I saw my GP yesterday re issues I'm having with a slipped disc, as a result of that visit here's an email I've just sent to the surgery.
Hi, I saw Dr xxxxx yesterday morning, he prescribed me some Amitriptyline 10mg.
I read the patient information in the medication and it states Do not take Amitriptyline and tell your doctor: if you have recently had a heart attack, if you have heart problems such as disturbances in heart rhythm which are seen on an ECG, heart block or coronary heart disease..
As someone who had a heart attack in June 2021, has a left bundle branch block and has angina I was very worried about taking this medication.
I phoned the surgery to seek advice yesterday afternoon, I was asked to call back later, when I did they had not managed to speak to Dr xxxxxx and the lady I spoke to recommended that I speak to a pharmacist.
I spoke to two pharmacists.
The first said; In my opinion you should avoid this medication. It should not be taken in the following people, recent myocardial infarction. Any degree of heart block or disorder of cardiac rhythm. There are alternatives like gabapentin.
The second said; In patients with preexisting bundle block disease there is a risk of heart block with this medication. So even in low doses I'd say you shouldn't be taking this medication.
Obviously in light of the opinion of these two pharmacists, one of whom is Superintendent Pharmacist I do not feel that I want to take this medication and would seek to take a safer alternative.
Could I ask that you draw Dr xxxxxx attention to the content of this email.