Had recently very high bp reading went to hospital as bad headache taking sotolol (for svt) which originally happened during pregnancy many years ago but was advised to stay on small dose 40mg then put on amlodipine 10mg about 10 years ago following hospital visit on bendro 2.5mg bp seems stable but head still feels not right anybody relate to this or am I too anxious thank you
High blood pressure : Had recently very... - British Heart Fou...
High blood pressure

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Bendroflumethiazide, more often referred to as Bendo, is a diuretic used to reduce blood pressure.BP). Much BP medication can cause slight dizziness and/or faintness initially as one's body adjusts to a lower BP. If it doesn't clear in a week to 10 days you should consult your GP.
It is worth getting your own BP meter (recommend Omron) to keep an eye on things. If you have run high BP for a while you may initially experience symptoms of low BP when it returns to normal.
Hi Michael thank you for your reply I do have a omron bp monitor they are going to put me on a 24 hour monitor at my surgery so hopefully I will get a better picture I’ve thought for a while my meds are not covering 24 hours I’m sure it’s going to be a question of getting the right balance just want to feel better now hope your well abd thanks again 😀
Most BP meds are given once a day and there has been a debate if morning or evening is better. However a diuretic like the one you are on is definitely an evening med as you would be going to the smallest room at 2:00am! Good luck!
Hi Michael they told me to take in the morning think it’s made me feel a bit light headed that said still think my bp isnt stable🙈so not sure if if it’s the bendro causing this just hoping something falls into place soon thank you for your message it all helps to make sense 😀
Bendro should definitely be taken in the morning
Definitely worth getting the 24 hour blood pressure done before making any changes.

Hello yeah tbh glad of the extra input with having monitor it’s strange my bp seems stable but my head feels different but had all the checks done including CT scan I’ve been lucky to get all this done they were so nice at the hospital can’t tell if I’ve got permanent tension in my head! 😤
All the sympathy with you! I had exactly the same experience last week - sent to hospital by GP who diagnosed uncontrolled high blood pressure. ( I had a lot of visual disturbances, permanent headache and extreme fatigue for 6 weeks prior to the diagnosis.) Hospital diagnosed migraine which I have had all my life and sent me home with Clopidogrel and iron. My BP meds are Bisoprolol 3.75 and Amlodipine 5mg. Please keep posting, as I'm confused about what should happen next. Still feeling lightheaded and strong muscle aches. I hope you feel better soon. - Jeanie
Hi Jeanie not that I want you poorly but you feel less isolated knowing someone is going through the same thing - that said hope it all disappears for you soon! I will let you know how the bp monitor goes I’m thinking at the moment my meds aren’t quite enough so glad of the extra test I almost sound desperate to have these things done but just want my life back!! Take care 😊
Hi Jeanie thought I would give you update on bp monitor I had put on at the surgery after an hour I thought the cuff isn’t inflating ! Rang the surgery back I to go they they hadn’t pressed it on So now it’s working had to take it back at 6 tonight but the thing was if I moved eg walking just general moving around it didn’t record the measurement I know they can be unpredictable but how good the results will be I don’t know I have a follow up appointment next Thursday so will see what happens still think my bp is fluctuating still don’t feel great how are you doing? 😊
It should be recording ALL the time. Not recording here and there will mean an incomplete picture plus the hours u missed out when the device was not turned on. And I think your monitoring is only for 24 hours? It's a very short monitoring period.
Btw I think u want to resend your message to Jeanie as the earlier message went to yourself. There's a problem with the posting mechanism.
Best wishes.
Hi ling thank you for your reply tbh I wasn’t convinced from the start that actually it was only 9 hours testing time was ever going to be enough but it’s a bit difficult to say ‘are you sure this is enough time’ my bp seems to be more stable still don’t feel completely right but I’m hoping with time I start to feel better - it might have been me that didn’t reply correctly to Jeanie thought at the time I had done something wrong thanks for the heads up and thank you again for messaging me appreciate it 😊
Hi tapfoot hope your ok your symptoms sound soMuch like mine feel like there is no end to it! Just keep thinking is it just something that has to go they said to me at hospital that the headaches would ease once the bp was under control I wouldn’t say my bp is consistently up so wondering why headache still hanging around are you feeling any better? Thanks for messaging me 🤗
Hi - Sorry to hear your monitoring didn't go too smoothly. Some of us just seem to send electronics haywire! I'm still feeling odd and strong muscle aches when I'm walking but the hospital said exercise is good so I'm trying to keep up with my 2 miles a day. When I went to pick up my prescription today, the pharmacist said there was a message attached asking me to make an appointment with the GP re blood pressure. Not sure why they didn't call me themselves but at least they want to do some sort of follow-up. I'll let you know how it goes, and best of luck to you for Thursday's appointment. - Jeanie
Thanks Jeanie will let you know how it goes - looked at the side affects for bendro light headed blurry vision so I’ve only been on these a week so I suppose it’s early days - your doing so well with your walking got to get that sorted soon I’ve been walking but not enough I think it’s best they monitor blood pressure so it’s good there keep an eye on you my home monitor has had a bashing🙈take care keep me updated - 😀
Hi everyone just update they contacted me from the surgery today to say my blood pressure readings were fine so they must have enough info from the few hours I had it on so will see how things go I have follow up appointment on Thursday to discuss - still got headache but it must not be related to high blood pressure so need some sunshine now☀️Take care everyone hope your all ok thanks for listening 😀xx