in clinic, also rehabilitation classes, but it really depends which part of the country you live in. I've had no contact in the 5 months since my HA/stent, my doctor is pretty useless, won't even give me a cholesterol test as routine.
It's quite disgusting really.
Sorry you believe that. Maybe if you're that concerned you could make contact with your cardiology team and ask for a follow up appointment. Our health management is as much our responsibility as it is the NHS's.
I agree, those of us living with chronic on going conditions, need more regular consultations.
I live with vasospastic angina, which is resistant to treatment. I have just returned from 8 days in hospital. I was admitted from my clinic appointment.
I am admitted at least once a year. I have at least 2 Cardiology reviews a year.
Hi Seaguller, After my bypass I was discharged by my Cardiologist after 9 weeks. However, due to various problems with my medications and little support from the GP I requested a review with the Cardiologist after about 6 months. Respecting that we are all different with different experiences, having looked at your bio I would ask for a review with your Cardiologist. They may be a scarce resource, but if you need help ask for it! I feel I wasted a lot of time with the GP/NHS wasting their time, and didn’t get any answers which resulted in me seeking an appointment with my Cardiologist who was able to advise. I did not want to ‘bother’ him, but as it turned out he was the right person to advise. Take good care, Judi
Absolutely spot on. Our health and wellbeing is just as much our responsibility as it is NHS's.
It is as you say as much our responsibility as the NHS but seeing a cardiologist is key to being reassured you and the NHS are doing as much as possible.Nurses are taking over the GP role in many areas and it will take time to accept that they have as much knowledge.
Don't wait for someone to contact you. If you feel you need a review get on the phone to the cardiologist's secretary and make a nuisance of yourself until you get one.
Over 2 years!
No review after the 6 week how do you feel conversation. Nearly 2 years, not seen a doc or consultant since my bypass op 🤬
As has been said, make contact with your cardiology team or even your GP and ask to be seen if you feel you need to.
Never ever had one. Heart attack, stents fitted, discharged. That was it. Just told GP would take over.