I have been to the gym today. I walked there and took that as my warm up. I did 10 minutes on a rower, 30 bicep curls, 30 pull downs and 60 lat pulls, with 10 mins on treadmill to warm down. I had a long rest when I got home and took my Blood Pressure: 96/61 Pulse: 51.
Yesterday I went for an hour's walk, up and down the hills around here. My BP was 115/72 and my pulse was 50 after my rest.
The day before I went to the gym. Same routine as today. BP: 107/69 Pulse: 51.
In January my BP was 190/94 So this is a massive change in 7-8 months.
It appears that weight training is good for bringing BP down. If you want to give it a try please discuss it with your doctor first.