Today's date is a palindrome in that the numbers are the same backwards as forewords:
. 22/02/2022
Today's date is a palindrome in that the numbers are the same backwards as forewords:
. 22/02/2022
Yes my husband was rather taken by that.He's a bit of a maths geek.😆
Hi MichaelJH, I also reflected on this, this evening, when the time was 22, 22. So I worked it out as Not sure when anything similar will happen again, sadly my maths is not that good. Take care, Judi 😊
... and it occurred on a Twosday (Tuesday!)
22/11/22 will be a palindromic date too using short date format.
I thought I replied to you yesterday Michael but now can't see it sorry! Fascinating date as also an ambigram - written digitally 22022022 reads the same upside down!