Should I feel better by now? - British Heart Fou...

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Should I feel better by now?

newstent profile image
19 Replies

Hi All, I am wondering how people generally feel after a stent procedure. Three weeks on I don't feel as good as I felt before (I didn't have any symptoms particularly) and am getting mild chest pains/tightness and a need to rest if I do anything slightly physical. I am not breathless but every now and then I feel I want to take a really deep breath. I did have some problems during my stent procedure which although unblocking a major artery that was 85% blocked, actually pinched off a small side artery and caused me to have a mild heart attack that night and to have to be re-admitted the next day to have things rectified. Any thoughts?

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newstent profile image
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19 Replies
Heather1957 profile image

I had a bypass back in 2017 which was a hard recovery but looking back it wasn't too bad.In October last year I had 2 stents filled by rotablation and it was brutal and I am still having a little pain.

I would say that this process overall was on par with the bypass. Now I know not everyone has the same experience so it is a very personal story.

Lynn1966 profile image
Lynn1966 in reply to Heather1957

Hi I had a 3 stents done 3 1/2 years ago.. I didn’t feel great until about 6 wks after. I always had that deep breathing. We used to laugh as we used to say it sounded like I was taking my last breath . It’s all normal. I also had niggles in my chest. I was told it was my body getting used to something foreign in my body. Within 4 months I was back to work . I am fitter now than I ever was. I had no real symptoms to speak off in fact I was in denial for weeks and I couldn’t get my head around that I had a heart attack. Just listen to your body. Rest when your body tells you that you are tired. Don’t rush and don’t over do things. Wishing you a speedy recovery x

hugoman59 profile image

My wife said I went from an old man back to middle aged man on the same day. My angina stopped completely and I am back running etc.

MONIREN profile image

Welcome, you will receive plenty of reassurance here. Relief from stent really depends on the difficulty, I've had 5 stents, last one end of Feb. I found this one the hardest to get over, but trying to stay positive, I realise that for now I'm 'fixed ' so the residual pain is just the heart settling. Emotions and stress from outside sources can also make a difference. Please talk to gp and also cardiac team, the hospital can give you a number. Be kind to yourself and stop and smell the roses. Take care! Moni

Hi, I've had 5 stents in 2 lots and 3 angiograms. They can take time to recover from. Take it easy and in your own time. Eventually you'll start to feel a lot better. Keep smiling 👍😊

fairgo45 profile image

I had a stent 10 months ago it was meant to be 2 but when the balloon went in the walls of the artery crumbled so they aborted that one.Since then I've worried what happened may mean it will block again I still have breathlessness but will be having a treadmill test in a couple of months and a chance to ask my cardiologist questions

Harefieldfan profile image
Harefieldfan in reply to fairgo45

This happened to me. They had to drill the calcium out. that worked.

fairgo45 profile image
fairgo45 in reply to Harefieldfan

Sounds drastic but you lived to tell the tale

Mentdent profile image

I had a stent 17th March 2021. Percutanious to lateral so only a minor blockage and my problem was probably caused by rheumatoid vascular. I felt better immediately and haven’t looked back.

MountainGoat52 profile image

I'm wondering whether it might be worthwhile getting in touch with the cardiac team to let them know how you are feeling. Obviously the insertion of stents is undertaken to improve blood flow which should have a beneficial effect. Maybe a review needs to be undertaken.

I didn't feel unwell before the heart attack that caused me to need stents, but looking back I certainly felt an improvement afterwards. Despite having the heart attack, it was overall a positive experience. The improvement in my cardio-vascular system increased my metabolic rate and I lost 6kg in a week... and I have stayed at that weight I no longer have lactic acid build up in my leg muscles when I exercise and I can eat before I go for a walk.... something that I had not been able to do for many years.

I certainly hope that you feel better soon


pasigal profile image

I will be totally transparent. After my first stent procedure, I didn't ever really feel "normal" again, and then had a major "widowmaker" heart attack 8 months later (different artery) and had more stents implanted. That was a year ago and I'm more or less recovered but I still get odd twinges and breathlessness episodes.

dinasaurnan profile image

I had my stent 11 months ago and find that I now live within my limitations, I can walk miles downhill or on the flat but really suffer on the hills. I still use my spray when I need to and occasionally get breathless. Its early days for you I think its worse mentally than physically. Good Luck.

Goosebumps profile image

I had a stent fitted 5 months ago and had the same reaction as you, without a heart attack though. Mild chest discomfort and the inability to catch a deep breath. I didn’t have these before. It’s really unsettling with periods of exhaustion after any physical activity. I also have Atrial Fibrillation and so episodes of tiredness are not new to me. Cardiologist described the effect I was feeling as dis functional breathing but did an echocardiogram and said everything is working ok. They have put me down for a cardio pulmonary test

5 months on things are slowly improving and my physical activity levels are much better although I know I’m not right.

So it will get better for you.

Cardiac rehab has helped a lot so make sure you get on that programme.

Sorry that my story isn’t offering you complete reassurance but you are not alone.

timontrak profile image

Would definitely recommend the cardiac rehab - which should hopefully be available to you in a few weeks/months. That has helped me understand the appropriate levels of activity better, and differentiate between small aches and twinges and anything more serious. Wishing you good progress

MikeBB profile image

You haven’t mentioned your drugs - I was fine the day I came out (h/a - stent) and within 2 weeks I could barely climb stairs. Bisoprolol and / or Ramipril were the culprits as far as I was concerned. That improved once I stopped them anyway

All was well for a bit, and then I was finding it increasingly hard to walk any distance, and flagged this back into the system.

18 months later, after considerable faffwittery, I managed to get an elective angiogram which resulted in another stent!

So - consider whether the meds might be an issue and have speaks with the cardio team again.

Harefieldfan profile image

Hi newstent, Three weeks -- that's early days. Be patient. And if you're on beta blockers as well, you may not feel normal for ages. I had my second stent in November and still don't feel as strong as before. I blame the beta blocker, which slows the heart down. I never felt bad before my heart attack last May, and the cardiologist thought it might be the beta blocker. There's been lots of discussion about this over the past few days (thanks everyone!) so I don't want to start it up again. I wish you well.

Woodentool profile image

Hello newstent! Almost a year ago I had four stents fitted, I didn’t feel brilliant afterwards, but I am 75 years old!! After a few months I managed to get Cardiac Rehab!! It was life changing!! Physically and Mentally! I cannot recommend it enough! I now attend a Gym and can manage Treadmill and Bike and Rowing Machine! I never set foot in a Gym before I had stents!! Please be very patient with yourself, as the people on here advised me!! Very small steps for a start!! I’m sure you will be fine!! 😊 and the best of luck to you👍

Knit4fun profile image

I had my stent a year ago and unfortunately have never felt really well since. I had no follow up care or rehab because of covid. I have now started to have chest pains and breathlessness regularly so have an appointment at a chest pain clinic next week. My GP seems to think I may have another blocked artery.

newstent profile image

it’s often difficult to get follow up advice and reassurance. A year after my stent I still wasn’t feeling normal and I booked a private consultation with a Prof Banning at Oxford Manor Hospital. It cost me £250 but was worth every penny. He checked me over, looked at my records and reviewed and adjusted my medication. I have felt much better since.

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